OK New Room

Medical User

Well-Known Member
This is a pic of 4 x 40watt 6500k Daylight T12s, plus 5 42watt CFLs, plus 2x 65Watt CFLs and the sprouts that are now 3 months old (Ack seriously stunted from being outside during light change. ANy one have any suggestions on jump starting these back to life, already have em on 18/6 light shedule

Only second time so sort of a noob any help is appreciated



Active Member
wow thats a lot of lights! I am just using some 4 foot fluorescents for my veg then a 400watt hps bulb in a different room for flowering. Did you plan on any light changes when you flower?

Medical User

Well-Known Member
wow thats a lot of lights! I am just using some 4 foot fluorescents for my veg then a 400watt hps bulb in a different room for flowering. Did you plan on any light changes when you flower?
Will Probably ADD a 65 Watt MH and a 75 Watt HPS for flowering whats your opinion?


Active Member
well those plants look more like 3 days, then 3 MONTHS! you are DEFINITLY doing something wrong with your grow


Well-Known Member
advice... start over please new seeds will sprout and grow much faster then those will those are dead pretty much dude just start over please


Active Member
Start over with new seeds or save yourself some time and get some rooted cuttings. And then get rid of those damn cfls and put in an HID. I assume you're using the room for both veg and flower - so either get a convertible HPS/MH or do the whole damn grow cycle under HPS. I suggest at least 250W if you want to make it worth your time and 400W for a decent grow. Get some experience under you and then try a SCROG with two plants. I really feel you're wasting your time with CFL's - they're ok for veg, but MJ loves HID.

Medical User

Well-Known Member
Start over with new seeds or save yourself some time and get some rooted cuttings. And then get rid of those damn cfls and put in an HID. I assume you're using the room for both veg and flower - so either get a convertible HPS/MH or do the whole damn grow cycle under HPS. I suggest at least 250W if you want to make it worth your time and 400W for a decent grow. Get some experience under you and then try a SCROG with two plants. I really feel you're wasting your time with CFL's - they're ok for veg, but MJ loves HID.
You lost me at the lose the cfl's I HAVE 1 EXTREMELY SUCCESSFULL grow using cfl's ONLY 1 plant 2 oz dried buds 10 42 watt cfls , this has more light than that one and I do have a MH and an HPS but they are 65 and 75 watt respectively the climate is such that no matter how many fans you put unless you put a darn AC in there this is all that she wrote any more heat will kill them im at the heat limit now with all the lights and will be just about that come flowering time with the MH and HPS kicked in. the lowest temp we get is like 55 F outside at night but the day is like 95 a real temperature rollercoaster


well, you may have to start over, depending on the change of light hours you switched from but i think your fine let them sit, feed them just twice a week, or just start over. id start germinating while you wait just incase :)

Medical User

Well-Known Member
well, you may have to start over, depending on the change of light hours you switched from but i think your fine let them sit, feed them just twice a week, or just start over. id start germinating while you wait just incase :)
Well at 60 bucks for the seeds I trying to get them goin again, they were outside and the days just got shorter for about a week, no frost worries here ever more heat issues if anything, they were in flowering mode, now back on 18/6 lighing indoors.

Llike I said im trying to save them. Can start over but only have bag seed and would much rather have Blueberry or Alpha-13


Active Member
sorry to hear of your misfortune...ya 60$ down the drain buddy it sucksssss but ya thats life man..personally i am going to make sure i have a few grows under my belt (atleast 5 good grows) before i purchase expensive seeds..and then i would only use 1 at a time until i got a good healthy mother...chuck them 3 month old seedlings..save yourself the headache/time.(easier said than done i know) at 3 months those ffuckers should be biggg and by trying to nurture them back to health is just going to waste so much time you can probly have another 3 month old veg before those will be healthy (IF THEY ARE EVEN CAPABLE OF BEING HEALTHY) and can make your money back by going out and selling a 2 eights of your bag seed and then you will have more money , more experience , more weed , and then you can decide on your next strain to purchase.

metal halide = veg
hps = flowering

you dont need both those on at the same time , if i were you id take out some of your spiral cfls and replace them with your hps (when flowering) keep those flouro tubes and ditch a few of those cfls if you have good bulbs why you wastin time with cfls (cfls are good i myself use them..if i had the space/money for an hps+ballast..i certainly wouldnt use them though.....) may i ask with all your resources why did you even put them outside to begin with?

i really like your cabinet very nice. + rep for that shiattt

edit: and the fact you spend 60$ on seeds and are growing them under cfl's just annoys the hell outta me :O!! you need to read more about this stuff bud (no offense intended whatsoever about anything i said , not trying to be "mean" :)


Active Member

Comments, suggestions, advice anyone?
If you are going to flower your plants, you should use Y adapters in every socket, buy at lowes or home depot, 2.49, Light is mandatory, never enough, you could even hang a small sodium light in there- 40 bucks. Get buds 4 to 6 inches- Need more light-70,000 lumens at least.

Medical User

Well-Known Member
sorry to hear of your misfortune...ya 60$ down the drain buddy it sucksssss but ya thats life man..personally i am going to make sure i have a few grows under my belt (atleast 5 good grows) before i purchase expensive seeds..and then i would only use 1 at a time until i got a good healthy mother...chuck them 3 month old seedlings..save yourself the headache/time.(easier said than done i know) at 3 months those ffuckers should be biggg and by trying to nurture them back to health is just going to waste so much time you can probly have another 3 month old veg before those will be healthy (IF THEY ARE EVEN CAPABLE OF BEING HEALTHY) and can make your money back by going out and selling a 2 eights of your bag seed and then you will have more money , more experience , more weed , and then you can decide on your next strain to purchase.

metal halide = veg
hps = flowering

you dont need both those on at the same time , if i were you id take out some of your spiral cfls and replace them with your hps (when flowering) keep those flouro tubes and ditch a few of those cfls if you have good bulbs why you wastin time with cfls (cfls are good i myself use them..if i had the space/money for an hps+ballast..i certainly wouldnt use them though.....) may i ask with all your resources why did you even put them outside to begin with?

i really like your cabinet very nice. + rep for that shiattt

edit: and the fact you spend 60$ on seeds and are growing them under cfl's just annoys the hell outta me :O!! you need to read more about this stuff bud (no offense intended whatsoever about anything i said , not trying to be "mean" :)

Well as you can see the level of offense I took by the +rep you got. Actually your wording was spot on so as not to offend. I have sprouts at differnet levels of production and out of the original 8 I think 4 are still alive but stressed to heck. I did plant 1 more seed so I have 1 just broke soil 1 still not sproutd and I guess I Ill use the others as indicators I know they prolly wont survive but until I get the room set up just right why not fuck with the stunted bastards right? Im goint to put up the MH for now for vegging, guess Ill hang it some how so it can adjust that thing puts off some heat!
thanks all hate to do it it but the consensus is move on and I will, but might as well have gunnea pigs albeit 60 dollar gunnea pigs