New to growing, and coco. Dutch Passion Blueberry. Suggestions?


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Hi everyone

So this is my first maybe-successful grow. My very first one was Nirvana White Widow, it was in soil, and the 4/10 that survived and did well ended up male

I started a new grow recently (years later), in soil, with Dutch Passion Blueberry. They were doing well, but my dog ate the plants. Didn't expect that since she didn't bother them my first grow.

The original plants, and the evildoer:

So, I purchased more seeds, and found out about coco coir. This was great, since I already had bricks of it from my tarantula/scorpion hobby. I flushed them a few times, following advice about sea salts, and did a 50/50 perlite/coir mix.

Unfortunately, one seed never sprouted, two sprouted and died, one is barely hanging on but I don't have high hopes for it, and one is doing pretty well, I think. I knew you had to water coir more often than soil, but I think the mistake I made was putting seeds without a developed root system into a substrate that dries quickly, and only watering once a day. The roots on those that died ended up drying. Next time I'll be using clones, but a word of advice for others: water frequently if they're seedlings, or put in rockwool to develop a nice root system first! I'm happy that one of them survived though. Here are pics:

This is almost 3 weeks from seed. I don't know if the progress is slower than usual, or faster, but the first week it didn't show much growth due to my lack of knowledge/experience. It seems to be growing quite nicely now!

I'm using an inline fan, sealed/cooled reflector, and 600w digital ballast and bulbs. I'm using FoxFarm fertilizers and currently a pH of 6.0. Is this good or should I change it?

I have exactly 5' between the top of the soil and the bottom of the reflector. My question is, what is a safe distance between the light and the top of the plant? At what point should I switch to flowering? This is a primarily indica strain, but I've heard of plants sometimes doubling their height in flowering (or more).

My other question - should I replant it now, replant it later, or just leave it? I'm not sure what the plant will do if it doesn't have space for more root.

Thanks guys


Active Member
Thanks for the response!

Dutch Passion isn't good?

That pot is only maybe 2gal, it doesn't say. I plan to repot in a 5-gallon bucket before flowering.

I'm using FF nutes.


Active Member
Dunno, I've had them recommended to me by experienced people.

Has anyone had GOOD experiences with them?

Seem to be fine so far...of course I haven't begun flowering.


Active Member

A lot of the new leaf sets are really curled (like the second pic).

Is this normal?

I'm looking around for reasons it could be doing this.

Should I trim it at all?!

The leaves are fighting for light.