Question about trimming


Well-Known Member
I wanted to know if trimming alot of the fan leaves during flowering is a bad idea? I trimmed alot of my fan leaves today so all the bud sites could get more light, is it bad to over trim or is there a certain limit. i would like to hear your thoughts on this.

stay high:joint:


Active Member
Sounds like you are doing it right....Except don't forget that leaves are the powerhouses of a plant. Without that energy they will not be able to produce as much THC, THC is a luxury to the plant not a necessity ;)


Well-Known Member
i'm currently on my 5th day of flowering and couls already see all the pistilsm, so would that affect the thc production if i trimmed alot of the fan leaves? or am I worrying too much?


Well-Known Member
i've been experimenting with trimming vs no trimming during flower; where i trimmed off the big fan leaf, the bud on the shute above was TWICE the size of a non-trimmed shute , not a little bigger, but TWICE the size... i'm not too sure if this decreases thc, but dam sure i'll be trimmin every fan leaf i can (only 1 or 2 per plant a day during flowering)

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
i've been experimenting with trimming vs no trimming during flower; where i trimmed off the big fan leaf, the bud on the shute above was TWICE the size of a non-trimmed shute , not a little bigger, but TWICE the size... i'm not too sure if this decreases thc, but dam sure i'll be trimmin every fan leaf i can (only 1 or 2 per plant a day during flowering)
Cool, do you have pics?


Well-Known Member
its a preference it seems now-days. it is tempting to trim those leaves away as well to expose those buds to more light. But like Axel said, the leaves produce the energy to make the buds. I manuver some branches and leaves if possible, if the plants are in pots, i rotate just about daily, to let different parts of the plant get different angles of light. I'd like to get a scientific annalysis of this experiment and compare lol

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
hmmm... in this thory if the fan leaf is a way of lower bud getting light... then what use that fan leaf has if it's not getting light neither

EDIT: lol i just realize that the leaf is blocking the bud ofcource :D dman im stoned...


Well-Known Member
u guys shouldnt be thinkin of the fan leaf producing the bud's food, but robbing it of food n energy, thus it'll never reach it's full potential. the bud already has lots of small leaves around it that can produce its food

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
just the end results; chemo n gremlin from my old grow... never took pics or posted on this site till then. my setup's a little more advanced now...
So you take few fan leaves off every few day? And when... is it ok to trim then in beginning of flowering? like 1 week in flowering

Nice pics mate.. really...


Active Member
I never trim unless it is yellowing or tinged. there is a reason god put those leads there! the plant needs them in my opion, I leave the leafs alone. organic is all natural

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
I never trim unless it is yellowing or tinged. there is a reason god put those leads there! the plant needs them in my opion, I leave the leafs alone. organic is all natural
But if it makes better yield? GOD maybe put some bonus leaves for to animals get high also maybe?

Some animal ate my outdoor plant :D


Well-Known Member
So you take few fan leaves off every few day? And when... is it ok to trim then in beginning of flowering? like 1 week in flowering

Nice pics mate.. really...
kind of depends how big and bushy the plant is. maybe start a week into budding, 1 or 2 leaves a day per plant. start with the big ones on the main stem, then work ur way out. don't trim it till the shute above it is showing little leaves that can take over to nuirish the bud. by the end of 7 weeks, I have all the big leaves gone, with just the leaves around the buds remaining. makes for a clean easy final trim too

try not trimming 1, u'll see the difference


Well-Known Member
good info guys... I just trimmed all the fan leaves that were shading bud sites and it seems to work very well as they grow way faster.