Glen Beck's a Douche!


Active Member
I guess that senior democrat is nuts.... huh. Maybe he sees the power grab up close and is becoming quite concerned.
if I remember the post correctly, all it said was Senior Dem. No name. I don't take it too seriously without the source of the quote and the source you got it from.. Were you this outraged during Bush years, because he had more. I'm going to guess No; because you never thought about it before Rush and Beck started talking about. Be honest with yourself, if not me; Did you think this before FOX News told you to be outraged?


Well-Known Member
americans elected obama to run the country.. if he needs someones advise how to run the country then he shouldnt be president... or he should at least get an adviser that is approved by the USA

Don't you think the President needs advisors so he can get the best information to make important decisions? They have no real power, the President still has to make all the decisions


Active Member
americans elected obama to run the country.. if he needs someones advise how to run the country then he shouldnt be president... or he should at least get an adviser that is approved by the USA
I guess that it why G.W. was such a successful president, not seeking out good advice. The sign of a good leader is listening to all points of view and then making the most well-informed decision; Not shooting from the hip. And when you say "approved by the USA" who are you talking about? Congress? I appove them as did the majority of Americans that ELECTED the President; you all need to stop whinning, YOUR SIDE LOST!!! Try again in 3 years! But good luck with the current crop of Republicans, Sarah Palin (LOL)!


Well-Known Member
americans elected obama to run the country.. if he needs someones advise how to run the country then he shouldnt be president... or he should at least get an adviser that is approved by the USA
Presidents have always had advisers. You really think ONE MAN can run a nation of 330 MILLION people, all by himself?

I'd like to see YOU try it.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Presidents have always had advisers. You really think ONE MAN can run a nation of 330 MILLION people, all by himself?

I'd like to see YOU try it.
That's right Obama has more than 30 czars to help him ruin I mean run this country lol and I'm sure Timothy Geithner - the tax cheat - helps him with his math :mrgreen:

And I'm afraid most Americans don't understand that the executive branch is just one part of 3 branches....

You didn't hear many asking - during the presidential election - where the congressional oversight was, when there was a melt-down in financials, when congress had more to do with it than Bush.


Well-Known Member
because your the director of a military branch and you can say that these bases serve no purpose.
i agree we should close all of our military bases outside of the US so iran can develope an unsecured nuclear arsenal and then trade these arms with the talib government of pakistan etc. and its also completely useless to have a base on an island in the pacific because the chinese are so weak that we would never have to be able to defend ourselves against immanent attacks. our foreign policy is there for a reason whether you agree or not. the day all of those bases close is the day America becomes vulnerable to a number of enemies. intelligence must be gathered to protect YOU and YOUR FAMILY. so instead of suggesting we close bases y not say are there enough bases in volitile areas? the answer is no. if thaqt were true there wouldnt be an "osama bin laden" type character out there.
you are really REALLY REALLY in need of a dose of something called THE REAL WORLD.

IRAN IS NOT BUILDING A NUCLEAR ARSENAL. they are years away from being able to create a nuclear power facility, even farther away from making nuclear weapons.

PAKISTAN ALREADY HAS NUCLEAR WEAPONS. taliban government of pakistan??? what the hell are you talking about?? i'm just in shock right now...

china would not try to defeat the US with military conflict. why all the bloodshed when all they have to do is freeze exports? that would be enough to cause a catastrophic collapse of the U.S. the U.S. was smart though, they went to the chinese for money, so actually if china wants to screw the U.S. the U.S. can default on the loans and cause problems there... hmmm...


Well-Known Member
you are really REALLY REALLY in need of a dose of something called THE REAL WORLD.

IRAN IS NOT BUILDING A NUCLEAR ARSENAL. they are years away from being able to create a nuclear power facility, even farther away from making nuclear weapons.

PAKISTAN ALREADY HAS NUCLEAR WEAPONS. taliban government of pakistan??? what the hell are you talking about?? i'm just in shock right now...

china would not try to defeat the US with military conflict. why all the bloodshed when all they have to do is freeze exports? that would be enough to cause a catastrophic collapse of the U.S. the U.S. was smart though, they went to the chinese for money, so actually if china wants to screw the U.S. the U.S. can default on the loans and cause problems there... hmmm...
In SmokeyMcChokey's defense, he said "talib" government of Pakistan - not "taliban".

