Massachusetts Legalization Debate: HB 2929


Active Member
Does anyone have any updates or know anything local about what is currently going on in Massachusetts? They are debating the House Bill 2929 today at 10am. I can only hope that positive results come out from this discussion.

Anyone who is from there have any updates?


Does anyone have any updates or know anything local about what is currently going on in Massachusetts? They are debating the House Bill 2929 today at 10am. I can only hope that positive results come out from this discussion.

Anyone who is from there have any updates?
Your not the only one I don't live there but that is a huge step in our fight please any one have more info on what is happening today it would be great :peace:


Active Member
This should have been covered! MPP,Norml asleep at the wheel.
couldn't have said it better.

Norml made me aware of it, but did not cover it. Hopefully tomorrow they will have an update, but something this monumental should have had more instant coverage.


Well-Known Member

I just returned home from the meeting at the statehouse. It kicked off at 10am and lasted until close to 1. Though there were other bills on the docket, HB2929 received by far the majority of the attention. I’m happy to say that most of it was positive. I don’t know the exact number but I would say that around two-dozen or so people spoke in support of the bill in a manner of a three-minute testimony. Only one person managed to speak in opposition to the bill. He was from Worcester and was part of a public health/safety organization.
Many of the people that spoke were (and I told them as such) the ‘rock stars’ of marijuana reform. I had the opportunity to meet Dr. Lester Grinspoon, Keith Stroup, and Jack Cole (of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) who all spoke. Dick Evans, the author of the bill, whom I had worked with leading up to the hearing to drum up support, spoke articulately as well. MassCann and SSDP (Students for Sensible Drug Policy) were also well represented with passionate speakers. It was interesting to see the progression of the hearing. My own three-minute testimony had to do with how the prohibition affects so many issues that are important to the country today—health care, underage consumption, hemp as renewable energy, etc. The committee members started off disinterested, but over time I felt that they came around and started asking pertinent questions. Sadly, only half of the committee showed up, so a lot of our argument won’t be verbally relayed (though many people submitted written testimony). The meeting room was full and at its peak there was standing room only so we were well represented.
In the end, I doubt the measure will pass but it was a great step in the right direction and we will hopefully continue the debate. Mr. Evans felt that this was the largest, most serious legislative discussion for marijuana legalization that he has ever seen or been a part of.
A huge thank you to everyone who participated today in this big step. Good luck to California! Good luck to Oregon! Good luck to every other state that is trying to decriminalize cannabis, or legalize medical marijuana, and end this fruitless prohibition.
One thing that stuck out from the meeting is this: Early on, the committee chairman commented that this is the largest group of people who have ever come before him asking to be taxed.

That took me all of 2 seconds to Google up.


Active Member
Thank you for the feedback doob. I have been eagerly waiting all day for a response both here and on shroomery. Sad to hear that its potential for passing is significantly low, but every meeting about legalizing, bring me hope that other non medical states will come to their senses.

I'm in Louisiana and hope that something a fraction of this size would come by our senate or house.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the feedback doob. I have been eagerly waiting all day for a response both here and on shroomery. Sad to hear that its potential for passing is significantly low, but every meeting about legalizing, bring me hope that other non medical states will come to their senses.

I'm in Louisiana and hope that something a fraction of this size would come by our senate or house.

Waiting all day? Really? You could have googled that up yourself at any point (it had been posted for 9 hours when I found it last night).


Active Member
Waiting all day? Really? You could have googled that up yourself at any point (it had been posted for 9 hours when I found it last night).
there was nothing in the obvious places: Norml, mpp, or massachusetts house website.

It was probably wrong for me to assume that if it was going to be anywhere it would be there, but I guess I didn't check hard enough.