Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is


Well-Known Member
Well, since you refuse to catch up, let me throw you a life line....

I was commenting to them, that continue to mock and insult anybody of religious belief on every thread without purpose, that they shouldn't be surprised that you are doing in to them, obviously since they have did so to you repeatedly without purpose or reason, however, you have proven them absolutely correct and me absolutely wrong!! Thank you for forgiving me...that was sarcasm Cj :)
Throw the lifeline called me a dunce...and follow it with I'm having a hard day, on the rag......could it be I commented to hypocrisy?:shock: unfair judgement even?
---face it, you guys have ALL been jumping my ass.
Let's go back to thinking I'm a male;-)


Well-Known Member
Pssst. You should really understand the terms you use before you throw them around.

That way you give the impression of knowing what you're saying instead of looking like a tool :)

Really...Illogical=without logic, Circular (i'll give you the benefit of doubt), Reasoning=to bring a subject of matter within context

Continue to use bad logic again and again to reason your point....

FAIL..Just go ahead and make another of your numerous accounts, but this time apply the user name Failure, so we know who we are addressing


Well-Known Member
Throw the lifeline called me a dunce...and follow it with I'm having a hard day, on the rag......could it be I commented to hypocrisy?:shock: unfair judgement even?
---face it, you guys have ALL been jumping my ass.
Let's go back to thinking I'm a male;-)
I explained it all to you, I didn't call you a dunce, but you have failed and proven yourself to be one.. I decided to take in light your misconstrued anger with laughter in hopes you would reread what I wrote clearly...but you can get your narrow ass up the road too..

A sea full of Shit and now A Piss Storm is on the Horizon...

Here ya'll have it, I have brought Unity at last

I have some Fries ready to come up!



Well-Known Member
Really...Illogical=without logic, Circular (i'll give you the benefit of doubt), Reasoning=to bring a subject of matter within context

Continue to use bad logic again and again to reason your point....

FAIL..Just go ahead and make another of your numerous accounts, but this time apply the user name Failure, so we know who we are addressing
Damn dude, maby you should chill and have a time out and take some deep breaths.


Well-Known Member
I explained it all to you, I didn't call you a dunce, but you have failed and proven yourself to be one.. I decided to take in light your misconstrued anger with laughter in hopes you would reread what I wrote clearly...but you can get your narrow ass up the road too..

A sea full of Shit and now A Piss Storm is on the Horizon...

Here ya'll have it, I have brought Unity at last

I have some Fries ready to come up!

Blame it on the alcohol?
10-14-2009, 05:43 PM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 718

Originally Posted by morgentaler
As for Jesus's quote, this is the third time I've posted this in response to the merry Christian group in these various threads, and each time it's ignored so another straw man can be torched:

15:1 Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying,15:2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread.15:3 But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?15:4 For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.15:5 But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;
15:6 And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.

He is directly chastising them for making a commandment of God have no effect, by not murdering the child who speaks back.

How very Christian of him.

And no, I'm not about to accuse you of abuse. I have no evidence to that effect. I'd accuse you of ignorance of the words of your own prophet.

Here, I'll answer it for you, :sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:

It's SARCASM..and he's speaking of the Absurdity of the NOtion of What they have Chosen to Tell,, These days we call them Snitches...RATs, also, a few verses down he says...........

15:10-11 Hear, and Understand: NOt that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man: but that which cometh out of the Mouth, this defileth a Man...

I have REspect for a lot of you that assume the Title of Atheist, you often present your point of view without trying to Mock a Person's belief, although, it's a rarity... The hypocrisy tho' of coming off like OMG, why is BAb being so insulting is like :dunce:, really, come oN, Give me a fucking break, I just have no clue why She's acting that way.. :wall: and you can take it like you wanna, take it how you feel, But it's a Shit Load of Ignorants that continue to defile the Name Atheist..., these are the people you probably could get through to first if you are trying to make the world a better place, Oh, that's not part of the Agenda, Let me take on the entire World of Religion, Right, that's going to make a difference...,


Last edited by Brazko; 10-14-2009 at 06:34 PM..

