The difference between now and legalization for the suburban stealth stoner


Well-Known Member
After my morning wake and bake and coffee I started wondering what my life would be like with legalization. In all honesty the only difference I saw was me no longer having to deal with a dealer and the difference between me stopping at starbucks for my morning coffee and 7-11 where I can get coffee AND a "laced" candy bar for $4.

I mean in reality even for heavy stealth users like myself the chances of getting busted are almost nothing if you follow a few basic rules. Only like 3% of the people who say hey use pot every year are ever busted and that includes everyone from mules running it over the border to commercial level growers down to some of us end users (/failed growers :wall:).

Cost would be the biggest difference. I spend about $120-$180 a month on 1-1.5 oz of upper mids and smoke about 3 times a day (morning noon and night). I would imagine the cost of pot will be pretty close to the price of beer since it is the intoxicant we know. So I figure "laced" goods go for around $2-5 for the cheaper stuff (I got a single 20oz beer the other day for $1.75).

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
the differnece i can see is that youll be able to buy blunts at the gas stations and all that but what if its more expensive or taxed i would probably just grow my own or continue with my dealer its good but it will also change smoking pot forever, and i too am a fellow suburb stoner who smokes morning noon and night but idk how it will affect us.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I could see it being that way. Not having to deal with people that think they are some sort of badass cause they deal would be nice. That and I would definitely be growing.


Well-Known Member
I'm mainly pro-legalization because if everyone can get weed with ease, they'll be less likely to steal my plants! :D


Well-Known Member
I just want to grow and smoke in peace......

I dont give a fuck if I can buy it at a store or if the government taxes it

I just want to be left the hell alone by the damn cops, im a non violent "criminal" right now and thats just bullshit,
I pay taxes and bust my ass at my job I deserve to grow my damn pot in peace


Well-Known Member
i feel ya its bullshit that people are always flipping out about how bad weed is.... i heard some kids tell me that they heard it can kill you and that you can fuck up your life with it and i seriously wanted to pull out the joint i had and say well then lets try shall we, but people need to leave growers alone they arent hurting anybody


Well-Known Member
I just want to grow and smoke in peace......

I dont give a fuck if I can buy it at a store or if the government taxes it

I just want to be left the hell alone by the damn cops, im a non violent "criminal" right now and thats just bullshit,
I pay taxes and bust my ass at my job I deserve to grow my damn pot in peace
too true, wheres the fucking harm!!!!????

only problem would be, the stuff u would buy would have a very low THC content! I wouldnt care tho cos id just keep growing and growing! :weed:


Well-Known Member
ya i know it would be marketed and it would all be expensive shit imo but if it gets legalized im gonna start growing

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Why does everyone make the assumption that commercial legal pot will be so shitty? It'll be like beer. There will be mega growers who produce subpar shit to sell at a discount but there will be plenty of incentive for people to produce low volume, high quality pot commercially like micro brewers. There wil be pot on the market to suit everyones taste.


Well-Known Member
Most of us here aren't worried about what pot is for sale....

I just want to grow in peace and be able to put a crop outside every spring
But I can't because its illegal.
I have to turn to secrecy and deceit.

This prohibition makes criminals, it doesn't get rid of them


Well-Known Member
I don't think commercial weed will be shitty, I think they'll have the pretty much generic strains, such as probably Kush, Northern Lights, etc. I think it will be pretty good. As for the price, whatever it is it (if they follow California's example) there will be a $50 tax per ounce. That's about a $1.75 tax per gram which isn't that bad.


Well-Known Member
i don't really want legalization to happen.
im down for decriminalization though.
our jails don't need any more small possession offenders crowding them.

if legalization occurs, a lot of things will change.

speaking for myself, i made a good bit of money slinging herb when i was younger.
where will legalization put dealers?
they'll be out of business.
i suppose there will be an under age market, but still..

all those people importing reefer into the us.
once there is no need for it to be imported, what are they going to do?
my guess is that they are going to continue doing what they know; drugs.
but since cannabis is no longer needed, they are going to turn to importing other, harder drugs.

our culture.
i know that marijuana culture is becoming more and more mainstream already, but what happens to it when legalization occurs..?
we no longer have our own culture.
i always identified with the "stoners" in high school.
what is going to happen to the "stoners" when everyone is smoking dope?

maybe i'm crazy.
i don't know.

it just seems to me that if jail time was not associated with any aspect of growing or posessing small amounts of cannabis, things would be gravy.


