finishing highschool?


Well-Known Member
/\Haha, my cousin has a degree in that exact thing and works at Barnes and noble. I think that's just a bad degree to pursue.

grow space

Well-Known Member
Im at my last year of school..will be graduating in summer....yeah.. i think il go and study some specialty and get a half time job, growing herb as well:hump:

Only good thing about school is summer vacations, 3 months of freedom...sadly, no more for me:(



Well-Known Member
I graduated from High School in 2000. Graduated from UW-Madison(aka Wisconsin) in 2004 and as of this year I know own my own business.

Life is good


Active Member
I can't really say much in retrospect to this because I only graduated last year and am now in college. I have quite a few friends who dropped out and most of them either just regret it or go back for some other vocational or type of finishing school. not saying everyone is like this, just a few that I know


Well-Known Member
Hey, so I was wondering
what all you guys think bout
finishing school.
Did you finish school or did you not?
If you didnt do you regret it,
What kind of job or edjucation
do you have now if you didnt
finish school?
did you or would you
go back and finish school if you could?
let me know what all you guys think.
I ended up getting 'bored' of HS and skipping most of my classes. They kicked me out about mid-junior year for missing so many days, I went out and got my GED, passed it first try without even studying.

If I had to do it all over, would I have stayed? YES!

Why? Well, even though I'm doing pretty good (IT Director for a good sized Healthcare company) I could be making more and doing much better, and it probably would have been easier to get to this point. See, without having a full diploma (and some college) behind me I had to bust-ass more than most people to prove I'm not a total loser. Even now, if I lost my job it would be more difficult to get another one just based on my Resume. Sure, I might have completely built an extremely well functioning infrastructure and a damn good IT department, but at times it seems to not matter if you were a HS dropout w/just a GED. Had I at least finished HS I'd be a VP or SVP by now. If I had finished college, I'd definitely guarantee it.

So yea, if you can, stay. I'm not saying its impossible to get a good job or have a good career with just a GED. I'm just saying you'll be working twice as hard to prove yourself. And really, who wants to work harder than they have to??

(As a note, I've been told specifically that my GED and lack of college was reason for not getting a VP title at my old company by the hiring committee)



Graduated with a 1.16 GPA and 287 unexcused absences. I regret every useless minute in that damn place, but whatever I got a diploooomaaaa. :roll:

But hey I could of busted my ass for a 4.0.... and ended up in the same place. Community College to get through GEs... Highschool is a waste of time and it's all repetition.


Well-Known Member
RIU is for adults 18+. Not saying you are not 18 but this prolly isnt a very big topic here.
theres people that are 18 that are in highschool, but i wasnt asking people that are still in school i was asking what peoples storys are to if they did or didnt finish high school to see wat everyone says.


Well-Known Member
I dropped out my senior year. I regretted it before the school year was even over.

If I died and went to heaven I would think it would be just like high school.
Chill with friends all day, sit at a desk and copy notes. Learn new shit everyday (If you actually pay attention!) That's the fuckin life.

Those were the best years of my life, but I thought I knew everything and couldn't noone tell me anything.


\i cant believe that dude really said you can get a 20$ an hour job with your GED

ok where is it?

point me to it...

oh it doesnt exist...

stay in school.... graduating high school is not only a rewarding experience, but it shows everyone, including future potential employers, you can go the distance


Well-Known Member
\i cant believe that dude really said you can get a 20$ an hour job with your GED

ok where is it?

point me to it...

oh it doesnt exist...

stay in school.... graduating high school is not only a rewarding experience, but it shows everyone, including future potential employers, you can go the distance
Seriously? That's just being a jackass...