10-14-2009, 05:43 PM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 718

Originally Posted by morgentaler
As for Jesus's quote, this is the third time I've posted this in response to the merry Christian group in these various threads, and each time it's ignored so another straw man can be torched:

15:1 Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying,15:2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread.15:3 But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?15:4 For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.15:5 But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;
15:6 And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.

He is directly chastising them for making a commandment of God have no effect, by not murdering the child who speaks back.

How very Christian of him.

And no, I'm not about to accuse you of abuse. I have no evidence to that effect. I'd accuse you of ignorance of the words of your own prophet.

Here, I'll answer it for you, :sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:

It's SARCASM..and he's speaking of the Absurdity of the NOtion of What they have Chosen to Tell,, These days we call them Snitches...RATs, also, a few verses down he says...........

15:10-11 Hear, and Understand: NOt that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man: but that which cometh out of the Mouth, this defileth a Man...

I have REspect for a lot of you that assume the Title of Atheist, you often present your point of view without trying to Mock a Person's belief, although, it's a rarity... The hypocrisy tho' of coming off like OMG, why is BAb being so insulting is like :dunce:, really, come oN, Give me a fucking break, I just have no clue why She's acting that way.. :wall: and you can take it like you wanna, take it how you feel, But it's a Shit Load of Ignorants that continue to defile the Name Atheist..., these are the people you probably could get through to first if you are trying to make the world a better place, Oh, that's not part of the Agenda, Let me take on the entire World of Religion, Right, that's going to make a difference...,


Last edited by Brazko; 10-14-2009 at 06:34 PM..


Well-Known Member
I realize everything has to "broken down" here.
The hypocrisy tho' of coming off like OMG, why is BAb being so insulting is like :dunce:, really, come oN, Give me a fucking break, I just have no clue why She's acting that way.. :wall: and you can take it like you wanna, take it how you feel, But it's a Shit Load of Ignorants that continue to defile the Name Atheist...,


Wow, get back on topic. This has become pretty ridiculous...

What proof do believers have Babs, anyone?

You state what you think is proof, then we'll take it step by step and see if it actually is or not. That might lead somewhere.

So go, any believer, what proof do you have of any kind of an intelligence behind the existence of the universe?


Well-Known Member
Science has the patience to uncover the answers.

Religion thinks it already has them.

it sickens me when u speak that way.,.,.because truthfully.,.,whos to say the false talk that come from these scientist mouth is rite?its just there way of making sense of the world.,while using there scientific "terms" .,.,as we use spiritual methods to gain overstanding.,,.,but u insist that science is rite over eons of praise.,when all im doing is forward on a rightous path to the almighty,and making sense of this world on my terms.,.,u talk with a stubborn and donkeys jawbone and its sad.,.,ure a oldr dude to from the pic ive seen of u.,. i would xpect more wisdom coming out of your mouth rather than bashing religion,.,and puting science on a Pedestal.,.,I SAY TO LOVE JAH IS THE BEGINING OF WISDOM.,.AND KNOWLEDGE OF THE CREATOR IS OVERSTANDING


Well-Known Member
Really...Illogical=without logic, Circular (i'll give you the benefit of doubt), Reasoning=to bring a subject of matter within context

Continue to use bad logic again and again to reason your point....

FAIL..Just go ahead and make another of your numerous accounts, but this time apply the user name Failure, so we know who we are addressing
Example of circular reasoning...

God is real.
Because the bible says so.
How do you know the bible is correct?
Because it is the word of God.

So where do you get circular reasoning out of any of our arguments or points?

When I say that your God is genocidal its because that's exactly what your document about god says.
Samuel 15:2-3 Thus saith the LORD of hosts ... go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

When I say that your god condones rape:
19:5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. 19:6 And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him, 19:7 And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly.
19:8 Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.

