I need new weed connects


Well-Known Member
i used to have some boston area dealers, not sure if theyre still in it but i can ask around. im multifaceted like that...
Thanks man but I'm not that close to boston, I mean 25-30 mins but not trying to make it a habit going out there unless it was something really special.


bud bootlegger
yah, i would have to agree with the peps who say to ask someone in a restaurant or the like.. hang around a convenience store for a bit.. hang out and act like your checking out a magazine or whatever.. soon enough someone will roll in and purchase a blunt or wraps, and when they do, just kinda follow them out of the store and approach them.. it can be kinda sketchy, but sometimes you have to do what ever is necassary to get what you want in life..
i too have also traveled all throughout europe and canada, and have always managed to find what i was looking for.. i managed to hook up in spain although i don't even speak spanish, lol... but really.. just keep your eyes and nose open, and be wiling to approach a stranger, and good things can happen.. i've also done the old trick of wearing a shirt, like one from strainz clothing.. i have the ny diesel shirt, which is a good ice breaker, and the good thing about this method is that only fellow heads will know what's up, and are usually the only ones to approach you, rather than just wearing a shirt that says pothead or whatever which could also make some unwanteds to take notice.. good luck with the search though..


Well-Known Member
Dude, for real the restraunt inustry is by far the most corrupt in terms of drug use that I have ever heard of.. Just like stated before, its almost a sure thing unless its some small family owned busines and the small family doesnt smoke ha, but at any commercial restraunt you can definitley find somebody whos holding.


Well-Known Member
oh man i grew up all over the south shore.. quincy dortchester easton brockton all over... all my boys are up there


Active Member
tell me about it... I read today that they are looking into legalizing weed in Mass but it is gonna be a long drawn out process... but yea everyone I know from around that area says the samae shit about the way things are right now.
yeahh i heard about that too somethin about its legal to posses 4oZ an 12 plants over the age of 21 an legal to "trade" herb for no money. An yeah shits slow just had some Gran Daddy Purp tho, pretty dank taste like candy


Well-Known Member
all my connects came thru work. but i have dreads so i just walk in and get connects. but u'd be surprised. i got herb from peeps workin at the local petsmart, nursing home u name it.


Well-Known Member
yeahh i heard about that too somethin about its legal to posses 4oZ an 12 plants over the age of 21 an legal to "trade" herb for no money. An yeah shits slow just had some Gran Daddy Purp tho, pretty dank taste like candy
I got someone who's clamin to have that too... I still can't bring myself to cough up the money for piff when the shit doesn't last you as long.

If I could find a steady dro connect I'd be content.


Active Member
I got someone who's clamin to have that too... I still can't bring myself to cough up the money for piff when the shit doesn't last you as long.

If I could find a steady dro connect I'd be content.
Yeahh its way over priced thats why i just got a free sample an idk why but dro has been elusive the last 6months

True Stoner

Active Member
Man its too bad your not in Canada as i just picked up 2 z's for $350 of some sweet smelly hydro!! Nice fat sticky budzzzz. Good luck i know how it is!!!


Well-Known Member
WHATT! i didnt catch wind of that b4, that sucks. Back in the day that was an ill spot good times
yep... went up there a few years ago for old times sake... the quarries are now a rock climbing park/ golf course... SUX!

i had lotsa good times up there... i remember my first shroom trip up there... hitting the water laughing and damn near running so you could get out and jump again.. its a strange but good feeling free falling 70 ft when tripping your balls off :lol:

sadly, sometimes 'change' isnt the best of things... see for yourself:

view from 'rooftop'

'ships point'

'dad/ the far side' note they tore down 'the wall' too... :(

'the dark side' looking into 'swingles' quarry


Active Member
damnnn ships point got some memories up there. fuckin A, do u know if they drained that water? herd mad stories of bodies gettin thrown in there by whity buldger an other mob guys back in the day


Well-Known Member
im not sure about bodies are not... i remember back in the day they were looking for some irish kid that went and got himself missing with divers and whatnot. not sure they found any remains or not when they drained it.. prolly found a train and a buncha quarry epuipment and a buncha stolen cars... wouldnt surprise me a bit if there were quite a few bodies buried in the muck tho... they used do dump telephone poles in there to keep us from jumping in. it didnt work :lol:
maybe this will bring back some memories.
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ASqXeKkeY7Y&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ASqXeKkeY7Y&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
damn those are some crazy pictures... fuck jumping off that cliff though you gotta be outta your mind.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the reason that they filled that shit in was because people were going missing and turning up inside there cuz they jumped off and got hurt or something.