haelp me

i smoked something and everything is blurry any it feels like my brains moving in me head helllllllllllllllp..... omfg its weird bad budddddd oh m yhead

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
there is a strain of weed that is causing peoples brains to move and then jump out of there eye sockets ... not really what kind of bad weed


Active Member
dawg.... ugh.. just..ugh really??? its just weed bro, it doesn't "turn bad" it can be laced (which still wont kill you) or it can loose its potency. take a couple advil, or go to the doctor, or sleep it off. there's my advice- sorry for spreading the negativity.. except not really:fire:


Well-Known Member
You are full of shit ha ha laced with acid I almost shit myself.PCP or embalming fluid is what you should say next time your bullshitting but seriously are you from Texas?Just kidding.


Active Member
This kid probably got sold some Salvia and was told it was weed or something.. No one laces weed with LSD. XD You can't even ingest LSD by smoking it..

And who the hell dips weed in PCP and then sells it?? Surely if they dip it, they're gonna smoke it themselves!

Next time, know what you buy bro, and know what your really smoking b4 you post on here al look like an idiot.
