Obama wins a Nobel Peace Prize


Well-Known Member
I caught Doob in a falsehood and called doob out. Doob then denies his own statement ever occurred. It was a small thing that any mature person would just say... oops my bad, and no worries.

What does DoobNoob do? Goes back and re edits the statement unaware that the edit will be recorded. So 9 minutes after I call shenanigans, doob does the edit and then DENIES doing the edit, even though it was there for all to see.

1.) uhhh, NOT BRIGHT.
2.) A liar squared.

DOObNooB joined my very short list of ignore.

Don't waste your time on Doob.... there are no redeeming qualities to mine from that person, they don't exist.

No such thing ever happened. I edited a post to add more relevant information to it, and CJ insists that I edited it to remove something, or because of a reply he made (which I hadn't even read, because I don't usually read CJ's posts).

typical of an egomaniac to believe they have such influence in another person's life.

EDIT: edited and re-edited just for the fuck of it.

RE-EDIT: Just for the hell of it

RE-RE-EDIT: Because I can.


Folks from Chicago can recognize a corrupt politician a mile away. Unfortunately they are surrounded by them... :lol:
man you aint ever lieing. plus rep for seeing threw the bullshit!!!!! who would have thought the chicago machine was more powerfull then the clinton machine? but this man obama won!!!


New Member
This coming election.... fire everyone up for the vote. Doesn't matter who they are....party?... don't care.... OUT!!!

Spread the word.

Then the rest will straighten up and fly right.... or else.... 2012...


or we could just take up arms like waco texas lol ur a smart man cracker. dont ever let noone tell you diffrent!!!


Well-Known Member
C'mon Doob...you asked in another thread very arrogantly for someone to point out one right they've lost under Obama. I made what I felt was a pretty compelling case about San Diegans rights as patients for safe access to MJ through California's MMJ laws. Obama said there wouldn't be any raids. 23 raids went down in one day last month. No answers yet as to why. No one is in jail either. No trial dates..nothing. The remaining dispensaries got love letters and closed their doors. SD has a handful now that are operating under the eye of the man.

You're answer was something along the line of "I don't feel sorry for you, you live in Ca where you can grow legally." I wasn't pointing out that we could grow. There are millions of people here. Not everyone has a home, many live in high rises and they just can't grow for whatever reason.

Even when it was pretty clear that a right from the Feds had been taking you hold so firm to your line that it makes everyone laugh.

You are drinking your own kool aid.

Have you ever been wrong Doob? I don't know if you can even admit that.


Well-Known Member
C'mon Doob...you asked in another thread very arrogantly for someone to point out one right they've lost under Obama. I made what I felt was a pretty compelling case about San Diegans rights as patients for safe access to MJ through California's MMJ laws. Obama said there wouldn't be any raids. 23 raids went down in one day last month. No answers yet as to why. No one is in jail either. No trial dates..nothing. The remaining dispensaries got love letters and closed their doors. SD has a handful now that are operating under the eye of the man.

You're answer was something along the line of "I don't feel sorry for you, you live in Ca where you can grow legally." I wasn't pointing out that we could grow. There are millions of people here. Not everyone has a home, many live in high rises and they just can't grow for whatever reason.

Even when it was pretty clear that a right from the Feds had been taking you hold so firm to your line that it makes everyone laugh.

You are drinking your own kool aid.

Have you ever been wrong Doob? I don't know if you can even admit that.

there is no "right to smoke marijuana". You're deluding yourself if you think otherwise.

Nobody has lost any rights. there were raids before, there are raids now.

The only thing that's changed is the NUMBER of raids.

Again, there is NO RIGHT to smoke marijuana.

Show me where in the Constitution this right is enumerated.

EDIT: to add that I think Obama could have done more to prevent these raids, and I DO sympathize with the patients who NEED cannabis, but you're still wrong about it being a "loss of rights".


New Member
C'mon Doob...you asked in another thread very arrogantly for someone to point out one right they've lost under Obama. I made what I felt was a pretty compelling case about San Diegans rights as patients for safe access to MJ through California's MMJ laws. Obama said there wouldn't be any raids. 23 raids went down in one day last month. No answers yet as to why. No one is in jail either. No trial dates..nothing. The remaining dispensaries got love letters and closed their doors. SD has a handful now that are operating under the eye of the man.

You're answer was something along the line of "I don't feel sorry for you, you live in Ca where you can grow legally." I wasn't pointing out that we could grow. There are millions of people here. Not everyone has a home, many live in high rises and they just can't grow for whatever reason.

