Need help w? Flood and drain!!!u can help???


Well-Known Member
please need help????got 2 15 gallon rubbermaid tubs stacked on top of each other and am new to using EBB FLOW sytems , got one DWC top drip sytem, one six plant aero sytem and now wanna try a flood and drain, wanna know if you have to use rockwool or can you use groaton rocks cause thats what i got i am wondering because i want to use it already but i dont know how many times i should be flooding and for how long??? want to put my freashly rooted clones in the medium but i got no CLUE can yall please help???:roll::roll:


Well-Known Member
hydroton is fine.
I flood newly rooted clones once every 4 hours while lights are on.
When fully established every 3 hours.
In flower every 3 hours.
I set my system up to flood very slowly over a 10 min period.
Been Flooding and draining for 18 years and this regime works perfectly well.


Well-Known Member
18 years huh well got severa; other questions!!! hey can you make A MOTHER FROM A CLONE???

tea tree

Well-Known Member
Yeah I would use the grow rocks. They work awesome, As long as you get the pump and the timer and reservoir right. Every four hours unless they start to wilt. Just add another flood. I loved my short time in an ebb. I had to do two hours and a fifteen minute flood when I used recycled tire mulch. All night in that shit or wilt. Gro rocks I hear hold water better. Rockwool is a pain in the ass. I did it but a pain.
yep what ??
yes you can make a mother out of a clone just keep it in veg til its ready to give clones. as to your ebb and flow question i start my seeds in small rockwool cubes and then put the plant and the rockwool into hydroton or growton when the roots start showing up at the bottom of the cube making sure to cover the rockwool completely with hydroton so that you dont develope an algae issue. but as far as using nothing but rockwool for the whole ebb and flow grow i would not do this you would be drowning the roots. just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
i dont have any rock wool!!! i got clones that im rooting some have already and want to put in but only have groton rock and 2 inch n et pots bout twelve can i use those and what are the flood hours or how many times for new clones NO rockwool
I flood for 15 minutes at a time every 4 hours durring the time my lights are on. my lights turn on at 2 am flood then at6,10,2 and 6 no flooding durring dark peroid. the first week i use a light nute solution then gradually raise it. when i flower i eliminate the 2am flood. most people i heard of flood for 15 min 3 or 4 times a not sure about the net pots i think they would be good as long as no light gets to the roots


Well-Known Member
should i put the clones in the net pot and cover with groaton rocks over????heres what i wanna do finally some pics.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I pmd you some advice like yu asked dude. I am saying one gallon pots filld with hydroton would work. I used 6 in pots with rockwool, smaller than a gallon, and off northern lights I got an ounce a plant. It was my first grow tho. The lucas thread recomends for ebb and flow just using flora nova bloom for veg and flower. 5ml and gallon for veg and 8 for flower. GH puts everything else you need in that bottle including magnesium, which is very important to pot.


Well-Known Member
please need help????got 2 15 gallon rubbermaid tubs stacked on top of each other and am new to using EBB FLOW sytems , got one DWC top drip sytem, one six plant aero sytem and now wanna try a flood and drain, wanna know if you have to use rockwool or can you use groaton rocks cause thats what i got i am wondering because i want to use it already but i dont know how many times i should be flooding and for how long??? want to put my freashly rooted clones in the medium but i got no CLUE can yall please help???:roll::roll:
Don't know if this will help ya but I do ebb and flo in my flower room. I flood when lites first come on at 2am and then every 3 hours. I do this for new clones and budding/flowering plants (my clones go straight to flower w/ no veg time). I may have a little different set up than yours and on a different scale but it is all basically the same. On ebb and flow hydroton works best. Rockwool will hold way to much water. If you are not going to put a top on your flood tub to hold netpots in place, fill it with hydroton and nest netpots with clones in them in the loose hydroton. Only problem you will have to deal with is when plants get top heavy, they will fall over.


Don't know if this will help ya but I do ebb and flo in my flower room. I flood when lites first come on at 2am and then every 3 hours. I do this for new clones and budding/flowering plants (my clones go straight to flower w/ no veg time). I may have a little different set up than yours and on a different scale but it is all basically the same. On ebb and flow hydroton works best. Rockwool will hold way to much water. If you are not going to put a top on your flood tub to hold netpots in place, fill it with hydroton and nest netpots with clones in them in the loose hydroton. Only problem you will have to deal with is when plants get top heavy, they will fall over.
i agree with tat2ue expert advice as you can see from the pics