Advice on AutoFlower!! PICS!!

Green Pot

Hi guys!

After 4 weeks growing some seeds from my last joint, I think my plants are flowering to early. Try to find some info but there is much teory about it.
Is there any change that those plants are AF?

My plants are 14, 12 and 11 inch.
Probably 2 feme and a male.
Water every 2 days (250ml)
Some Foliar feeding but very weak. (even not relevant).
Light: was 18/6 turned to 20/4... and it still keeping the same growing ratio (1 cm per day).
strain: dont know...haa...just got this weed from a friend and could manage to find some seeds

light type: CFL total "500W" nearly 9000 lumens

Do u have any tips? Ideias? Should I move do some flowering nuts?

If I keep the (possible) male in, am i gonna have seeds and some stuff to smoke?

Thanks guys. Need your advice!!



If theyre showing sex/turning veg in 20/4 light or 18/6 light then yes they would be autos.


Well-Known Member
looks overwatered a tiny bit and i would mind those temps... i see curling leaves.. looks like heat stress


Well-Known Member
If theyre showing sex/turning veg in 20/4 light or 18/6 light then yes they would be autos.
Auto flowering strains are just breeds that show their sex at a certain time, regardless of photo period involvement, male or female. only certain strains do this. if you see a pre-flower while its in the vegetative light cycle then this doesn't necessarily mean its a auto-flower.. it is show pre-flowering all over the plant then it is an auto-flower. I veg until i see a pre-flower, then i switch to 12/12 and the plant instantly respondes


But his plant is sexing as you can see the two pistils emerging. That in my mind says auto.

Green Pot

if you see a pre-flower while its in the vegetative light cycle then this doesn't necessarily mean its a auto-flower.. it is show pre-flowering all over the plant then it is an auto-flower.
As I know, it is a matter of genetics... and some types of strain... as u say... but if u find preflower in a young plant like mine? People say by the size and age that it`s more than possible. Nearly a fact.
So do u think It could be the case for my plants beeing AF??


Exactly. This plant is only 4 weeks old and is at the average AF height and its already showing sex => flowering. In my mind all signs point pretty definitively to an AF strain although c5 seems to have other ideas. Keep us updated. Id like to see how it works out

Green Pot

Exactly. This plant is only 4 weeks old and is at the average AF height and its already showing sex => flowering. In my mind all signs point pretty definitively to an AF strain although c5 seems to have other ideas. Keep us updated. Id like to see how it works out
Thanks guys!!
Sorry... I could not get some new pics... but will take it soon!
plants 2 and 3 are getting realy flowered... and the male (I think it is male) ia going well.... but slow growth.

Thinking about going into 12/12. What do u think guys?