Sensi Star growing


Active Member
if you are transplanting into soil.... I wouldn't start feeding again for about two weeks...

Yea they will be transplanted into the same soil-less mix they are in now. Damn two weeks thats gonna be tough I think they were in need of some nutes. maybe I can delay the transplant till end of next week to get a week with feeding in? I dont think plants will be pot bound by end of next week.... how about you guys whatcha think....??


Well-Known Member
make sure to apply the neem oil right before lights off..... then rinse it off, and its best to do this with veging plants..... remember CLEAN THE WHOLE ROOM during each application to the plants, I cannot stress that point enough!!!
WHy clean the whole room while applying to plants? I use EInstein oil and a wetting agent right before the lights go off and 70% neem oil for the soil.


Well-Known Member
Looks good. Sensi Star seems to be a sick strain. Im thinking about it. WIll probably make its way on the next seed order. Good luck, Ill be checking in


Well-Known Member
when you apply the neem oil or other mite-e-sides, the mites will run off and hide dormant in your room and equipment until the time is right to come back out and infest your garden again....


Well-Known Member
aI got gnats but I have been churning the top half inch and neem oiling the soil. and einstein on the leaves. Sticky traps as well. I have it under control real well. THe churning the soil works well


Well-Known Member
Hey wonder go pick up some pool filter sand at lowes or home depot. Add about a 2 inch layer over the top of the soil water and BAM no more gnats. Gnats are attracted to wet soil. They will lay their eggs in it but little do they know the soil has just been amended with sand. Once they get in they can't get back out the sand smoothers them. I had a HORRIBLE gnat problem the pool filter sand did the trick. And yes get the pool filter sand it doesn't have any salts or added disolveables that could be possibly harmful. A huge 50 pound bag costed me I think 5 bucks tops.



Active Member
good advice^^^^^^^ I am thinking about putting some cardboard covers over the soil to keep any gnats out of the garden. Or at least keep them to a minimum.


Well-Known Member
I just don't think thats gonna work mane. The gnats WANT to URGE to FIEN to get in that soil and lay their babies and fly back up and in a couple days those babies want to fly around as well. The later on in flowering you are gonna find them dead stuck to your nugs.



Active Member
Yea, I am under estimating their knack for getting through to the soil. I do use sand to help with the gnats maybe one good layer this week to get rid of what ever gnats there are. There are not very many of them so its not a huge deal/problem


Well-Known Member
Gotcha ya mine started out as about 5-6 and in a few weeks them bitches were everywhere man. Everytime I touched the soil I had a swarm come up. I'm glad to say I'm bug free now and hope it stays that way through the winter.



Well-Known Member
I like the sand trick. That should do well. I am going to get some today. sand will work for my big guys, but my little ones could be a problem. I have a lot of plants at different stages. THanks for that awesome idea


Well-Known Member
A fungus root gnat infestation is simply a product of over watering. the only time you get them is you give them an environment in which they are able to thrive. Fortunately, an environment that is conducive to proper healthy cannabis growth is not the most inviting place for the fungus gnats to live. You can put sand on top of your dirt to stifle their living area right now, but in the future you should wait longer between feeding/watering. I like to let the plant droop from thirst before I give them anything to drink. i buy good soil (roots brand) which nearly eliminates the possibility of bringing in new pests when i repot plants, and because i don't overwater I haven't seen those fungus root gnats in years.


Active Member
A fungus root gnat infestation is simply a product of over watering. the only time you get them is you give them an environment in which they are able to thrive. Fortunately, an environment that is conducive to proper healthy cannabis growth is not the most inviting place for the fungus gnats to live. You can put sand on top of your dirt to stifle their living area right now, but in the future you should wait longer between feeding/watering. I like to let the plant droop from thirst before I give them anything to drink. i buy good soil (roots brand) which nearly eliminates the possibility of bringing in new pests when i repot plants, and because i don't overwater I haven't seen those fungus root gnats in years.
Hey there SMC glad to hear from you thanks for that info on those little suckers! back on page 12 I have the newest update whatcha think?


Well-Known Member
True true good info there mane. I used roots on my past three grows pretty good stuff. Ha also don't leave your bag of open soil in your garage hahaha nice way for a shit ton of bugs to make it their home. I had to bake just about half the bag of that soil to kill everything. Oh well it was kinda fun, something I've never done before.
