Glen Beck's a Douche!


Well-Known Member
Only if the judge orders you held without bond. This is only done in cases where the suspect is considered a flight risk, or poses a threat of imminent harm to themselves or others.

Even then, you have the right to appeal the bond decision as many times as you want.

The vast majority of people do not "sit in jail" until they have a hearing.

you first have to speak to an magistrate to dispute your case right after getting finger printed and everything. depending when you go in. then they will tell you how much your bail will be or if you can get bail. then you wait for some one to get you out. if you were innocent until proven guilty you would never see the jail till you were proven guilty.


Active Member
They are not funded by tax dollars..... they are HIRED. they are private contractors. They provided a service which saved countless lives. There's a difference...a big one. they were also doing extremely dangerous work where lives were at stake, including their own.....

You cannot compare winning a war to pushing prostitution and child endangerment.

Halliburton is used, because they are huge and can get things done! They go into the rough areas and clean them up. They rebuild cities.

If you want your wars nice and pretty with a bow on top..... don't get into a war. it doesn't work that way.
I knew you would use some right wing bull shit to justify it. Fraud is Fraud, and with defense contractors theirs is in the billions not under $50 million which is what ACORN has recieved. You're full of shit CJ, it is alright to defraud us as long as you make weapons? It's your mentality that lets it happen time and time again. And oh yeah, we NEVER should have gone into Iraq to fight that bullshit war. Had Bush kept his eye on Ahghanistan, We would have won it already and never lost all the troops and treasure we have sacrificed for Iraq. People keep forgetting, President Obama is just cleaning up Bush and Chenney's mess from every area of policy over the last 8 years whether the economy, wars, foreign policy, health care, social liberties, etc., etc., etc.


Well-Known Member
I knew you would use some right wing bull shit to justify it. Fraud is Fraud, and with defense contractors theirs is in the billions not under $50 million which is what ACORN has recieved. You're full of shit CJ, it is alright to defraud us as long as you make weapons? It's your mentality that lets it happen time and time again. And oh yeah, we NEVER should have gone into Iraq to fight that bullshit war. Had Bush kept his eye on Ahghanistan, We would have won it already and never lost all the troops and treasure we have sacrificed for Iraq. People keep forgetting, President Obama is just cleaning up Bush and Chenney's mess from every area of policy over the last 8 years whether the economy, wars, foreign policy, health care, social liberties, etc., etc., etc.

Not to mention that he seems to think government contractors aren't paid with TAX DOLLARS. :roll: They certainly aren't paid in marshmallows and fluffy bunnies....


Active Member
Not to mention that he seems to think government contractors aren't paid with TAX DOLLARS. :roll: They certainly aren't paid in marshmallows and fluffy bunnies....
Maybe Eric Prince (Blackwater CEO) gets fluffy bunnies to kill, or sacrifice (the guys a nutcase. He's appointed by God? really?).


New Member
I knew you would use some right wing bull shit to justify it. Fraud is Fraud, and with defense contractors theirs is in the billions not under $50 million which is what ACORN has recieved. You're full of shit CJ, it is alright to defraud us as long as you make weapons? It's your mentality that lets it happen time and time again. And oh yeah, we NEVER should have gone into Iraq to fight that bullshit war. Had Bush kept his eye on Ahghanistan, We would have won it already and never lost all the troops and treasure we have sacrificed for Iraq. People keep forgetting, President Obama is just cleaning up Bush and Chenney's mess from every area of policy over the last 8 years whether the economy, wars, foreign policy, health care, social liberties, etc., etc., etc.

Why don't you just rattle off more qualified contractors to rebuild countries in the middle of a fire fight?

list them please..

Comparing foreign war contracting to Acorn is preposterous..... and u don't even know it.


Active Member
Why don't you just rattle off more qualified contractors to rebuild countries in the middle of a fire fight?

list them please..

Comparing foreign war contracting to Acorn is preposterous..... and u don't even know it.
CJ - So yes or no, they should be able to defraud the Taxpayer. Stop dodging the question


Well-Known Member

Comparing foreign war contracting to Acorn is preposterous..... and u don't even know it.

Right. One helps the poor, and the other enslaves the poor to make money for the rich.

Completely different.

Wonder why republicans are so adamant about shutting down ACORN, and continue to turn a blind eye to the fraudulent actions of the defense industry?

Hmm... could it be because they (not-so-secretly) wish the poor would just vanish off the face of the earth?

Nah, couldn't be... could it? :roll:


New Member
No, they should not.... when laws are broken, then the court system should take over. But contracting is very different from a NON profit which sucks at the teat of the taxpayer......


Active Member
And we certainly don't need Blackwater and other private security contractors. All they do is a soldiers job but with no accountability. That's why we have a military.


Active Member
We need more accountability from all of them; non-profits, defense contractors, everyone. That's why I like the A.C.O.R.N. bill


New Member
Of course, no one is arguing that, but Halli, Black, perform real services in areas that are extremely hostile.

I would GLADLY take all of the ACORN "volunteers" and switch them with Blackwater 5 years ago.....

You cannot compare the two.


Active Member
At this point I have stopped comparing the 2 and moved on to how Blackwater and Halliburton should both be far more investigated and their contracts suspended. Again, we don't need Blackwater. That's why we have a military with 5 branches and many special forces units; they do the job better and cheaper. Many other companies can do what Halliburton and KBR can do, or I should say don't do; and that's electrocute our soldiers through bad wiring, raping female employees and then burying it, fraud, etc., etc.


New Member
No one hates anyone. Quit making sweeping generalizations as if they were fact.

ACORN is corrupt and has sunk itself with no help from others. Obama's pals...Chicago... I'm shocked.

The priceless quote was from one volunteer who said, "what's everyone so upset about, we're just like obama".

Nuff said there.....


Active Member
It just seems that conservatives are always going after organizations that help the majority of Americans that don't make millions of dollars a year. Don't forget, the whole scandal about the firing of David Iglesias centered around how the GOP wanted him to bring up trumped up charges on ACORN and he wouldn't do it because there was no evidence.


New Member
That's a bogus argument ... it seems. It seems Obama is destroying the engine which drives the economy.

It seems ppl care if their tax money goes to thugs.

I'm by no means a conservative, but I know when the country is being sold out and put up for auction. This isn't supposed to be some grand experiment with Socialism.... this is the real deal. The USA's debt load is so top heavy, we may never get a "do over" after these horrid ideas are pulsed through the country.

We are staring at the abyss, and Obama is pushing us hard from behind. No one will catch us. No one will try.

It seems that either Obama is a complete moron, or he hates the USA. I don't think he's a moron.


Well-Known Member
If convicted of fraud, I agree with you 100%. But only if CONVICTED!
No conviction is necessary. It isn't ACORN's money and they aren't entitled to it. Congress doesn't need a reason to cut them off.

As far as Blackwater is concerned; I never did understand why we would be hiring a private company for this duty. It seems unethical in the first place.

As far as Haliburton, aside from specious accusations, I have never seen anything that even suggests any impropriety of any kind. Cheny severed all ties with them prior to his election and there is no evidence of impropriety there either.