Everyone will hate me


Well-Known Member
if its legal what stops someone from shooting up while pregnant nothing but there own free will. But when you deal with a substance that prevents free will you take away freedom. Heroin and meth are some of the most addictive substances out there.

Nothing is addictive if used correctly.

There are plenty of frequent user of these substance that are complete outstanding citizens, work, take care of their families and function properly.

It's the people with no self control that screw shit up for the other 90%.

Everything can be enjoyed with the proper control.

Here's an example,

Everyone says that oxys are addicting.
I've done them, loved it. But I've got no "urge" to want to do them.

It's all about control.


Well-Known Member
as a nation and world its not a leave it up to free will. Mass genocide is because of free will. Murder rape and anything that hinders another is based on someones free will to perform those actions. why not punish those who should be for acts that they themselves perpetrated cause of there own free will. Laws are meant to discourage not stop everything. What law ever in existence has been 100 percent enforced.


Well-Known Member
my argument is not flawed just subject to opinion.
haha okay i personally know a lot about this subject. and trust me people will do whatever they're going to do to get those drugs. If you want to join this "DEA" to feel like you're saving lives (and i'm not saying you won't be), then - honestly do whatever makes you happy as a person man. But it is a solid and PROVEN fact that regulation and control works better then prohibiting these substances that still "someway" find they're way onto our street corners.

I'm honestly not trying to come at you in any disrespectful manner and shit - so just know that. And now that you know that - Read This Book BEFORE you join the DEA - it's: Dark Alliance by Gary Webb.

In my mind, it's guaranteed - and I don't see how you can see it another way - that you are going to be working for or under some very corrupt people. It may be 20 it may be just one guy. But there's gotta be atleast one haha.

Some places in Holland tried the method of seeing drug addicts as actual medical patients. They thought - instead of treating people with shit like methadone which is more addicting and in some ways worse for you - they treat you with heroin. So you come in, 3 times a day or something for your shot of medical grade heroin.

The results were great. Heroin Addicts obviously started to go get there free medical doses which in turn almost completely eliminated the street problems caused by heroin (ie. violence, theft, etc.)
Since they took the power of the drug away from criminals who would sell a bag of heroin to a 12 year old girl - only people already addicted could get it. Kids started seeing these addicts as "sick people" - almost how we'd view a cancer patient going to get there daily medicine or something. Nobody wants cancer. Nobody wants to be a heroin addict.

Idk there's a lot to think about brother. But obviously whatever makes you happy in the end is the route to go. I just think we need to start working more as a people - more as a society. Protecting all people - all citizens.

Because the way upper class that runs our country like big corporations don't want us to stop getting addicted to HARMFUL drugs. They make money off of us being addicted to heroin and meth and shit. They sell the prescription drugs that we get high on - and then they sell us ones to help detox off the first ones that got us high haha.. and make money from the rehabs that help us "deal with it."

ya ya. i go off on rants. i know.
think though brotha.

one love


Well-Known Member
not everyone reacts the same way and those who do those thing responsibly are generally the ones who escape prosecution but the ones who abuse are the ones who go though court. Hence why even in most states a small amount of weed with get you a ticket but not a night in jail. I just saw a commercial for a movie that has the premise of you will get a million dollars if you push a button. But pushing that will kill someone within the world. Would you push it, i would say most would. Esp if the end result was just a period in a novel. Would not make one difference to most but if it came back and affected you then how would you act.


Well-Known Member
haha you guys are focused as fuck on your conversation. i took a while typing that post out. no response. damn. haha. but now.

not everyone reacts the same way and those who do those thing responsibly are generally the ones who escape prosecution but the ones who abuse are the ones who go though court. Hence why even in most states a small amount of weed with get you a ticket but not a night in jail. I just saw a commercial for a movie that has the premise of you will get a million dollars if you push a button. But pushing that will kill someone within the world. Would you push it, i would say most would. Esp if the end result was just a period in a novel. Would not make one difference to most but if it came back and affected you then how would you act.
i saw that movie trailer too. i thought right when i saw it - don't push the button, don't push it! ...... obviously there's going to be consequences. there are positive ones but they're usually negative consequences. known fact.

i would just ask the dude presenting it - "is there going to be any consequences for that dude dying and me getting the money?" just to make sure haha.


Well-Known Member
It is 100 percent illegal to grow marijuana in holland. The nation does not make a considerable amount from the creation of addicts. You cannot say that preventing something from happening that may not happen is a wrong and wasteful effort.


Well-Known Member
as a nation and world its not a leave it up to free will. Mass genocide is because of free will. Murder rape and anything that hinders another is based on someones free will to perform those actions. why not punish those who should be for acts that they themselves perpetrated cause of there own free will. Laws are meant to discourage not stop everything. What law ever in existence has been 100 percent enforced.
you cant use genocide or murder for an argument of free will. Ingesting a substance that you enjoy and inflicting pain and death on others a re two very different things. This tells me you don't have a valid point to make. You are changing the subject.


Well-Known Member
It is 100 percent illegal to grow marijuana in holland. The nation does not make a considerable amount from the creation of addicts. You cannot say that preventing something from happening that may not happen is a wrong and wasteful effort.

You CAN'T prevent it.


Well-Known Member
you dont go to prison for smoking weed i live in a state that has the harshest drug laws in the country but yet smoking marijuana is nothing same as possesing a small amount.


Well-Known Member
In my state you go to jail for a few days until you see the judge. and get at least a year probation for even a joint.


Well-Known Member
both are in relation to free will and the idea that people should decide for themselves whats ok. The consequences of there use is not known while on certain things. What prevents someone on pcp who is a normal moral person from using and having pcp rage and going on a rampage.


Well-Known Member
have you gone through the court system cause you go to jail but thats only because you wait for arraignment. The courts work 5 days a week so if you are arrested for such a minor offense on a friday you must wait to sat or even monday for the judge but when present you are arraigned for a violation or maybe a misde. But both are pleaded down in the court systems to a acod which is nothing


Well-Known Member
If the people that founded this country were still alive the DEA would not exist.
Nor the ATF.
And you would be allowed to put into your own body whatever you want.

I own my body. Not the Federal Government.


Well-Known Member
both are in relation to free will and the idea that people should decide for themselves whats ok. The consequences of there use is not known while on certain things. What prevents someone on pcp who is a normal moral person from using and having pcp rage and going on a rampage.
deciding whats ok for yourself and deciding for someone else are completely different.

I never went on a rampage on PCP.


Well-Known Member
you are not allowed to be held without being arraigned in a court during a work week. So if you are arrested on a mond to thurs you must be arraigned the next day.


Well-Known Member
You smoke weed knowing the consequences could be prison.
Yet you still do it.
naw i smoke weed knowin that i wont get prison tyme, and im on probation, no drug charges tho, but im legal. but fun shit tho fuk the police! does any1 kno?


Well-Known Member
are you a doctor. How do you decide whats ok for yourself. So if you are a person who enjoys cutting themselves. Selfmutilation is that ok.


Well-Known Member
smoking weed does not end in jail time in any state. its a minor problem but not jail. unless you are a multiple offender then its a problem.