New Grow Room, Two Rooms with Cloning area


Active Member
Okay so after six months of planning my room and first grow are finally begining!!! The pictures are hard to view but there are two rooms.

The first is 6ftx6ft and will be the Veg. room. It's goin have TWO 400watt MH hortilux lights with hydrofarm hoods!

The second room is for Flowering its 6ftx8ft. It's goin to have one 1,000watt HPS in Hydrofarm hood to begin with and when I can afford another one it too will be installed! (the pic of the birds eye view)

The clones will be on a shelf behind the rooms, and I have four 45in. fllourescents that will be working them.

FYI: This is a completely MEDICAL garden, all ORGANIC will be used for myself and a few other friends who are card holders.

I will be adding fans and an exhaust as well.

ANY AND ALL COMMENTS AND TIPS ARE MORE THAN WELCOMED, would love to hear everyones advice....

More pics will be up as soon as the work gets completed!!!!



Active Member
Okay so I kno its been a minute since my post but the shitty fucking weather has really put a damper on my mood and I have spent most of my time

However TODAY I am painting the rooms white, and adding the rest of the support beams so that the lights may be hung!!! Went to homedepot and got a shit load of CAULK and I am working on closing up all the holes....going to make the doors today too. I don't really think I have anything else to update until the end of the day!!!!!
Garage build?
If it is a garage build and it has been cold you may need to worry about the usual cracks in the concrete. You have to keep all kinds of rodents and bugs out.
I would also be carefull with your intake...
Garages are always filled with bad toxic fuemes from all sorts of nasty chemicals, paints, ect. You may try to grab clean air from outside the garage.


Active Member
If it is a garage build and it has been cold you may need to worry about the usual cracks in the concrete. You have to keep all kinds of rodents and bugs out.
I would also be carefull with your intake...
Garages are always filled with bad toxic fuemes from all sorts of nasty chemicals, paints, ect. You may try to grab clean air from outside the garage.

What up THUMB! The concrete is definatly something im thinking the rooms themselves I luckily do not have any and the room will be sealed off around the base.

As for the clean air, im already planning on pulling air in from outside the garage...there are two air vents located behind the walls of the rooms, Air will be pulled in from one, and pushed out the other.

Also thinking about bombing the whole garage before I start my grow, then thouroughly cleaning of course.....

Thanks for the tips, keep em coming... :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: