how does cigarette smoke compare to weed smoke concerning biases, reality


New Member
cigs seem way harsher plus more smoke inhales over a cig than taking a few tokes of the good stuff. maybe bong rips worse but a few of those to 25 drags in a cig? what is worse for physical health the same amount of pot or the same amount of tobacco?


When you're talking about chemicals, definately cigarettes. But if you're talking about the smoke itself, it'd be marijuana. People who smoke marijuana take deeper breaths than people who smoke cigarettes. Thus, the more smoke occupying space in your lungs, the more chances of harsh diseases.


New Member
When you're talking about chemicals, definately cigarettes. But if you're talking about the smoke itself, it'd be marijuana. People who smoke marijuana take deeper breaths than people who smoke cigarettes. Thus, the more smoke occupying space in your lungs, the more chances of harsh diseases.
but you think a few big rips for a stone hurts your lung more than approx 25 draggs of 1 cigarrette?


Well-Known Member
Cigs cause cancer, weed according to a Harvard study kills cancer cells.Can't be any more clear then that to me.With out any bias I can say weed is the greatest medicine for nausea,aids,cancer,Flu on and on.I smoke it for the high but relized over time how great it helps my girl and I when we are sick.It truly is illegal because it is harder to brain wash pot heads to vote for the rich 1% of the right's plan for America and to get the poor to give up on their dreams and work in factories and labor jobs period!


Active Member
Cigs cause cancer, weed according to a Harvard study kills cancer cells.Can't be any more clear then that to me.With out any bias I can say weed is the greatest medicine for nausea,aids,cancer,Flu on and on.I smoke it for the high but relized over time how great it helps my girl and I when we are sick.It truly is illegal because it is harder to brain wash pot heads to vote for the rich 1% of the right's plan for America and to get the poor to give up on their dreams and work in factories and labor jobs period!
:clap: well said i think the same and more people need to realize that, here's a story a few weeks ago my partner and child were sick and i was staying 2 weeks with her.The first few days i had weed then i ran out and i got sick that very day and was sick for the rest of the week then i got more weed and as soon as i had my first smoke my head started to clear and the next day there wasn't a bother on me but my woman and child were still sick for another week.Weed is a cure all miracle plant and "the man" doesn't want his "slaves" smokin that shit cos it gets you thinkin n' shit and going against the grain of the wheels of the money obsessed world we live in.Tax is paid on cigarettes ,we pay tax to aid in our own deaths how fucked up is that bongsmilie I'm high again


Active Member
And also if i can recall when Columbus landed on the New World the Indigenious people were smoking tobacco in pipes now i don't think much should have changed in tobacco over time, maybe i'm wrong,Yet now on the packets of cigarettes you are warned of all the harmful chemicals in them like cyanide,formaldehyde benzote blah blah blah and that other that does that other shit to you,well any way my point where the fuck did all these extra poisonous chemicals come from and why were they put in it in the first place, the Incas,Aztecs all smoked tobacco and probably weed but i don't think they were all dying from smoking related illnesses ,the world cannot sustain the 6-7 billion people the way we live,The solution,what better way to kill off billions by putting poisons in something that effects people that not only smoke but the people who don't as well,Passive smoking.How many stoners do you know that develop Altziemers,parkinsons and other mind disfunctions,sorry if you do but i don't.Alcohol and cigarettes probably kill more people worldwide than any drug,I don't know this for fact but i never heard of anybody dying from weed related health problems ,I'm sure there was some people who died doing something stupid while high but to me it was the stupid part that killed them not the weed.I would like to see some stats about this if anybody has any


Well-Known Member
Breathing in any burnt organic compounds will cause cancer over time. That is a fact. Truth be told weed smoke is less lethal than cigarettes because weed doesn't have all these crazy chemicals added to it that cigarettes have added (think on the level of tars and other chemicals). However pure tobacco and pure pot should have similar deadly consequences over prolonged use. This should just motivate you to buy a volcano and avoid 99% of these cancer causing compounds.

