seedling leaves turning down! whats wrong (pic) HELP


Well-Known Member
anyone knows what is causing this. Is it because they are in FFOF? Or overwater? please, any help would be appreciated! PH is 6.5, soil 6.5, temp 77, CFL not too close????????


Well-Known Member
Yah man, its a common sign of overwatering. Do you have good drainage? How much have you been watering? Best way to check water-level is to push your finger about an 1" down. If its dry that deep its time to water.
Oooh, yeah, I did that, too! They're very hard to accurately water in those little flats because they seem to dry out so quickly, but I learned that it's much better to under-water than it is to over-water!


Well-Known Member
Also a very good suggestion, but he says he has CFLs and, from what I've read, you can safely place the plants an inch underneath them without repercussions!
This is not true for seedlings. You can still put a CFL too close to a seedling. A larger plant, yeah you can have them as close as your temps allow... even touching. But not a seedling. I have a light meter. From less than an Inch away a CFL reads the same as bright sunshine. After that the light diminishes quickly. Depending on the size of your CFL 3 -6 inches for seedlings.


Active Member
It looks over watered but I would def move the light up if you are using a CFL make sure its not to close. FFOF really isn't suppose to be used for babies it is to strong! I think its warrior that is best for seedlings. I would check the ph!


Well-Known Member
anyone knows what is causing this. Is it because they are in FFOF? Or overwater? please, any help would be appreciated! PH is 6.5, soil 6.5, temp 77, CFL not too close????????


this is a common worry among new growers and 2nd timers, once you know the basics its pretty easy,

your leafs will turn down when you water them ( usually a fwe hours after i water mine they droop like yours) its fairly normal. after they drunk some of that water they will perk back up by the next day,

try not to over water them tho,

i usualy wait till my rockwool cubes are light as a feather b4 re-watering,

not only does this help against over watering , but it also makes sure i dont give them too many nutes an create nute lock( which can ruin yout grow scedule and freeze the plants growing progress

( stall your plants like a car or motorcycle stalls when you flood the engine with petrol)

other then the watering causing this....

your light can be too close to the plants and they are trying too cool themselfs down.

just move the light up a few inches (EDIT) I USE A 460W CFL GROW LIGHT MADE OF 23 CFLS IN A HOME MADE REFLECTOR)
thats alot of power for babies, just back of the light a bit

and make sure you give your plants a nice breeze too cool them an keep the air circulating)

among what i have said there are more other reasons why your plants can be doing this,

but first pay attention to what i have wrote,

and see if it helps over the next few days

ill draw upa chair an keep watching in on this one :|:lol::blsmoke:


Active Member

this is a common worry among new growers and 2nd timers, once you know the basics its pretty easy,

your leafs will turn down when you water them ( usually a fwe hours after i water mine they droop like yours) its fairly normal. after they drunk some of that water they will perk back up by the next day,

try not to over water them tho,

i usualy wait till my rockwool cubes are light as a feather b4 re-watering,

not only does this help against over watering , but it also makes sure i dont give them too many nutes an create nute lock( which can ruin yout grow scedule and freeze the plants growing progress

( stall your plants like a car or motorcycle stalls when you flood the engine with petrol)

other then the watering causing this....

your light can be too close to the plants and they are trying too cool themselfs down.

just move the light up a few inches (EDIT) I USE A 460W CFL GROW LIGHT MADE OF 23 CFLS IN A HOME MADE REFLECTOR)
thats alot of power for babies, just back of the light a bit

and make sure you give your plants a nice breeze too cool them an keep the air circulating)

among what i have said there are more other reasons why your plants can be doing this,

but first pay attention to what i have wrote,

and see if it helps over the next few days

ill draw upa chair an keep watching in on this one :|:lol::blsmoke:
great post and good info to help. my leaves were drooping a little bit too and i think i maybe just over watered too. check out my first grow in my sig! good luck with yours.
+rep mercer88


Well-Known Member
great post and good info to help. my leaves were drooping a little bit too and i think i maybe just over watered too. check out my first grow in my sig! good luck with yours.
+rep mercer88

t-y buddy

i do try an help :)


ON RIU !!!


Well-Known Member
I would just like to clarify "overwatering"
You can't overwater simply by pouring too much water into your plants pot. A container will only hold so much water, you can't go over that amount. Overwatering does not mean too much water, it means watering too OFTEN.
Its kind of weird when you think about it.
The above ground part of the plant that lives in the oxygen does not need oxygen it needs water. And the below ground part of the plant that lives in wet dirt does not need water it needs oxygen.
Thats why the plant droops when the soil is too wet. The roots try to get rid of the water they are swimming in (because they dont like it, they like Oxygen) by sending it all up to the leaves.


Well-Known Member
I would just like to clarify "overwatering"
You can't overwater simply by pouring too much water into your plants pot. A container will only hold so much water, you can't go over that amount. Overwatering does not mean too much water, it means watering too OFTEN.
Its kind of weird when you think about it.
The above ground part of the plant that lives in the oxygen does not need oxygen it needs water. And the below ground part of the plant that lives in wet dirt does not need water it needs oxygen.
Thats why the plant droops when the soil is too wet. The roots try to get rid of the water they are swimming in (because they dont like it, they like Oxygen) by sending it all up to the leaves.
One of the things I like about the fiber pots i'm using now is how the drainage works. While it does seem to need water a tiny bit more often, the fiber pots sweat and soak up the overwater which seems to help the plant rid of the excess water. I'm only about 3wks or so into my first indoor grow and using these fiber pots, but they seem to be working out pretty good.


Well-Known Member
One of the things I like about the fiber pots i'm using now is how the drainage works. While it does seem to need water a tiny bit more often, the fiber pots sweat and soak up the overwater which seems to help the plant rid of the excess water. I'm only about 3wks or so into my first indoor grow and using these fiber pots, but they seem to be working out pretty good.
Be careful with those fibre pots. Mold just loves to grow on them because they're always wet. A better answer to over watering is perlite and/or vermiculite. Even with a great mix like FFOF you should add some perlite or something similar to help improve soil texture and drainage. The lighter your soil the better. Beside improving drainage it lightens the weight of the soil making it easier for roots to push through it. Thats why hydro works so well, there is no soil to resist root growth and movement. Make your soil "light" enough and you can get real close to hydro results in a soil mix.


Well-Known Member
Be careful with those fibre pots. Mold just loves to grow on them because they're always wet. A better answer to over watering is perlite and/or vermiculite. Even with a great mix like FFOF you should add some perlite or something similar to help improve soil texture and drainage. The lighter your soil the better. Beside improving drainage it lightens the weight of the soil making it easier for roots to push through it. Thats why hydro works so well, there is no soil to resist root growth and movement. Make your soil "light" enough and you can get real close to hydro results in a soil mix.
vermiculite retains water, not drain it.


Well-Known Member
I did not say that vermiculite "drains water". I said "A better answer to over watering is perlite and/or vermiculite."
Vermiculite also holds air and improves overall soil quality and texture.
I'm sorry if you miss-understood.


Hi everyone, I new here, and I hope I'm not breaking some kind of protocal by speaking up but couldn't resist as my babies have started drooping, actually they look like I used to after I tied one on. My babies are fairly newly cloned about 2 week. I had them under an aero garden light (no water just the light) and they were doing great, once I moved them to their own home, cfls, they have not been the same. I thought maybe I over watered and a friend suggested I put a heating pad under them, that helped to dry them up some but they are still drooping. I'd send you a picture but I have no idea how. Its not just the leaves that are drooping the entire plant is drooping. Its been 30 some years since I had a crop so new information is welcome. Thanks