Sensi Star growing


Active Member
Looking good there mane. Let 'em dry out a bit now hold back on the watering for a good couple days till they stand errect and almost to the droopping stage again. What kind of light schedule are they one again? Wait not you just said showing signs of male and female nevermind. Your fert mixing sounds like a good number. They should bounce back in no time.

Plants are on a 18/6 schedule. Just got some much needed mylar. :-) It is really really bright with that stuff now. :-) Have some 6gal pots for the SS (I was high when I got them I wanted 5gal ooops). I think I am only going to flower 4 of them maybe five, one of the bagseeds still has not shown sex yet. 1 SS might just have to turn into a mother.


Active Member
Finally got the neem oil. Gonna hit those mites hard this week. Going to keep the temps down at night for a few days maybe 3-4 hit them hit them with some garlic spray and maybe a couple days after that hit them with some neem oil. I will be feeding tomorrow; think the nutes will kick start some more growth? And will the neem oil slow growth I thought I read that somewhere not to sure though.


Well-Known Member
make sure to apply the neem oil right before lights off..... then rinse it off, and its best to do this with veging plants..... remember CLEAN THE WHOLE ROOM during each application to the plants, I cannot stress that point enough!!!


Active Member
And I don't think I would give them any nutes just yet.... how long have they been in those pots?

Well they are in 2gal pots right now, and have been in there since they were transplanted from just rockwol which was on like the 19th of last month. Like I said I am just looking into the future with these pots. I guess since there will be less than 6plants then these 6gal should do better than the 5gal, space for root growth? I still want to check the soil to see how the roots look and decide from there. My guess is the plants can still go for maybe a week or two in these 2gal pots. I want to feed them once or twice before they are transplanted. How does all that sound?

Yea I think my guy wants to keep a SS for a mother I can just hear it in his voice. This one SS is just growing real good its the tallest and has i guess fought off the mites by itself, could that be from genitics but they are all from the same mother. It has very little to no damage on it. :-)


Well-Known Member
Keeping a mother? Man oh man I wish I didn't have shut down in feb. till june..... Oh well I'll get 'em next year the first seed I crack I'm keeping her and just cloning the shit out of her.



Active Member
Hey guys got a quick question about pruning. Is there any real way or should I say correct way to do it I know about being sterile with the razor and cutting at a 45degree angle. I am talking more about what to trim. Maybe the bottom 4-5"? The Mendo purp is at least 15" tall and real bushy I know the light will not penetrate enough to reach the bottom of it.

EDIT: forgot to add pic of MP



Active Member
Are you planning on using these as cuttings or clones?

Right off the top of my head I would use them for clones. Whats the difference between cuttings and clones? What I mean is use some of the lower branches for clones and also getting rid of the lower fan leaves. Or should I leave all fan leaves and let the plant use all the nutrients in them? Sorry if it sounds confusing.


Well-Known Member
I would nip off the bottom branches and make clones out of cuttings..... a cutting has no roots, a clone does ;)

might as well take sun leaves that aren't getting any light while your down there..... yeah four or five inches...... may just at two nodes (4 cuts)


Active Member
I would nip off the bottom branches and make clones out of cuttings..... a cutting has no roots, a clone does ;)

might as well take sun leaves that aren't getting any light while your down there..... yeah four or five inches...... may just at two nodes (4 cuts)
Well I kinda thought they were the same thing but didnt know if it was more specific than that. Glad to know that now makes me feel a lot better about pruning her. :-)


Well-Known Member
you don't want night time temps to vary too far from day time temps... that can cause problems in development, growth patterns etc. its best to keep nighttime temps somewhere around 15 degrees away from daytime temps or less ;)


Active Member
I am pretty sure they are right around 15 degrees lower. I am looking into some sort of CO2 induction. Still need some dolomite lime and maybe even some ph up and down. Should I get slow release or fast acting lime??


Active Member
So since I will end up only flowering 4-5 plants looking into some sugar yeast and water thats right home rigged co2 maybe one or 2 milk jugs of it. I figure it couldnt hurt to add it and its not to expensive to make.


Well-Known Member
Gotcha, ive heard good and bad about the diy c02. IMO I think its a waste unless you can get high enough ppm levels from it. TLD what do you think about the homemade c02?

I posted some new pics in the journal hit it up bro.



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say that homemade co2 is worth it...... too much is out of your control.... but co2 release control valves on co2 tanks is THE SHIT, and not too terribly expensive.... a lot of times, whether or not to add co2 depends on specs of the ops.... I wouldn't think it will work the greatest for yours for now... But Im sure you'll get there :)


Active Member
This is the kind of advice I was looking for. From the sounds of it I will def hold off on co2.

Found out light was 16" away from the canopy and now got dropped to 12" to make sure the SS doesn't stretch more than they already have. pH levels were a little low so over the next week plants will be flushed with a pH up solution. And will be transplanted maybe Sunday or Monday into the 6gal pots. Would it be bad to start the plants back up on feeding schedule once transplanted? Over this next week neem oil will be applied maybe twice once tonight and maybe one more time Friday or Saturday. I think the colder temps at night (low 60s') are getting to the spider mites too. They have done some damage though :-/
Would it be bad to start feeding up agian right after transplant?