When can you flower??


What is the earliest that you can start flowering a plant. I know you can 12/12 from seedling but what is the earliest the plant will produce flowers.


Well-Known Member
What is the earliest that you can start flowering a plant. I know you can 12/12 from seedling but what is the earliest the plant will produce flowers.

a plant will only flower after it has matured to produce pre-flowers. on clones this can be as little as 2 weeks, on seedlings as long as 2 months.

quick answer: clones= 2weeks~ seedlings=1 month~. give or take a week.


the answer varies to this question because many different elements can play a factor to your plants growth. Sativa indica how many lights you are using what strain is it, it is you the grower to decide when you feel you would want to start flowering once you are comfortable with the size of your plant, bombs away