I recieved a letter from Marc Emery's Wife Jodie Emery.


Well-Known Member

Thank you for the touching letter. I'm glad that you were able to use cannabis to help your mother in her final days.

Marc is, indeed, surrendering to the USA for a 5-year US federal prison term at the end on this month. The reason is because Marc was facing 30 years to life in prison if he tried to resist extradition (which never happens; the USA gets everyone they want), so when he was offered this plea deal for 5 years he decided it was worth it.

The problem is, Canadian prisoners in the USA used to be transfered back to Canada to serve their time, but our current Conservative government has refused to transfer drug offenders. Marc will certainly be considered that, so we need people to lobby for his transfer as soon as possible. I'll be letting people know, through my videos, what they can do to help. www.CannabisCulture.com will also have updates and information.

If you want to take part in the worldwide rally for Marc Emery on Sa... more
She is a very nice lady. Sucks about her husband though. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
he knew the risk when he got into the biz. i think 5 years sounds real good compared to 30, id have taken that shit too. it does suck that he has a wife and prob a family hes leaving behind


Well-Known Member
Emery's tale is devastating... total BS

I hope some good comes from it... (I'm sure he does too)

In my dreams Cali uses his case to help remove MJ from the federal controlled substances list, and he must be released and compensated.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Mark sold seeds to some very sick people and give most of his money to the cause.For all you people saying he got what he asked for,I hope your asses get busted


Well-Known Member
Mark sold seeds to some very sick people and give most of his money to the cause.For all you people saying he got what he asked for,I hope your asses get busted
he ran the BIGGEST seed bank in the world and openly bragged about it. now that he got busted he is suddenly this big medical movement guy? BS. :roll:

he knew what he was doing was illegal, as do i. if i get busted you won't see me crying about it for 10 years. in all this time he's been whining he could have already done his time and been out. kinda like Ed, and Tommy, and Dennis, and everyone else involved in "The Movement". :eyesmoke: :peace:

jeff f

New Member
he ran the BIGGEST seed bank in the world and openly bragged about it. now that he got busted he is suddenly this big medical movement guy? BS. :roll:

he knew what he was doing was illegal, as do i. if i get busted you won't see me crying about it for 10 years. in all this time he's been whining he could have already done his time and been out. kinda like Ed, and Tommy, and Dennis, and everyone else involved in "The Movement". :eyesmoke: :peace:
fdd , dont you think your being a little hard on the beaver?


Well-Known Member
using 'the beaver' in this case is a double entendre. refering both to what june said to ward, and also referencing the fact that
there are lots of beaver in canda.


Well-Known Member
He probably won't even do 5....probably more like 18 months with parole or something. When I first started growing, I was advised not to fuck with emery direct because of the fact that he bragged about it, and he was so widely known. The guy that helped me out was, and still is, ultra secretive and I think it bothered him.


Well-Known Member
He probably won't even do 5....probably more like 18 months with parole or something. When I first started growing, I was advised not to fuck with emery direct because of the fact that he bragged about it, and he was so widely known. The guy that helped me out was, and still is, ultra secretive and I think it bothered him.
yeah you can take 20 months right off the top of that sentence for good time.
If he does 2 years i'll be suprised.


Well-Known Member
The US is trying to make an example outta the guy. Though i think evaluating seeds as an illegal substance a bit far-fetched. I also feel it's absurd that Canada is cooperating with the US's requests esp when they gained taxes off of Mr. Emery. However the same thing can be said abt the Fed's collecting taxes on medical Mary and closing down shops. Say la vie!


Well-Known Member
maybe they are making an example out of him because he kept jumping up and down yelling "look at me".

"an example"? seems to be working. :)