When I say that God is portrayed as evil:
A skeptic went through the bible and tallied up the number of killings by God and Satan, based on those incidences which provided numbers for reference. For those without direct numbers estimates were made.

God numbered killings 2.391,421 estimated total 33 million
Satan numbered killings 10 estimated total 10
I think that you might have been tricked into worshipping the wrong side.

Obviously if I actually believed that the bible wasn't a work of fiction, with an imaginary main character and supporting cast, then it would be circular to use the bible to prove god, to prove the bible.

But instead, I'm criticizing the stupidity of it all: The worship of a hateful, destructive creature that is no better than any ruthless human dictator the world has seen. "God" is Sauron, Valdemort, Angus Thermopylae, and any other archetype of fictional villains. The phrase "God is love" loses its meaning when God also has anger issues and poor impulse control. God is an abusive stepfather, forced on dozens of generations of different cultures, inculcated into their belief systems.

The thought of this death cult being indoctrinated into children sickens and angers me. People are being bred as stock to fill the coffers of the corporation of religion.

I'm sure you're going to answer with "FAIL FAIL OMGWTFBBQ" or some similar bullshit. That's fine. It just means people are able to skip over your posts all that much faster, and read the ones that tear down your false god.


New Member
it sickens me when u speak that way.,.,.because truthfully.,.,whos to say the false talk that come from these scientist mouth is rite?its just there way of making sense of the world.,while using there scientific "terms" .,.,as we use spiritual methods to gain overstanding.,,.,but u insist that science is rite over eons of praise.,when all im doing is forward on a rightous path to the almighty,and making sense of this world on my terms.,.,u talk with a stubborn and donkeys jawbone and its sad.,.,ure a oldr dude to from the pic ive seen of u.,. i would xpect more wisdom coming out of your mouth rather than bashing religion,.,and puting science on a Pedestal.,.,I SAY TO LOVE JAH IS THE BEGINING OF WISDOM.,.AND KNOWLEDGE OF THE CREATOR IS OVERSTANDING
That and three fifty will get you a cup of coffee.

What I said is true, and obviously struck a nerve.


New Member
Oh Boy.... religion is made because of the belief in G*D. No G*D... no one would invent religion.

So what would be the point.... worship a pocket knife?... a blender?

No G*D.... no religion.


Well-Known Member
Wow, get back on topic. This has become pretty ridiculous...

What proof do believers have Babs, anyone?

You state what you think is proof, then we'll take it step by step and see if it actually is or not. That might lead somewhere.

So go, any believer, what proof do you have of any kind of an intelligence behind the existence of the universe?
I love best so often.
You ask what "believers" believe. How can I speak for everyone? How can I possibly account for what they may or may not encounter?
A question to ask yourself is what proof do you, or scientists have behind the existence of the universe?
Yikes....go past the big bang theory please.
And I can even accept Adam and Eve were apes. In the realm of things, what does it matter if they were? So many MANY possiblities.
What INFINITE reason/proof does Science have that God just does not, in fact, exist? Is fact really even an existence? Or is it a fact because it exists?
I think that's the better question among an infinity of endless ?s.
Science will ask why, why, what, how, where, when for all eternity as you and I, all of mankind, will exist.
Because God IS Science.
I'd elaborate, but I'm off to run errands.


Well-Known Member
Oh Boy.... religion is made because of the belief in G*D. No G*D... no one would invent religion.

So what would be the point.... worship a pocket knife?... a blender?

No G*D.... no religion.
Geez CJ, I'm gonna have to disagree with you! I guess stranger things have happened.

It's easy to have religion without God. Just convince some naive people that a story about something is true, or that a mentally ill persons visual and auditory hallucinations are real, and you've got a religion. No God required.

Of course if you want to keep your people in line you need to exact discipline on them, and if you do it yourself you're likely to create resentment, so it's necessary to create a fall guy in the image of your belief system, so that you can become the blameless proxy exacting judgment upon the flock.

So God could be inserted at the beginning of religion, or as needed throughout the timeline.