FLIR detection... arrests.. and police


Well-Known Member
Lol.. I just read a bunch of info on this stuff, and threads on this site about it..

I really cannot belive we would have to be affraid of fucking HELICOPTERS flying over our fucking houses looking for grow ops... its a fucking plant.. The detailed shit they will do to bust someone for weed is fucking RETARDED.

the government wastes millions and millions maybe billions shit... on finding marijuana and arresting peopel for it..

I just cant belive it lol.. im stoned and I was thinking about it... the shit is rediculous.. spend that billion dollars and get these worthless ghetto crack dealers off the street... quit busting people like me frow growing a fucking plant.



Well-Known Member
I dont think ive ever reeeaally been able to verbally express how much

No history of violence for me but I visualize spraying down cop cars with AK's literally every time I see one.

Anybody else get crazy violent thoughts when the see police officers/ police busts/ police cars?


Well-Known Member
Well, I have done some research on this, and believe that around 10 Billion dollars was spent in 2008, and with more and more people starting to smoke weed, I would imagine that they are going to spend twice that in 09. Good news, however, pot is finally going to be legalized in the U.S. after every war in the world is over, and healthcare is affordable by everyone... should be around Sept, Oct. of 2210.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you why they spend money on busting pot growers. It's from the fact that there is a whole economy based on locking up and imprisoning MJ growers. Most people in jail right now are nonviolent drug offenders (usually MJ). The privatized prison system is one of capital hill's largest lobbying groups. It's basically not in their best interest to have empty prisons. These companies make something like 20-25 thousand a person that they hold in prison. To top this off they use these people (usually against their will) to be cheap labor for whatever outsourced jobs they can get (i.e. road way work, telemarketing, ect...). Then they pay these people like 5 bucks a week for their labor...Sounds like slavery to me.


Active Member
What i try to do is educate anyone willing to listen about the benefits of mj and how everyone is so misinformed on how much healthier it is to smoke mj opposed to drinking, prescription pills,smoking cigs ,etc... But i do hate it when helicopters fly over my house ,i live less than 1/2 mile from airport where the sheriff copter is stationed and the other day a helicopter flew over my house at about 80 feet above the ground at least 5 times , then it circled literally right over my block for about 7 minutes i was ready to shit my pants and start yankin all my stuff when i noticed it was a Bay Flight chopper (Hospital) it was waiting to land to pick someone up i definitely dont want to end up doing slave labor or being bubba girlfriend in the pen

Straight up G

New Member
I'll tell you why they spend money on busting pot growers. It's from the fact that there is a whole economy based on locking up and imprisoning MJ growers. Most people in jail right now are nonviolent drug offenders (usually MJ). The privatized prison system is one of capital hill's largest lobbying groups. It's basically not in their best interest to have empty prisons. These companies make something like 20-25 thousand a person that they hold in prison. To top this off they use these people (usually against their will) to be cheap labor for whatever outsourced jobs they can get (i.e. road way work, telemarketing, ect...). Then they pay these people like 5 bucks a week for their labor...Sounds like slavery to me.
Sounds like goverment to me.

Straight up G

New Member
What i try to do is educate anyone willing to listen about the benefits of mj and how everyone is so misinformed on how much healthier it is to smoke mj opposed to drinking, prescription pills,smoking cigs ,etc... But i do hate it when helicopters fly over my house ,i live less than 1/2 mile from airport where the sheriff copter is stationed and the other day a helicopter flew over my house at about 80 feet above the ground at least 5 times , then it circled literally right over my block for about 7 minutes i was ready to shit my pants and start yankin all my stuff when i noticed it was a Bay Flight chopper (Hospital) it was waiting to land to pick someone up i definitely dont want to end up doing slave labor or being bubba girlfriend in the pen
Yes as far as I'm cocearned growing and smoking weed is legal, fuck their cunt law.


Well-Known Member
Lol.. I just read a bunch of info on this stuff, and threads on this site about it..

I really cannot belive we would have to be affraid of fucking HELICOPTERS flying over our fucking houses looking for grow ops... its a fucking plant.. The detailed shit they will do to bust someone for weed is fucking RETARDED.

the government wastes millions and millions maybe billions shit... on finding marijuana and arresting peopel for it..

I just cant belive it lol.. im stoned and I was thinking about it... the shit is rediculous.. spend that billion dollars and get these worthless ghetto crack dealers off the street... quit busting people like me frow growing a fucking plant.


if they use that on you and arrest you with out a warrant then the case is droped so dont worry about it and people get caught because of their mouths man so no worry about that type of shit ( in the usa)


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you why they spend money on busting pot growers. It's from the fact that there is a whole economy based on locking up and imprisoning MJ growers. Most people in jail right now are nonviolent drug offenders (usually MJ). The privatized prison system is one of capital hill's largest lobbying groups. It's basically not in their best interest to have empty prisons. These companies make something like 20-25 thousand a person that they hold in prison.

Thats why you have 25% of all the worlds prisoners, even tho you only make up 5% of the world population.

Straight up G

New Member
I dont think ive ever reeeaally been able to verbally express how much

No history of violence for me but I visualize spraying down cop cars with AK's literally every time I see one.

Anybody else get crazy violent thoughts when the see police officers/ police busts/ police cars?
I have often thought about creating a device you can programme so that if a FLIR pig busts your grow it will go to where they are and shoot them in the head, they would go for 199.95 inc VAT.