600 watts. 4x4. good or bad idea?


Well-Known Member
Title says it all. All opinions welcome. Seriously considering it since I have a bedroom to work with. Anyways comments, questions, or even advice is welcome... Appreciate it guys n gals



Well-Known Member
sounds like a good idea to me...those dimensions are perfect for a 600 watt'r...what's your gameplan of attack sound like?


Well-Known Member
600 in a 4X4 is just about perfect, 6 inch duct fan on the outlet and just a passive intake. If you hood has an cooling port use it for the exhaust. Tents always run little hot, but if the room temp is Ok so will the tent.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a good idea to me...those dimensions are perfect for a 600 watt'r...what's your gameplan of attack sound like?
Since im doing it in an extra bedroom I have a little bit of space to work with. Im only using a 4x4 tent and one 600 watt mh/hps conversion light. Plan on ordering 10 fem seeds..not sure which ones yet. I have an inline fan at 165cfm sucking out the hot air through my cooltube. I've used a 400 in the past but never a 600. I want more yield and better buds! Help me out someone because im not trying to invest a whole lot of money.. I mean I already have the tent, the nutes, the containers.. What else is there besides tlc..
I really would like to know anyones SECRETS they've learned so I do not have to go by trial and error, and can think of that person as a mentor.

Thanks for reading this if you did btw..



Well-Known Member
growing is a never-ending learning process...expect to make some mistakes and learn from them. Just know what to do when you make a mistake...sounds like your ventilation set up is on spot...you'll do fine


Well-Known Member
growing is a never-ending learning process...expect to make some mistakes and learn from them. Just know what to do when you make a mistake...sounds like your ventilation set up is on spot...you'll do fine
Thanks man.. Thanks exactly what I was looking for - an honest compliment that will help me reach my goal. + rep.

Have my questions answerd for the most part:mrgreen:
Seriously, if you had a 400 watt, you would be wishing you had a 600. I recommend a vented cooltube for heat control. Oh, wait....that's what you are doing. Cool. :-)


Well-Known Member
you should do alright, how many plants ru tinking of growing?? i have a 4x4 tent with

two 600watters in there with air cooled hood of course ( small sun systems 2) they

work good for a small area, i run my hoods hooked up to each other, but right now i

run them one light on one light off and switch them every hour because of temps,

but i also have about 50 small plants on a 4x4 tray

but soon i will be able to run both at the same time..the 600watters work very well i

used to run a 1000watter in there the 600s are the way to go...meangreen.


Well-Known Member
you should do alright, how many plants ru tinking of growing?? i have a 4x4 tent with

two 600watters in there with air cooled hood of course ( small sun systems 2) they

work good for a small area, i run my hoods hooked up to each other, but right now i

run them one light on one light off and switch them every hour because of temps,

but i also have about 50 small plants on a 4x4 tray

but soon i will be able to run both at the same time..the 600watters work very well i

used to run a 1000watter in there the 600s are the way to go...meangreen.
50 small plants in 4 x 4 ! Thats impressive, i must say...how are you growing? Medium/size, etc,...i'm interested in hearing how this is done! Well Done!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
in my 4x4 tent I run a 600 lumatek in an eight in cool tube off ebay auction for 60 bucks with shipping! From HTG. Anyway I also use an 8 in fan to keep airconditioning costs lower and I exhaust right out the room fast or it heats up in no time. I also have another 4x4 tent with a 400 lumatek and a 6 in fan and a 6 in cooltue that I use as a veg tent. I am going for trees as I am medical. Hydro dwc looks to be the best but I am in soil for now.


Well-Known Member
in my 4x4 tent I run a 600 lumatek in an eight in cool tube off ebay auction for 60 bucks with shipping! From HTG. Anyway I also use an 8 in fan to keep airconditioning costs lower and I exhaust right out the room fast or it heats up in no time. I also have another 4x4 tent with a 400 lumatek and a 6 in fan and a 6 in cooltue that I use as a veg tent. I am going for trees as I am medical. Hydro dwc looks to be the best but I am in soil for now.
So how many plants do you grow in your 4 x 4's?


Well-Known Member
50 small plants in 4 x 4 ! Thats impressive, i must say...how are you growing? Medium/size, etc,...i'm interested in hearing how this is done! Well Done!
thanks for benning intersted,it a all prelight grow, i take very small clones

and once they root i

veg them for one week(about 5inchs) then they go in to flower.. i on want

about 45 in there but i put a few more..it a perpetual grow were i harvest

5 to 6 plants a week, its a bit of work but well worth itbongsmilie...but i also

have 2 600s because one was not anuff for that many babys


Well-Known Member
thanks for benning intersted,it a all prelight grow, i take very small clones

and once they root i

veg them for one week(about 5inchs) then they go in to flower.. i on want

about 45 in there but i put a few more..it a perpetual grow were i harvest

5 to 6 plants a week, its a bit of work but well worth itbongsmilie...but i also

have 2 600s because one was not anuff for that many babys
ok, cool man...thats exactly where I want to be in the near future! +rep for you bro...

Just one more question...

how long did it take you to set up your weekly harvest...7 weeks I'm guessing? a set of clones every week? sorry for the noob question...i want to dial this in for sure...:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
well once a week i take 6+ clones, then pull the best rooted 5 from the ez cloner and put them in

to veg, take the ones from veg and put them in to flower,i still have a few weeks to

fill her all the way up should take about 8-9 weeks, the clones is the hard part.

some get weak and i tosh them so

make sure u take more then u need and just tosh or give away the rest..when it full

ur still under 100 "plants"


Well-Known Member
well once a week i take 6+ clones, then pull the best rooted 5 from the ez cloner and put them in

to veg, take the ones from veg and put them in to flower,i still have a few weeks to

fill her all the way up should take about 8-9 weeks, the clones is the hard part.

some get weak and i tosh them so

make sure u take more then u need and just tosh or give away the rest..when it full

ur still under 100 "plants"
Most excellent! Very cool...lots of dedicated work and time...both of which I have :eyesmoke:

Ok, so you throw your small clones (5 inchers) into flower...how tall are they when they finish out...and whats the yield average like on 1 plant?

sorry...you've struck a nerve and I'm excited...


Well-Known Member
no worrys man been looking for others that do a perpetual sog theres not to many,i

havent had my 1st harvest yet but looks like a zip a plant..im still working out the

bugs.. the tallest plant in there is under 3 feet but those were 10inch clones, u have

to try differnt hights with the strains tell u find the "sweet" spot to get them were u

want..it also has alot to do with the strain as far as yeild goes..