1000w HPS and 600w MH combo

fuct tshirt

Hey everyone! First off, I want to thank the RIU community for making me what I am today lol. Actually, I am a long time gonz enthusiast who has decided to take the bull by the horns and grow my own shit. Honestly, I would be months and maybe even years behind in terms of all the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in this great endeavor had I not been able to quickly reference and learn so much great knowledge from RIU. Anyway, blah blah blah.. I will be posting some pics soon and keep up with this journal often. Thanks for any and all feedback!

fuct tshirt

I have 15 plants of unknown strain. I got the starts free from a buddy. I've smoked the same strain from numerous other grows (not my grows) and it seems to be some sort of indica, although I don't think its pure. Maybe a mix with a sativa. Not sure really.

I also have one Northern Lights plant going... although it wasn't vegged. It went right from a rooted clone to flowering.

I guess I would consider my technique to be sort of a cross between a SOG and a Jungle of Green lol. As I said before, I have been learning as I go and already have several things I will do different next time.

My grow area is simply black plastic hanging from the ceiling. Its about 10x7, however it's not a perfect rectangle. Ceiling is 10' high. I'm using supersoil and nutes manufactured and distributed by a local hydro shop.

They all started in 1 gal pots, then were switched to 7 gal pots after a couple weeks of vegging.

All my equipment is used and was given to me for free. So far, I have only spent about $12 on a new timer (I have generous buddies).

What else, ummm.... Thats it for now... Let me know what you think. Thanks


Well-Known Member
? Pictures would be good. Sounds pretty solid. I have a 1000w HPS and a 400w MH. Take a look at my grow in my signature at the bottom. May give you some ideas. +rep

fuct tshirt

Here are some various pics of my setup. Overall I think my babies are looking just fine. What do you think? Im gonna load the bong again now.



Well-Known Member
cool man. subscribed.. looks good so far, keep it up, just finished my first grow under a 1000... buds are delicious!

fuct tshirt

Hey TLD.. the only reason the plastic is black is because that was the cheapest material I could find on short notice. McClendon Hardware didn't have white plastic, only clear and black.. Of course I would prefer to have white, or mylar. For my next grow I am leaning toward framing in a space with 2x4's and drywall, then line it with mylar. What do you reccomend? I have read several arguments for white and several for mylar. Thanks for taking a look at my grow! +rep


Well-Known Member
hey fuct.. another thing you may want to look at is your temps near your plants. I am not sure where your sensor for your thermometer actually is, but try putting it right on the plants, and see what you get. I was curious because you might be able to lower your lights a bit to get some more penetration to the lower foilage. How high above the tops are the lights now?

fuct tshirt

hey fuct.. another thing you may want to look at is your temps near your plants. I am not sure where your sensor for your thermometer actually is, but try putting it right on the plants, and see what you get. I was curious because you might be able to lower your lights a bit to get some more penetration to the lower foilage. How high above the tops are the lights now?

Hey , thanks for the feedback. The thermometer/hygro meter I have has an "inside" and an "outside" temp setting. It only has an "inside" hygrometer. I wasn't sure where to put the "outdoor" sensor. I will try putting it in the plant and see, thanks for the recommendation. I give it a shot and see.

As far as heights, the 1000w HPS on the left in the pic is 30'' from the top of tallest plant. The MH on the right is 24" from the top of the tallest plant. I came up with these heights based on how my plants reacted. They were a little closer when the plants were shorter..

What should I be looking for when I check the temp of the plant itself? 70-78?

Also, am I getting an accurate humidity reading having the meter mounted to the wall??

fuct tshirt

Thanks TLD. I can' t wait to try it. I'm leaning toward mylar, I like the way it looks hehe. Do you think I should put plastic between the sheet-rock and the mylar?

Hey WB. They have been 12/12 for almost 3 weeks, before that they were vegged 18/6 for about 4 weeks. Sadly, I didn't write down the dates and what not, and call me a stoner but I can't remember the exact day lol...

I'm hoping to get 3p, expect at least 2p, and am dreaming about getting 4p. We'll see.. I will still be very happy with 2p. Anything less and I will feel like I underachieved.

I will keep pics updated every couple of days.. Thanks for looking.


Well-Known Member
Panda plastic is amazing. Perfect for so many applicatons. I think you are being a little ambitious on your yield but you never know? Your plants should be health in the 70-78 range. I try and keep a close watch on the temp of the top of my canopy. I think my 1000w HPS is within 2 feet of the top and it is NOT air cooled. Sounds good so far