when will she be ready? UK grower

Mary Joanna

Hi all

I'm a new grower and I need a little help......

I have a brainstorm growing outdoors (organically) and have had lots of different estimations on when she will be ready for harvesting.

She went into the garden mid May and started flowering 7 weeks ago.

According to Dutch Passion where I purchased the seeds, they said end of November.

I am moving house at the end of October and won't be able to take her with me so was wondering what would be the damage, if any, in picking her early??

I have attached a couple of photos taken within the last couple of days - have loads more if needed and would appreciate some advice.



Mary Joanna

I am currently uploading the pics to photobox and hope the links will work!!! What a drama - let me know people!

Mary Joanna

Come on you guys/gals shake a leg.... can anyone help a damsel in distress!! just don't want to fuck the baby that I have nurtured for what seems to be forever :0(
I think if you wait to the last minute(as long as you can) you will be ok. it looks pretty dmn good now so you should be fine....what other option do you have anyway.

Mary Joanna

Thanks fella, I have just found out today that we are unable to move until the end of November now so that should give her a couple of extra weeks to mature, anyway nice one for replying....it has put my mind at ease!! (I thought she would be un-smokable if I was to pick her too early).


Cute little autoflower (I'm guessing)Well it depends on what type of high you want too. Earlier harvest (milky trich) will give ya a more sativa high or leave it longer and let more of the thc degrade (oxidizes) into cannabinol for a more couch lock stone. You plant is lookin good and there really isnt much "harm"you can do harvesting early per se as there is diminished yields and an excess of clear trichs, honestly you could take it out any time although i would recommend a bit longer as there are still a lot of white pistils. get a hold of a 30x magnifying glass and take a peak at your trichs and make a judgment call


Well-Known Member
well she might, key word there "might" be done by then, but you gotta cure it... so maybe 1.5-2 months finished. lookin very good for a brit, just kidding... looking very damn good

Mary Joanna

Cute little autoflower (I'm guessing)Well it depends on what type of high you want too. Earlier harvest (milky trich) will give ya a more sativa high or leave it longer and let more of the thc degrade (oxidizes) into cannabinol for a more couch lock stone. You plant is lookin good and there really isnt much "harm"you can do harvesting early per se as there is diminished yields and an excess of clear trichs, honestly you could take it out any time although i would recommend a bit longer as there are still a lot of white pistils. get a hold of a 30x magnifying glass and take a peak at your trichs and make a judgment call
Thanks for the very usefull info - got a 30 x Loupe on it's way to me as we speak!

Will keep you posted :blsmoke:

Mary Joanna

well she might, key word there "might" be done by then, but you gotta cure it... so maybe 1.5-2 months finished. lookin very good for a brit, just kidding... looking very damn good
Thanks matey. Very proud of her as the weather here isn't ideal - rain rain and more rain just now!

Will keep you posted :blsmoke: