9/11 debunking accomplished


New Member
He's flailing about. The pattern is clear.... he has assumed the conclusion and force feeds whatever he can dig up to make that conclusion correct, or at least tolerable.

Of course science and logic work it the other way around.


Well-Known Member
if wikipedia is not so trust worthy why do so many of you quote from it? i do agree though wikipeda dose suck. watch secrets of 9/11 it will be on saterday, channal 185 if you have derict tv. if not if you search for it iam sure you will find it. i do not think it will change your mind but i do think you might see the government had more of a hand in it than you think.


Well-Known Member
have a listen for yourself then:

EDIT: I removed the first vid because it was a bad link to the wrong transcript.

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/jyyXUDUsqqU&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/jyyXUDUsqqU&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

i wasn't exactly wrong but not fully right on this. got some of my facts mixed up sorry. if you would watch the movie secrets of 9/11 it will explain in more detail of what i was trying to say.


Well-Known Member
Jesus! How someone can listen to that and have any doubt as to what happened is beyond me. Why didn't these guys notify NORAD as soon as they heard the word bomb? Man people sure know how to under-react at times.


Well-Known Member
Air Traffic controllers respond to hijackings on average of 27 times a year. Its not exactly outside there normal operations.
There was no office of homeland security to contact
NORAD has little or nothing to do with civilliain air operations- they look for missiles, not 747's

At the time, NORAD's charge was to protect the nation from intercontinental ballistic missiles, not passenger jets off course.
You have to understand now we know what the objective of the attacks were, at the time of the crisis we did not.
There's also a very real legal dilemma regarding the use of military force, which could cause delays in times of crisis:
It is illegal for the US military to be used against its own citizens or be deployed for action on the soil of the US, unless in times of declared war.
The planes were full of citizens..... sad but true. The military's hands were tied before they could even react :(
Im pretty sure you could not assemble congress, pass a measure, and deploy in the time from when the threat was first apparent to before the first plane hit.
It is not illegal for national guard trrops however.
Except the national guard doesnt exactly run NORAD does it.
Once the threat was made apparent, SIOP was initiated, (Single Integretion Operations Plan) The first step of SIOP is to secure the chain of command.
This is why Bush spent the day riding around in air force one. The second step of SIOP is to prepare for a massive 'Alpha attack'
This is why all air traffic was immediately grounded, to free up the airspace for military aircraft and to give the ability to track a target without interference from other airborne aircraft. The 3rd step of SIOP is establish air superiority over the us...
Which is why fighters provided CAP (combat air patrol) over major east coast cities and the atlantic coast in the hours following the attacks.
However SIOP was designed to be used in place of nuclear attack, not a terrorist threat using conventional weapons, and was soon abandoned once it was clear the immediate threat had passed.
It wasnt the best plan for the situation, but it was the only one in place at the time, and something is better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
what movie is that maxamus?
ill check it out man, i always keep an open mind to evidence

oh nvmnd.. secrets of 9/11. i already planned on it ;)


Well-Known Member
let me say this. even if they the gov. did not have anything to do with the buildings collapse. they still had more to do with what happened than i would allow.


New Member
That's a far far cry from the truthers conclusions Maximus.

If anything, the govt. knew too little. To think that OUR govt. would knowingly kill nearly 4000 ppl to start a war is INSANITY.

Honestly, if anyone feels that is the country they are living in. If anyone is that mistrustful of their own fellow citizens, they should move somewhere else.
I'm not saying kick them out, but I sure know if I felt that way, I would leave as soon as possible.

Home is where the heart is. If they can't find the heart here in the USA, they need to find a new home, for their own sake. Thinking that they are going to effect a change large enough to right so many many wrongs is delusional. they will never be happy here. They need to seek their happiness.

It's either that or professional therapy, and I'm not kidding. Conspiracy thinking runs much deeper than what ppl see on the surface.


Well-Known Member
cj if you watch secret of 9/11 you might cry to see how much they did know. i love my country. my forefathers fought for her and died for her. this is my home and no mater where you go it will be the same political bs. they have done so much against us and keep so many secrets. we can not trust them they have done this to them selves.


New Member
There was tons of info coming in all the time.... but knowing which is credible is difficult when you have no intelligence inside the muslim world thanks to big billy Clinton.

The ENTIRE 9/11 conspiracy is based on HINDSIGHT.

The ENTIRE 9/11 conspiracy is based on POLITICS.


There's no SCIENCE.

Clinton decimated the CIA and FBI during his tenure as President. The entire thing was a mess.

We are going down the very same road right now. Decimating the CIA when we need them most. The results will be similar.... or worse.

Strength and fortitude bring peace, not weakness and appeasement.


Well-Known Member
he had info that this was coming. the air lines were warned three months before it happened how much more do you want? i'm sorry but if the air lines know three months before, there is no way that air control did not know of the warning also. cj i am not trying to convince you that the government is behind the building coming down. what i am trying to do is show you there is more going on then what they say. then you can come to what ever conclusion you want. i do not expect you to believe what i believe. the movie or show i asked you to watch is not a truther movie(show) it just bring other information to the table.


Well-Known Member
Air Traffic controllers respond to hijackings on average of 27 times a year. Its not exactly outside there normal operations.
There was no office of homeland security to contact
NORAD has little or nothing to do with civilliain air operations- they look for missiles, not 747's

At the time, NORAD's charge was to protect the nation from intercontinental ballistic missiles, not passenger jets off course.
You have to understand now we know what the objective of the attacks were, at the time of the crisis we did not.
There's also a very real legal dilemma regarding the use of military force, which could cause delays in times of crisis:
It is illegal for the US military to be used against its own citizens or be deployed for action on the soil of the US, unless in times of declared war.
The planes were full of citizens..... sad but true. The military's hands were tied before they could even react :(
Im pretty sure you could not assemble congress, pass a measure, and deploy in the time from when the threat was first apparent to before the first plane hit.
It is not illegal for national guard trrops however.
Except the national guard doesnt exactly run NORAD does it.
Once the threat was made apparent, SIOP was initiated, (Single Integretion Operations Plan) The first step of SIOP is to secure the chain of command.
This is why Bush spent the day riding around in air force one. The second step of SIOP is to prepare for a massive 'Alpha attack'
This is why all air traffic was immediately grounded, to free up the airspace for military aircraft and to give the ability to track a target without interference from other airborne aircraft. The 3rd step of SIOP is establish air superiority over the us...
Which is why fighters provided CAP (combat air patrol) over major east coast cities and the atlantic coast in the hours following the attacks.
However SIOP was designed to be used in place of nuclear attack, not a terrorist threat using conventional weapons, and was soon abandoned once it was clear the immediate threat had passed.
It wasnt the best plan for the situation, but it was the only one in place at the time, and something is better than nothing.
I'm going to assume you are correct and say that is where they fucked up.


New Member
Max.... how many flights per day in the usa? No one knew when or where.... that's not actionable intelligence.

Clinton destroyed our intelligence gathering capabilities.

You wan an investigation? Start with BILL CLINTON, not BUSH.


Well-Known Member
he had info that this was coming. the air lines were warned three months before it happened how much more do you want? i'm sorry but if the air lines know three months before, there is no way that air control did not know of the warning also. cj i am not trying to convince you that the government is behind the building coming down. what i am trying to do is show you there is more going on then what they say. then you can come to what ever conclusion you want. i do not expect you to believe what i believe. the movie or show i asked you to watch is not a truther movie(show) it just bring other information to the table.
You should be able to find the original document on line. Bush had a general warning that there may be an attack of some kind by al-queda. There was no specific knowledge of where, when or how. That is a false claim by the conspiracy theorists. Look on line and you can find the actual memo that Bush had.


New Member
it's all about shifting the blame from Clinton to Bush.

It was Clinton who brought us the terror of 9/11.... no one else.


Well-Known Member
i am not blaming bush more than clinton. clinton had more chances of getting bin laden than anyone and did nothing. but to say that bush was clueless is insane.


New Member
Clinton set up 9/11. It wasn't just about missing chances.... tho he did. It's about the ATTITUDE towards the CIA and FBI.
It's about being able to recognize an enemy. Clinton either didn't want to, or just wasn't up to the task. Either way, Clinton was the true catalyst of 9/11.... no one else.

Bush acted because SOMEONE had to act. That's what the Commander In Chief is there for. Something lost on Clinton, and now Obama.

History will repeat itself. It's being set up now. But you keep looking backwards. That way you won't have to watch the incoming missiles etc.


Well-Known Member
That's a far far cry from the truthers conclusions Maximus.

If anything, the govt. knew too little. To think that OUR govt. would knowingly kill nearly 4000 ppl to start a war is INSANITY.

Honestly, if anyone feels that is the country they are living in. If anyone is that mistrustful of their own fellow citizens, they should move somewhere else.
I'm not saying kick them out, but I sure know if I felt that way, I would leave as soon as possible.

Home is where the heart is. If they can't find the heart here in the USA, they need to find a new home, for their own sake. Thinking that they are going to effect a change large enough to right so many many wrongs is delusional. they will never be happy here. They need to seek their happiness.

It's either that or professional therapy, and I'm not kidding. Conspiracy thinking runs much deeper than what ppl see on the surface.
