scwascwa's CFL HARVEST!!!


Well-Known Member
ok guys so i harvested her today and she looks fantastic.

had a total of 67 days flowering and i believe that it was a PERFECT time to harvest trichs looked great ( milky white) and hairs looked great

she is extremely sticky .. had to clean scisors off multiple times.. made my WHOLE house smell and now i am hanging her up wat do u all think :)



Well-Known Member
thats one plant and i dont know yet how much the weight is yall can guess im gonna let him hang for a week and cure for 2


Well-Known Member
did not super crop did not top did not do anything to her just let her go :) '

i used 3 26 W cfls

big bloom tiger bloom nutes

and outdoor soil :)

i was told i couldnt do it with my lighting and proved those people wrong who told me the wieght im guessin is at least an ounce the buds (all of them) are extremely dense and heavey :)


Well-Known Member
i call it "the goo" :) got the seed from a friend whos been growing for couple years not exactly sure so i call it the goo lol thanks guys gor the input :) anyone else

o and i will be putting another one into flowering tomorrow ::P


Well-Known Member
oo and and the final wet weight was................... 40 GRAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) so excited that means ill prolly get my ouce dried weight off this little baby :)


Well-Known Member
try more like 10-13 grams dry..maybe less. probably should have gave them about 3 or more wks.they still have white wigs on the buds.yopu ngotta let em go til they turn dark and recede into the bud,fan leaves diethe bud will have a dusty amber look to will see that when they dry they will be wispy ,i had to pull a plant about 1 month ago that looked the same . PPP AND IT GAVE ME AN O K HIGH ,I LIKE STONED .LET THEM FINISH......GOOD GROW THO ANY FREE TREE IS GOOD TREE


Well-Known Member
yeah looks nice but with another 2 to 3 weeks it could be great like the dude abuve said the white "hairs" will change color and recede into the bud. i like it when pretty much all the hairs have changed. fans leaves will start to die. looking at the trichs will help too


Well-Known Member
Great looking grow... makes me believe that mine will be great. What was the total grow time from start to finish? Can't wait to get the dry weight.


New Member
oo and and the final wet weight was................... 40 GRAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) so excited that means ill prolly get my ouce dried weight off this little baby :)
a good guesstimate to go by is 1/4 of the wet weight
so ur probably looking at 10-15 grams


Active Member
Those are beautiful buds from a very healthy plant :-) ......... BUT, I have to agree with the 2 guys above, you have harvested them WAY too early! Those are not yet fully ripened buds and the next 2/3 weeks would have seen them swell hugely and the final dry weight dramatically increase. But they are still nice buds.

A cannabis plant when fully ripened has a very dark browned overall look, white pistils show that she is still pumping out fresh flowers and often in the final week she will push out dense 'foxtails' that really add to the weight and bulk of the buds. As many experienced growers have said......when you THINK its finished give another 2/3 weeks :-) ....... you will be very surprised at the difference, but I can understand your temptation to harvest.

Not meant as a negative comment, your buds will still be great, but maybe next grow try it and see the difference :-)


Well-Known Member
i believe i harvested at a perfet time for MYSELF i like my trich to be milky white which they all were dont like it when they're amber... this is my 4th grow and i always harvest like this and am always very please .. i havested once when trichs were amber and started to recede in and i didnt like the bud i belive maybe i could have gone another week before they started to change but im happ y :)


Active Member
i believe i harvested at a perfet time for MYSELF i like my trich to be milky white which they all were dont like it when they're amber... this is my 4th grow and i always harvest like this and am always very please .. i havested once when trichs were amber and started to recede in and i didnt like the bud i belive maybe i could have gone another week before they started to change but im happ y :)
If you are happy then thats all that matters :-) It was just an observation. Looking at your posted images I see buds that are far from what most growers would consider to be 'finished' (example below).

Re: wet/dry weight, I agree that 25% is about spot on as said above.

Anyway, apologies if I seemed to be critical, wasn't meant that way. Enjoy !