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
any time u put ANY smoke into your lungs it is bad whether its from cigs,weed,house burning down, and on and on all i can say is if you smoke cigs or weed there will always be pros and cons but i do know cigs are deffinatly worse than weed becuse they contain so many cemicals so please if you can try to find other alturnitives other than smoking it


Active Member
I know this ingest or breathing in any burned material contain carcinogens which are cancer causing even prolonged ingestion of burnt toast could in theory give you cancer,It just so happens that I was seriously thinking of buying a vaporizer of some sort but a Volcano would be too pricey i wouldn't spend that money on a smoking implement.I was looking at the Buddah would you recommend it.As it is i smoke tobacco/weed joints and I'm only on my first grow and sick of paying top dollar for second rate weed.So with my own better quality weed i smoke less stoned longer and more money in the pockets for the other finer things in life

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Theres a helluva lot more tar in over 3 times as much, and people don't use filters on joints/spliffs so you figure it out!

Ok, cigarettes DO have loads of other stuff in which MJ doesn't BUT...


Well-Known Member
Based on observations alone, inhaling any kind of smoke over and over isn't good for you. People who smoke cigarettes smoke 1/2 - 2 packs per day. Pot smokers don't consume as many inhalations over the course of the same day as cigarette smokers. Those of you who are heavy smokers on either side, I'd suggest you add some lung expanding cardio to your weekly routine.


Active Member
cigs seem way harsher plus more smoke inhales over a cig than taking a few tokes of the good stuff. maybe bong rips worse but a few of those to 25 drags in a cig? what is worse for physical health the same amount of pot or the same amount of tobacco?
Nicotene is damaging to the cardiovascular system what ever way it is administered.
All smoke from a burning substance is not good for the lungs, no exeptions.
But cannabis has more beneficial effects compared to tobacco, according to science.
So I guess my answer to your question would be that cannabis is not as harmfull as the ciggs BUT if you want to smoke because of( physical ) habbit AND you got to drive you would do better to avoid the mj. . . . . many factors come into play with safety of substances in mind, I mean some life saving pharmaceauticals are highly toxic but the benefits outweigh the risks in certain situations.


There are a few things to consider about cigarettes that a lot of people don't seem to realize. Firstly, 95+% of cigarette brands and other so-called 'tobacco' products just aren't really tobacco. A good percentage of what is in a cigarette is homogenized or "reconstituted tobacco"; they take the sweepings from the floor and other left overs: dust, stems and low grade leaf parts that could be a decade old, blend it to a pulp, press it into a sheet and shred it.
Then there is the "expanded tobacco", made with leaf that is doused in ammonia and freon, then freeze-dried. This increases the finished volume of tobacco they can get out of the same amount of material.
Then there are the 599 additives that the FDA has actually approved for these bastards to adulterate the recon with. Despite all of this, everybody turns around and says tobacco causes cancer, so smoking causes cancer and thus cannabis must have the potential cause it, too.

But, wait a minute...there is also smokeless tobacco: snuff, dip, chewing tobacco products. These products are also very likely to cause oral, esophageal and other kinds of cancer with prolonged use. There is absolutely no smoke involved here...and yet, cancer! I know of no other herbal materials that could cause a cancerous lesion to develop if you constantly put a wad of it between your lip and gum line.
And I am surprised more people don't catch on to this, and the fact that tobacco grown in the United States (and likely many other places) is grown with cheap phosphate fertilizers that are derived from mined apatite and contaminated with radium, lead 210 and polonium 210 (these are radioactive).
If you do a little research and come up with lists of the components that are found in mainstream tobacco smoke (not just the list of the additives) you will see polonium 210 and various other horrible substances listed there.

I used to try to explain this to people all the time, so many of them refused to consider it and many more just seemed to pretend to agree...while they took another drag. Smoke your cigarettes and die like the government wants you too, kids!