The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member

sorry westie i couldnt help maself ehy :oops: i took up as little space as i could though lol

thought id follow trend but at least the last ones worth it ehy 2 more nice girrls for the thread.


Well-Known Member
thanks bro i slept well last night believe it or not lol. at first i had a storyline thread stealing pics but then i realised it was a bit too long lol.

your medicine looks good ill be useful now and ill pic bump it for ya. :)


mr west

Well-Known Member
Normaly im a modest man but i feel like yelling "in your face!!!" Im as happy as a pig in shit whith pizza. I had a good round at golf today too for a beginer, I had two 59's which i think is good lol better than before lol.


Well-Known Member

check this guy out. couldnt help it. just remembering the first time i got a good look at some titties. priceless lmfao.

the face is classic.

hehe ill stop taking the thread off topic now bro i couldnt help but be a smart ass lol. besides as you said i do most of my work when your asleep lol.


Well-Known Member
damn strait.

congrats on the harvest by the way. your getting a bit better at this arent ya lol. wasnt there only 3 jrs last time or did you have more cuttings?

mr west

Well-Known Member
i got 82g off one plant and the 74g off one plant, was only two cuttings that time. I have a perpetual grow rolling in my tent and have about 9 plants in my tent at any one time lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
damn strait.

congrats on the harvest by the way. your getting a bit better at this arent ya lol. wasnt there only 3 jrs last time or did you have more cuttings?

of the two lots of pics ive put up recenty, the cheese is in the bigger jars 500g coffee jar as the psycho is in the 25g cofffe jars