Not sure who this Talib guy is, though, unless... maybe Pakistan has "czars", too?


Well-Known Member
We never need czars until this MASSIVE expansion of government in the last several decades.. we did pretty damn good b4 we started policeing the world and now we are just a shit hole like other countries.... we give other countries our hard earned money... put total trust in the government (who fuck us over).. and stick a gun down 3 billion peoples throat every day.... want peace? get rid of the people stealing our tax money... close the fed reserve down.... and shrink our government

china wont attack us ... we owe them trillions upon trillions of dollars and buy most of their exports... why would they attack the people that are making them felthy stickin fucking rich... thats like attacking your boss that pays you trillions of dollars a year

end ALL foreign military bases, bring the troops home, get rid of the massive gov, get rid of nonelected or non approved government personel ... get rid of the fed reserve which is like a government upon itself and allow the states to represent their people instead of the fed government


obama was not elected by a majority of the american people

dont you know how this stuff works?

it doesnt matter who we vote for

it matters who the electoral college votes for


Active Member
you are really REALLY REALLY in need of a dose of something called THE REAL WORLD.

IRAN IS NOT BUILDING A NUCLEAR ARSENAL. they are years away from being able to create a nuclear power facility, even farther away from making nuclear weapons.

PAKISTAN ALREADY HAS NUCLEAR WEAPONS. taliban government of pakistan??? what the hell are you talking about?? i'm just in shock right now...

china would not try to defeat the US with military conflict. why all the bloodshed when all they have to do is freeze exports? that would be enough to cause a catastrophic collapse of the U.S. the U.S. was smart though, they went to the chinese for money, so actually if china wants to screw the U.S. the U.S. can default on the loans and cause problems there... hmmm...
You're totally right except about Iran, The inspectors went into the secret site the other week and said they were further along than we had previously thought


Well-Known Member
Iran only wants nuclear missles so that we wont be over there messing with them anymore.... i dont like war period.. dont like nuclear missiles.. but i dont like going and forceing others to do what we want even if it means that they obtain nuclear missiles.. if we dont strike first they prob wont either.... isnt it destiny that all countries obtain nuke missiles? doesnt mean they will use them


Well-Known Member
maybe we should buy up all the uranium and send it to the sun so it can be destroyed? isnt there a better way to deal with this then sanctions and military ?


Active Member
obama was not elected by a majority of the american people

dont you know how this stuff works?

it doesnt matter who we vote for

it matters who the electoral college votes for
You're right, ie. Gore won the popular but lost the electoral, due to Florida (thanks Jeb). Obama won both by a massive margin. I personally think we need to get rid of the electoral college, but that's for a different time.


Active Member
Iran only wants nuclear missles so that we wont be over there messing with them anymore.... i dont like war period.. dont like nuclear missiles.. but i dont like going and forceing others to do what we want even if it means that they obtain nuclear missiles.. if we dont strike first they prob wont either.... isnt it destiny that all countries obtain nuke missiles? doesnt mean they will use them
Or as Ahmaddinejad says, "To wipe Israel of the face of the Earth"


Well-Known Member
and isnt jeb bush related to george w bush ;)

You're right, ie. Gore won the popular but lost the electoral, due to Florida (thanks Jeb). Obama won both by a massive margin. I personally think we need to get rid of the electoral college, but that's for a different time.


Well-Known Member
let them fight there battles... just dont use my hard earned money for it...let Israel go over and take the leader out before they acquire the nuke technology .... there problem not mine

Or as Ahmaddinejad says, "To wipe Israel of the face of the Earth"


Active Member
let them fight there battles... just dont use my hard earned money for it...let Israel go over and take the leader out before they acquire the nuke technology .... there problem not mine
The U.S. and Israel are linked in the minds of all Muslims in the region. Whatever they do, we are thought to be involved and vice versa. I agree Israel should do whatever they have to, but it is not that easy for the U.S. to just sit back