Back with the AEROGARDEN


Well-Known Member
So its been a lil bit since I updated so here it is. lol I feel like I have the worlds smallest LR in the flowering process. My other plant is doing really well. I am posting some pics of both, let me know what you think. I have three type of nutes in the AG Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom. Let me know which nute you think I should the most, I am mixing up all three for now. Oh by the way the plants are drinking water like no tomorrow. Basically drinking about a 12oz bottle of water every 2-3 days.



Well-Known Member
lookin good man, them lowryders usually have runts, thats why i dont really like them, the AG can Handel any strain,

i use the GH 3 part series, so im not too sure on the Fox Farms, but i would just follow their schedual, you slowly increase the nutes each week anyways, so you should find what works for you,

what are the temps in there? that lil one is drooping alot


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3214273]lookin good man, them lowryders usually have runts, thats why i dont really like them, the AG can Handel any strain,

i use the GH 3 part series, so im not too sure on the Fox Farms, but i would just follow their schedual, you slowly increase the nutes each week anyways, so you should find what works for you,

what are the temps in there? that lil one is drooping alot[/QUOTE]

lol I havent been following any nutes schedule, every time I put water in I put in a lil bit of nutes. I dont see any nute burn though. It has been a lil hot in the closet lately but I try to give it some air. Today is kinda cooler, the temp of the water is 28 degrees C. Not sure why the LR is drooping and the other one looks really good.


Well-Known Member
haha well thats what usually happens, the schedule is just a base to start from, but most people end up experimenting and do there own thing, they look nice and healthy, try moving the lights bac a lil, when was your last rez change?


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3214339]haha well thats what usually happens, the schedule is just a base to start from, but most people end up experimenting and do there own thing, they look nice and healthy, try moving the lights bac a lil, when was your last rez change?[/QUOTE]

I never change the rez, I had got that suggestion from Korvette


Well-Known Member
ya ur having an acidic build up...check ur ph and change the rez... but the other one looks nice good job


Well-Known Member
Alright so I checked the PH and it was around 5.5. So now I did my first rez change. Added some nutes grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom. Hopefully the ph will balance out due to the nutes. Not sure why the LR is drooping though. Well here are some pics while I did the rez change. The close up pics is the LR showing its sex.



Well-Known Member
Ok I made some adjustments. Ever since I did the rez change my larger plant just shot up and starting growing fast. I think soon it will over shadow the LR. I decided to make both of them flower, the LR is already flowering but I am changing the light hours to 12/12. I know it is going to effect the yield of the LR but I want to get the other one in the flowering stage too. Here are some pics.



Active Member
They are looking mighty healthy. I dont think it will have any effect on the LR. Mine is in 12/12 and seems to be doing quite nicely.


Well-Known Member
They are looking mighty healthy. I dont think it will have any effect on the LR. Mine is in 12/12 and seems to be doing quite nicely.
Thanks the LR looks droopy though. I heard on the LR less light is smaller yield. Well from what I see on this plant I dont think I will get much a yield at all.

[QUOTE="SICC";3231991]lookin good man, they love the rez changes[/QUOTE]

Yeah they do, all of a sudden they are drinking alot. From my last update, I put in 12 oz of water. Today I checked and half of the water in the AG was gone. Thats alot!!!! Maybe its the heat too though.

I cant wait til the big one starts flowering.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man I wanna grow something thats looks like your avatar.
Ok here is a update, these babies are drinking like crazy. Here are some pics.



Well-Known Member
ok here is another update, so again the plants are drinking water like crazy. I have to refill it every day! So the big plant started to over shadow the LR, so I had to make some adjustments. I took to ties and tied some branches up closer to the main stem but i still think its going to over shadow so I just my cfl's lower, what do you think I should do? Here is A LOT of pics.



Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3262629]whats your pH at[/QUOTE]

I have no idea they keep drinking the water up. I need to check it, does it look bad? They are drinking 16 oz a day