A GED is the same thing as a High school diploma, technically.;_ylt=AqaFLxWWfiiS0fJVKtT8eW36Q6IX?source=SRP


Well-Known Member
\i cant believe that dude really said you can get a 20$ an hour job with your GED

ok where is it?

point me to it...

oh it doesnt exist...

stay in school.... graduating high school is not only a rewarding experience, but it shows everyone, including future potential employers, you can go the distance
You can, if you have the experience and are extremely lucky. Hell, Facebook was started by two highschool dropouts. But its extremely hard and not typical. $20/hr jobs aren't just going to drop in your lap, even if you have the education. They most certainly won't drop in your lap if you never finished high school.

While I don't exactly agree with your comment, your point is spot on. Many employees still, to this day, will drop your app in a heartbeat if they see GED.


Well-Known Member
If high school is for you then do it.

It wasnt for me, Im smart enough to be sucsessfull in life. I dropped out and got my ged. Im glad i did what i did though.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
It depends what kind of person you are.
I know people that dropped out of highschool, now they own a multi million dollar construction business
Others i know that have dropped out, not doin so hot
If you have good work ethic and bring somthing to the table, you can get a good job. Hell even open up your own business

Go the the library and READ. Find somthing that intrestes you and read up on it. Take some college business classes and start your shit up
If your lazy your not gona get shit done and end up working at mcdonalds


Well-Known Member
It depends what kind of person you are.
I know people that dropped out of highschool, now they own a multi million dollar construction business
Others i know that have dropped out, not doin so hot
If you have good work ethic and bring somthing to the table, you can get a good job. Hell even open up your own business

Go the the library and READ. Find somthing that intrestes you and read up on it. Take some college business classes and start your shit up
If your lazy your not gona get shit done and end up working at mcdonalds
agree with that answer, I havent been thinking of dropping out because im lazy or just dont want to finish school. Yes I would like too to have something to fall back on if what I do doesnt work out. Im probably not the smartest out there but I know my stuff that I need to and I have the knowledge to do what I want to in life

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
\i cant believe that dude really said you can get a 20$ an hour job with your GED

ok where is it?

point me to it...

oh it doesnt exist...

stay in school.... graduating high school is not only a rewarding experience, but it shows everyone, including future potential employers, you can go the distance
Like i posted earlier. i have no diploma and no ged but in a good economy I can go to work as a heavy equipment operator (international union of operating engineers)and start at 22.00 an hour EASILY with health insurance and a 401k and sit in an air conditioned cab listening to the radio and never break a sweat.


Well-Known Member
You can, if you have the experience and are extremely lucky. Hell, Facebook was started by two highschool dropouts. But its extremely hard and not typical. $20/hr jobs aren't just going to drop in your lap, even if you have the education. They most certainly won't drop in your lap if you never finished high school.

While I don't exactly agree with your comment, your point is spot on. Many employees still, to this day, will drop your app in a heartbeat if they see GED.

being a city carrier for the USPS pays 20.94 starting. You get raises fairly often. You don't need an education for that. That IS one of the few somebody who doesn't have a degree can get that pays well. Get a degree in substance abuse counceling. That's what my girl does and she makes bank. I got REALLY lucky though...not going to find to many of those who don't care about smoking bud.


Well-Known Member
In a lot of states if you get your GED you will get you high school diploma from the high school you dropped out from
If you drop out and get a GED you might as well get into a trade because that is the only place you can make real money
Electricians make 20 dollars an hour when they first start. It gets up to more than 40$ an hour


Well-Known Member
In a lot of states if you get your GED you will get you high school diploma from the high school you dropped out from
If you drop out and get a GED you might as well get into a trade because that is the only place you can make real money
Electricians make 20 dollars an hour when they first start. It gets up to more than 40$ an hour
A warning though, if you go union (which is very lucrative) it requires a LOT of studying. Best would start out with a contractor and eventually go union. Lotta benefits and rally any of the awesome fun jobs (electrical for government projects, etc...) you need to be in the union. Have a fam member that went union, long retired now but tells me awesome stories about various large-scale government projects he worked on.


Well-Known Member
Yeah if you are getting into the union than your best bet would be to look to get into an apprenticeship program. You make money while you are learning more on the trade