drum & bass


Well-Known Member
The S, the U......the P the E the R......the S, the H......the A, the R, the P........the S......the, the H......the O,.......the O,.......the T.......the E......the R........super sharp!

Ganga Kru!!!

'ave it!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
did anyone buy the junglist massive cd dj hype? I thought this cd was tha shit.
remember the one nation tape packs!


Active Member
Whatup dnb lovers! I'm rly into liquid dnb atm and I'm a great fan of Electronic music. Since this is the dnb thread imma show you what I'm inlove with

my favourite tunes are:

by Electrosoul System - 1.One 2.Alone in the Night 3.No One Knows




by Danny Byrd - Round and Round


by Split Second - Feel You


by Logistics - Red Sky at Night


by Matrix and Futurebound - Womb


any many, many more .....

PS: Pendulum's album Hold Your Colour is TEH SEX!

:peace: & :leaf: , Groga


I used to be really big into the old Moving Shadow and Renegade Hardware catalogs. Lately I've been finding myself listening to a lot of the cuts from Hospital, Lifted, VIsioN and much more.

The Wookie

Active Member
Drum and Bass wins. I got into DnB b4 dubstep so i think i gotta say i like DnB more but i love them both. great music to listin to while im irie. Im always in the DnB room the whole night at parties like at Nocturnal i got to see TC, Evol Intent, Planet of the Drums, and Pendulum and for dub rusko Skream and Benga. The line up was fuckin epic and so was the night

grow space

Well-Known Member
Yeaa..Joining the DnB headz....I listen do it almost everyday, love it even more while smoking, being blazed...

chudds, broka...some of my latest finds...love them all...:hump:
Oh, and im into jungle as well, not so much dup-step, but i like some good, faster dubs...


grow space

Well-Known Member
Smoked some more good herb:lol::lol::lol:.......SO so uplifting, nice vibez on Higher level than never.....lol

Smoke it up good Ppl of our fine DnB thread companions....:hump::hump::hump::hump:......bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

True Stoner

Active Member
I love DnB and also Dubstep and Breakbeats!! I make beats as well and i also raved for about 5 years and that was when i was 19 and im now 32. Back then i was selling E's for $25-30 a pop and was paying $18 each. Thats when the E was good and 1 hit would get you high for at lease 8 hours. Now they are $5 a pop and they are nothing compared to the E's back in the day!! I live in Canada and was living near Toronto at the time so i was able to take the bus downtown and was able to those wicked ass raves that went on. I went to the last WEMF before they stopped the 3 days and man when Andy C came on it was fucking unbelieveable, the bass was so deep it would make you feel sick!! Freq Nasty was also there spinning Dupstep!! Such great times i tell ya, i hope to go again next year even though theres no WEMF there is other 3 day events but not as good!! There was a 3 day Drum and Bass called Natural Selections and i didnt make it due to work but i heard it was great!! Oh the good ol days!!!
Heres Andy C opening up at WEMF , im telling you when that fucking bassline dropped the place just exploded. Everytime i watch this i get those giddy feelings of when i was there just mangled and ripping it up!!!