Obama wins a Nobel Peace Prize


New Member
While officially it is kept secret, the short list is "known" by those "in the know". To the public, it's a secret. If asked, the committee swears it's a secret.... but that's a ruse. The big boys know.


Well-Known Member
While officially it is kept secret, the short list is "known" by those "in the know". To the public, it's a secret. If asked, the committee swears it's a secret.... but that's a ruse. The big boys know.

Hold on let me strap on my tinfoil hat for this.


Well-Known Member
No one can keep a secret for 9mo in the world those people live in.

I'm sure they were caught up in the election and celebrity status. It's said that he doesn't have voters...but fans. I believe this. Many thought he would litterally bring a massive sweaping change. Tax policy, health care, Gitmo, war on terror etc. Now 9 mo later the honeymoon is over and I'm sure they couldn't pull back.

I really like the idea of awarding it when deserved. Not annually. Maybe 2x a year if warranted but not every year just because...

These folks need poeple to kiss their ass so there will be one every year.


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THIS is freakin SWEET! When I saw it I couldn't click on the link fast enough. I can even make installment payments, which is good since I already owe my meth dealer $30. I ordered it Next Day Air (too bad they don't have same day air).

When the package arrived, I immediately tore it open and the "Bling" blinded me and I stumbled backwards and passed out for 5 hours. After coming too, I played my favorite Kanye song on repeat and approached the glimmering box with caution. GOD it is magnificent! I donned my "No Fat Chicks" T-shirt and Barack Obama Commemorative Solid Sterling Silver Diamond Pendant and went out into the word a new man.

Now that he has won the Nobel Peace Prize, I can only imagine the response I get from the ladies down at the Wal-Mart when I go to work tonight. When I wear the pennant, I feel that I, too, have won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Thank You Barack Obama!!!!!


Well-Known Member
All joking aside, and that's pretty hard to do with today's news, there is a dark side to this ridiculous award announcement and subsequent acceptance. That there probably are a dozen or more people that are very deserving of the award, people that have risked their lives, their property and quite possibly their family's lives in the pursuit of peace. I can think of a few and I'll bet they would put the prize money to great use in their struggle.

While I keep hearing Obama didn't ask for this, and I heard him say he didn't deserve it, and knowing there are people out there who do, I think our President made a colossal blunder by not thanking them for the honor and politely refusing to accept it. Class took a back seat to ego today, which seems to be the post script on many of Obama's endeavors.


Well-Known Member
You people are pathetic. Let the man have his day in the sun, for fuck's sake.

The Nobel Peace Prize IS, and always has been, a left-wing, hippie, feel-good fest.

Here's a list of winners in the past 20 years (I'm sure there's noone on the list you righties would consider "important", anyway)

— 2009: U.S. President Barack Obama
— 2008: Martti Ahtisaari
— 2007: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Al Gore
— 2006: Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank
— 2005: International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei
— 2004: Wangari Maathai
— 2003: Shirin Ebadi
— 2002: Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter
— 2001: United Nations, Kofi Annan
— 2000: Kim Dae-jung
— 1999: Medecins Sans Frontieres
— 1998: John Hume, David Trimble
— 1997: International Campaign to Ban Landmines, Jody Williams
— 1996: Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, Jose Ramos-Horta
— 1995: Joseph Rotblat, Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
— 1994: Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin
— 1993: Nelson Mandela, F.W. de Klerk
— 1992: Rigoberta Menchu Tum
— 1991: Aung San Suu Kyi
— 1990: Mikhail Gorbachev
— 1989: The 14th Dalai Lama
— 1988: U.N. Peacekeeping Forces
— 1987: Oscar Arias Sanchez
— 1986: Elie Wiesel
— 1985: International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
— 1984: Desmond Tutu
— 1983: Lech Walesa
— 1982: Alva Myrdal, Alfonso Garcia Robles
— 1981: Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees
— 1980: Adolfo Perez Esquivel

See? Nobody important, just a bunch of foreign-sounding names (probably all camel jockeys, right?). Move along. Nothing for you righties here. NO warmongers, no bloodthirsty ex-Presidents from Texas. Just a bunch of people who wanted to make the world a better place (gag).
Just a to begin with....
Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin
...I rest my case.


New Member
Like I said, the nobel prize for peace is a political football.... nothing more. It has nothing to do with actual achievement.

Al Gore is a perfect example.


Well-Known Member
I muscled my way through "Milk". What a complete piece of shit that movie was. I guess the main character was worthy as the subject for a movie, but the one they made was unwatchable during it's best moments. Penn's performance was almost as laughable as when he went "full retard" in I am Sam. I could hardly wait for him to get shot by the end of that piece of garbage... and that was the only scene that didn't disappoint.


Well-Known Member
I muscled my way through "Milk". What a complete piece of shit that movie was. I guess the main character was worthy as the subject for a movie, but the one they made was unwatchable during it's best moments. Penn's performance was almost as laughable as when he went "full retard" in I am Sam. I could hardly wait for him to get shot by the end of that piece of garbage... and that was the only scene that didn't disappoint.



Well-Known Member
While officially it is kept secret, the short list is "known" by those "in the know". To the public, it's a secret. If asked, the committee swears it's a secret.... but that's a ruse. The big boys know.
Actually, this is wrong. The possible candidates are kept secret. There's no way Obama knew he was in the running. You know you just made this up Cracker. Be honest.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Actually, this is wrong. The possible candidates are kept secret. There's no way Obama knew he was in the running. You know you just made this up Cracker. Be honest.
You sure do a lot of sticking up for Obama

Do you have the hots for him?


Well-Known Member
Actually, this is wrong. The possible candidates are kept secret. There's no way Obama knew he was in the running. You know you just made this up Cracker. Be honest.

You're SERIOUSLY nuts!!

You'll believe in 9/11 conspiracies, Dick Cheney is the anti-Christ, but God-no there's NO possible way things like this could ever get leaked ahead of time.


New Member
No, they don't leak things.... it's all kept locked away next to Obama's Birth certificate.

It's always Christmas for the naive...... everything is a surprise.


Well-Known Member
I muscled my way through "Milk". What a complete piece of shit that movie was. I guess the main character was worthy as the subject for a movie, but the one they made was unwatchable during it's best moments. Penn's performance was almost as laughable as when he went "full retard" in I am Sam. I could hardly wait for him to get shot by the end of that piece of garbage... and that was the only scene that didn't disappoint.
Didn't see the movie but I did hear a discussion on Harvey Milk. He was actually honorably discharged as a lieutenant from the Navy. I don't know if that is consistent with the movie but somehow I doubt it.