Well-Known Member
i'm sorry best bud but i really disagree, we we legalize marijuana it'll kill the money supply of those drug cartels that fucking kill people. its just like with prohibition of alcohol. as soon as alcohol got legalized they went after the mafia, and pretty much weeded out. and as far as the weed culture, it'll stick around. look at amsterdam, it's legal there but the same amount of people smoke there as before it was illegal. you see? so it'll be good to legalize it. who gives a shit if they fuckin tax it, i'm gonna grow. and lets all hope it gets legalized in California, but i bet they forgot that they're tourism will shoot up, it'll be the new vegas, fucking weed everywhere dude it'd be awesome


Well-Known Member
the reason amsterdam is such a destination is because it is the only place where cannabis is legal and can be easily bought by anyone.
what happens when everywhere has legal weed..?
amsterdam is going to take a huge hit because there is no real reason to go there anymore.
people can just walk to the corner store and buy what they would have normally travelled to the netherlands for.

legalizing cannabis will NOT take money from cartels.
as i said earlier, they will just start importing more cocaine, heroin, and meth to make up for the deficit.

tax on cannabis sucks.
as a medical patient, i pay more for cannabis from a dispensary than i would on the street.
fifty dollars an eighth plus tax comes out to almost fifty five dollars for an eighth.

what happens when legalization occurs and the government taxes cannabis out the ass..?
what happens when you have to buy your cannabis from them for an exorbitant amount..? (ie ($200/oz..)
purchasing on the black market will still be illegal.
you will have to buy goverment grown weed which will have god knows what in it for fertilizers.
personally, i think that them legalizing and regulating it will put tighter grips on our cannabis use than there is in place now.

decriminalization not legalization.


Well-Known Member
the reason amsterdam is such a destination is because it is the only place where cannabis is legal and can be easily bought by anyone.
what happens when everywhere has legal weed..?
amsterdam is going to take a huge hit because there is no real reason to go there anymore.
people can just walk to the corner store and buy what they would have normally travelled to the netherlands for.

legalizing cannabis will NOT take money from cartels.
as i said earlier, they will just start importing more cocaine, heroin, and meth to make up for the deficit.

tax on cannabis sucks.
as a medical patient, i pay more for cannabis from a dispensary than i would on the street.
fifty dollars an eighth plus tax comes out to almost fifty five dollars for an eighth.

what happens when legalization occurs and the government taxes cannabis out the ass..?
what happens when you have to buy your cannabis from them for an exorbitant amount..? (ie ($200/oz..)
purchasing on the black market will still be illegal.
you will have to buy goverment grown weed which will have god knows what in it for fertilizers.
personally, i think that them legalizing and regulating it will put tighter grips on our cannabis use than there is in place now.

decriminalization not legalization.
I could care less about Amsterdam when it concerns my right to my life. You are still going to have a problem with people growing, they are still going to target them. And you are still going to have a problem with drug cartels invading killing people for a piece of the black market. A lot of Amsterdam's weed is actually controlled by the mafia, and you can still get sent to jail for growing in the quantities that are needed to supply the Red Light District.

Your justification that people would just start importing harder drugs is flawed, why would they import drugs that they do not even have a market for. There is a reason that weed is the number one drug on the black market. Harder drugs have a good market but nothing in comparison to weed. You are basically saying you would rather the money be in the hands of criminal organizations, then in the hands of the people. You can still sell weed if it was legal, you just have to have a business plan, and you would not have to worry about going to jail. If it was decriminalized you still could go to jail for selling.

You are using the same logic that people who are anti-legalization used, that legalizing will lead to the use of harder drugs. Studies have actually shown that it can actually reduces the use of harder drugs. Arguments that you make are used AGAINST legalization on every level.

I also would like to go into a shop to buy bud or pick up killer clone only strains and grow under a nice 600W and out side and get my own year round supply without having to deal with such ridiculous things such as the 5-0. I would love to have friends over to look at my garden, invite random people over for blunts without the need to worry. And not have to worry about my job drug testing me is also a plus.

So when ever I see anyone that is against legalization but is for just decriminalization, it really makes no sense, and hurts the movement.