Even when it was pretty clear that a right from the Feds had been taking you hold so firm to your line that it makes everyone laugh.

You are drinking your own kool aid.

Have you ever been wrong Doob? I don't know if you can even admit that.
Until the FEDS come out and OFFICIALLY recognize California's right to MMJ, Cali's ppl are at Obama's whim.

Obama is all about FED POWAH .... I'm not that surprised. saddened however.


Well-Known Member
No explanation as to why?


DA's Office Explains Marijuana Dispensary Raids

"Let me be clear from the start. This investigation has nothing to do with legitimate medical marijuana patients or their caregivers," Dumanis told reporters."The investigation to date shows these so-called businesses are not legal. They appear to be run by drug dealers who see an opening in the market in a way to make a fast buck."Twenty-three people were taken into custody in the city of San Diego, and eight in North County, authorities said.Dumanis said most of those arrested will be prosecuted in state court, with two people charged in federal court.An estimated 60 medical marijuana dispensaries are now operating in San Diego County, under the guise of helping people who are sick, Dumanis said. "We're not fooled and the public shouldn't be fooled either," the county's top prosecutor said. "The state's medical marijuana law and the Attorney General's written guidelines about medical marijuana do not allow the selling of marijuana for profit ... to anyone."

Your assertions that "no explanations have been given","noone was arrested" and "no trial dates have been set" seem to be unjustified.


Well-Known Member
You're answer was something along the line of "I don't feel sorry for you, you live in Ca where you can grow legally." I wasn't pointing out that we could grow. There are millions of people here. Not everyone has a home, many live in high rises and they just can't grow for whatever reason.
Where one lives aside, let's face it... the more ill one is, the less likely one is able to grow.

I'm barely able to do it now, and looking at how rapidly the pain and other symptoms have been increasing, there's no doubt that my growing days are numbered. How long, I don't know yet... could be another month, or perhaps a couple/few years. But when the time comes that I'm not able to do this anymore, who will I turn to for my MMJ if there aren't dispensaries? I'm supposed to rely on "friends" to do it all for me? Sure! :roll:

The Good Doctor

Active Member
I am shocked an mortified that Barrack Obama, won the Nobel Peace Prize.

I was always under the impression that people like Desomnd Tutu, Pope John Paul, The Fucking Dahli Lama, who actually did something with their life, and their position towards peace, won this once prestiges award.

Oh well, I think the Nobel Piece Prize, just went the way of the Dahmer Party, Communism, & the use of asbestors. Into an ocean of obscurity, the nobel prize has just plunged. How sad. How sad indeed.

I think we should all boo them.



Well-Known Member
No explanation as to why?


DA's Office Explains Marijuana Dispensary Raids

"Let me be clear from the start. This investigation has nothing to do with legitimate medical marijuana patients or their caregivers," Dumanis told reporters."The investigation to date shows these so-called businesses are not legal. They appear to be run by drug dealers who see an opening in the market in a way to make a fast buck."Twenty-three people were taken into custody in the city of San Diego, and eight in North County, authorities said.Dumanis said most of those arrested will be prosecuted in state court, with two people charged in federal court.An estimated 60 medical marijuana dispensaries are now operating in San Diego County, under the guise of helping people who are sick, Dumanis said. "We're not fooled and the public shouldn't be fooled either," the county's top prosecutor said. "The state's medical marijuana law and the Attorney General's written guidelines about medical marijuana do not allow the selling of marijuana for profit ... to anyone."

Your assertions that "no explanations have been given","noone was arrested" and "no trial dates have been set" seem to be unjustified.
So this is your idea of an explanation? It's clear why you like Obama then. Of course they think they're doing something illegal. Otherwise there wouldn't have been any raid. I'm guessing you are far removed from the local scene here and in Ca. Otherwise you wouldn't quote Dumonis...who nobody trusts. People around here are looking for answers. Not one paragraph like you posted.

Bottom line was no DEA raids on Legit dispensaires. Many of these were above board. Their rights were stepped on and people here in SD are suffering.

Good luck on the google searches. It's all you know and all you have.

FYI- CJ is a funny mofo.


Well-Known Member
Asbestos is a fantastic product when contained. Decades later there is still nothing close. Many buildings throughout the US are full of Asbestos. There are many legit claims against it's use. It's usually due to unsafe work environments and lack of prep. Those employees should be compensated accordingly.