Bat Guano (Either - Higher N or P) 2 to 4 tablespoons per gallon of water.
Bunny Poop - one cup per gallon of water.
Cow Manure - three cups per gallon of water.
Chicken Manure - one cup per gallon of water.
Worm Castings - 4 tablespoons per gallon of water (people argue about this one the most0. They say more, more is better. I disagree - the NPK value of Worm Castings is only .1 % N (soluble) & .9 % (slow release) with a NPK value of only 1-0-0 Worm Castings will not be adding any real amounts of NPK. What they will add - trace minerals & benefical microogranisms (good bacteria & fungi) so, 4 tablespoons gets the job done.