Hmm... kind of like nationalized industry, aka "socialism".
why is it that today's liberal can make no distinction between government and industry? is it such a difficult concept to grasp? government produces nothing, there is no risk, no investment, it is strictly the manipulation of power. government does not bow to the demands of the marketplace, it seldom even recognizes the needs of the people it is designed to represent. there is no real regulation of government, it regulates itself. the lie of the ballot box may lead the ignorant to believe that the people have some control over their representatives, but that illusion wears thin when elected officials campaign on a set of promises and quickly break them once in office. industry has no such luxury, broken promises lead to falling sales and bankruptcy in the marketplace.
Just FYI, it is not "voluntary" if it's a requirement for holding office.
there is always the alternative of not seeking the power over others that public office affords and taking one's chances in the world of business with the rest of us. it is called "public service", as in being of use to all the people. entering the workforce is not a voluntary act, it is born of the necessity to survive and prosper. entering government service is outside of that marketplace, it is making a choice to place one's self in a position of power over the marketplace without being subject to its rules. it is a free choice (and occasionally an honorable one), a voluntary application for service to the people. bowing to any requirements for such a position would then be voluntary as well.
Nobody is holding a gun to your head making you live in the United States.
no, i'm free to leave at any time. but why should anyone be forced from their home for the profit of others when they have always abided by the rules of that society? well; not all of the rules, but who among us is that model citizen. by what right does any group suddenly decide to arbitrarily change the rules, giving any dissident voice the choice of either falling in line or abandoning what it took a lifetime to build? the protections for the individual built into the laws of this land provide for relief from such a situation and those are the very safeguards the liberal establishment seems determined to erase for the enrichment of the mob and the growth of their own power.
there are, of course, those who do just pack up and leave. liquidating their assets and retiring to sunnier climes or moving entire industries to more business friendly locales, where there is no
requirement that the successful provide for the indigent with an exorbitant portion of their hard won wealth, and their contributions to our society are now lost. the increased socialization of a society cannot help but cause such defections.
Members of Congress make less than $200,000 per year in wages.....
i know folks that would consider half of a congressman's salary to be a fortune, but that is hardly the point of my little regulation. the point is that those who seek to regulate the market from the outside should not be in a position to profit from those manipulations. separating government from the marketplace is far from laughable, it is a key component of a workable capitalist system.
government's prime duty is the protection of its citizens, not the invention of new rights or the equalizing of wealth. such pursuits demean the respect due those who are actually trying to perfect the union created over two hundred years ago and expand on its tenets. they are the tools by which greedy men curry favor with the churlish mob.
of course, none of this really matters to me. my interest in such matters is little more than intellectual curiosity, derived from a certain dread of the end of the individual freedoms i have so enjoyed and the beginning of a universal acceptance of slavery to the authoritarian. as i have stated many times before and as should be made even more obvious by my user name, i exist under the ice. the frozen indifference of the liberal establishment that hides behind their mask of parental concern is of little consequence to me. i am a hair's breadth away from falling completely off the grid and joining those wise enough to escape the greedy mob. my few contributions to this society will come to an end and, though you may not believe it, those contributions may be missed. the sum of all those contributions lost by forcing so many to exist outside of your great society most certainly will.
soon enough, once my working usefulness is at an end, i will happily leave the pettiness of these socialistic times. quietly liquidating my meager assets and investing them far from the greedy clutches of your masters, i will sail off and deprive the mob of the the pleasure of scavenging my remains for tawdry treasures to lay at the feet of whatever demigods they have chosen to create. though i do plan on surreptitiously endowing what little family i have, my son and only heir, with the remains of my material wealth, in the end we all die alone. afterward it will be up to him whether to live a life contrary to the whims of the avaricious mob or to join with the puling herd.
who is john galt? certainly not me.