Hello I must first say I that this is my first time growing marijuana.
My plant was about 6 inches tall and only a few weeks old. I noticed that the top half of the stem was nice and green and was in good health (new leaves continued to sprout) but the bottom half look really week and wilted. So I cut the bottom stem off and repoted the top I just want to know if the roots will grow back or not. The plant I think is young enough for me to start over but Id also rather not. any help would be great.
My plant was about 6 inches tall and only a few weeks old. I noticed that the top half of the stem was nice and green and was in good health (new leaves continued to sprout) but the bottom half look really week and wilted. So I cut the bottom stem off and repoted the top I just want to know if the roots will grow back or not. The plant I think is young enough for me to start over but Id also rather not. any help would be great.