Glen Beck's a Douche!


New Member
What's really appalling is the lack of respect younger people have for those who came before them and the knowledge they possess. Is that why we have the gargantuan federal government we have? Is that why we older folks can see right through Obama and most younger people cannot? Honestly, all I had to hear was Obama's speech he gave in Berlin when he said, in essence, "The individual is going to have to learn to sacrifice for the good of the community." Honestly, that was not only sickening ... it was down right frightening.


Well-Known Member
the elders have alot of deep knowledge to teach the young ones... its not allways good knowledge but it should be respected.... listen to the elders and take in what you want and leave the rest on the door step... if u ignore ur elders then u might as well ignore history and therefore let history repeat itself (which isnt allways good).. this comes from a young one


Well-Known Member
Indeed. Quite the opposite is true, actually. Older people have been "out of the loop", so to speak, and they never really catch up.

The old saying "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." is pretty much spot-on when applied to humans, too. Substitute "dog" with "human", and "new tricks" with "anything".
So we should just give them the pain pill? And at what age do these unteachable old humans become an unbearable burden to society? (a society sans "old humans", of course)


Well-Known Member
So we should just give them the pain pill?
Those are your words, not mine. Sounds like you're advocating death panels. Are you socialist or something?

And at what age do these unteachable old humans become an unbearable burden to society? (a society sans "old humans", of course)
Well, apparently it's 65, when they become eligible for Medicare. Isn't that what's quickly becoming the largest draw on taxpayer money?


Well-Known Member
It's not gender specific.... :lol:
Unless government quotas are involved...then it matters. A vagina is always preferable to a penis. Unless it's a black penis and a white vagina. Or unless it's a liberal penis and a conservative vagina. Or a young penis and an old vagina. Or............... :roll:


Well-Known Member
are you racist??? im white and my girl is black.. whats wrong with that?

Unless government quotas are involved...then it matters. A vagina is always preferable to a penis. Unless it's a black penis and a white vagina. Or unless it's a liberal penis and a conservative vagina. Or a young penis and an old vagina. Or............... :roll:


Well-Known Member
are you racist??? im white and my girl is black.. whats wrong with that?
Frankly, I don't give a damn what color you or your chick is. Makes no difference to me. Why so sensitive?

Anyway, she's got the best of both worlds...a black vagina. You're not bad yourself; a liberal young penis, I presume?


Well-Known Member
sounds like your racist when it comes to interacial sex

Unless government quotas are involved...then it matters. A vagina is always preferable to a penis. Unless it's a black penis and a white vagina. Or unless it's a liberal penis and a conservative vagina. Or a young penis and an old vagina. Or............... :roll:


Well-Known Member
my point is that the color of the skin has nothing to do with how some people (like myself) feel about someone else .. sexually speakin.. if i was black and she was white would you still say something snude and racist?