Scarlette's First Grow


Well-Known Member
aw, well that's nice of you, but I assure you I am more along the lines of simply a regular tokin' librarian ^_^


Well-Known Member
Well as of 12 midnight tonight my babies will be 2 weeks old. I picked up some Ocean Forest potting soil and some Mexican bat guano today ^_^

lets get those babies fed


Well-Known Member
YAY! PIX! they're pretty.

they don't look too yellow. keep giving them love and they'll return the favor.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
what kind of camera did you get? slr? plz say it's an slr. they're expensive but sooooo delicious.


Well-Known Member
well there scarlettesky it looks like you are giving your babies a lot of love. you guys must have awesome cameras. kant are you getting rich off all this guano you are producing. lol


Well-Known Member
Ok so some more pics ^_^

They look fine. But they are so yellow? Almost bright neon green. *shrugs* some are getting kind of crispy on the very edges.

the last pic is my fav. That plant is doing SO good. She's green and lush. I love her.



Well-Known Member
yay! we've got another shutterbug!

how often are you watering your babies? it maybe nute burn, it maybe nothing. it doesn't seem to bad so right now i wouldn't worry too much about it.


Well-Known Member
I am water every 2-3 days, whenever my moisture meter gets down to 3 or 4. I haven't used any nutes yet. But I have some mexican bat guano when that step comes ^_^


Well-Known Member
Eighteenth day of my grow ^_^

I switched out the MG African Violet Soil for Fox Farm's Ocean Forest. They are doing MUCH better. I got some feedback on my crispy leaf situation and it might be because I mist them under my lights. I didn't know that would burn them. But duh, water magnifies light and creats hot spots. So duh on my part.

I think I will switch over to 18/6 for a while since I have just transplanted the lot of them. They need some better root growth any who.

I put them all in bigger pots. The pots are a little more than 7 inches across on the top. So they are pretty roomy ^_^

I haven't determined when I should actually start giving them nutes. *shrugs* I guess when they look sick I'll feed them?
