Ready for harvest?


Well-Known Member
Im thinking my plants are ready to be harvested but am not exactly sure. I checked the trichs and some are amber and some cloudy.

Plants are on Days 96 and 88 (total days). and both on Day 45 of flowering.

Here are some pictures below (taken yesterday for my journal). If you want/need better pics please let me know and ill get em taken!



Well-Known Member
Im thinking my plants are ready to be harvested but am not exactly sure. I checked the trichs and some are amber and some cloudy.

Plants are on Days 96 and 88 (total days). and both on Day 45 of flowering.

Here are some pictures below (taken yesterday for my journal). If you want/need better pics please let me know and ill get em taken!
A couple of pics under normal lighting would help, but from what you put up they look done, very nice! :peace:


Active Member
I would say give them a couple more days, but you are damn close! you plan on giving them a period of darkness before you chop em? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I had planned to wait until Friday either way.

and I hadnt thought about it. Havnt seen anything on that, is it a good idea to give them darkness before chop?


Well-Known Member
I had planned to wait until Friday either way.

and I hadnt thought about it. Havnt seen anything on that, is it a good idea to give them darkness before chop?
They say that a couple days of darkness right before you chop increases the trichomes - I haven't tried it myself yet but that's the word.


Active Member
It has been said by many that 24-48 hours of darkness increases resin production. Also by doing this you are keeping more nutrients in the soil than in the plant because when the plant is in drakness it isn't pulling nutes through as it would be with the lights on. So essentially you have a chance of getting more resin and less residue from your soil by giving them a period of darkness before harvesting. wouldn't hurt. Friday sounds about right. I gave my plants 48 hours of drakness before axing them, i'm sure 24 would be fine, goodluck mate and + rep for your grow. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well I just watered today with nutes. Planned to harvest on Saturday. So should I just not water them again, and tomorrow cut the lights out until I harvest?


Active Member
if you're going to harvest on saturday that would be better, preferrably it hink they should get 2 more days of light, 24 hrs of darkness than chop those babies. Flush them IMMEDIATELY.. if not you'll get kind of a chemical taste in the buds... sposed to start flushing 10 days prior to harvest. 3 times the normal amount of water you give them at least twice, let the extra water drain out the bottom, try and get all the nutrients out.. With the last watering about 20 mins later i like to add a little bit of mollasses to help not wash away everything. :leaf: