400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy


Well-Known Member
jayada chill out with all the posts, you can type it all into one post you know
When you type a million posts in a row you aren't going to get answered as easily and quickly as if you spoke like a normal person


Well-Known Member
Wow mane you gotta start putting all this into one post its quite annoying. I've never heard of female hormones to help promote females. If its a female its a female and if its a male its a male. Don't trim your plants why would you just leave them be. And damn it start a journal man this is not the place to be asking all these questions.



so thy r doing gd tn ya first tim just tratd it lik a weed untill no ya so will it get mutch big thn what it is now m8 lol sos about it


Well-Known Member
Dude seriously put it in one freaking post. And yes they will get bigger, do some research make a journal and stopping spamming this thread man. Its like the 5th time you asked the same freaking question.



Well-Known Member
sos how
u do that
I assume you mean start a thread and not put everything in one post? But gather your thoughts together and chill, this will be a long ride and waiting can be hard.

Just start a new thread within Grow journals. you can get most things done from your My Roll It up page.


Well-Known Member
jayada, quit spamming multiple threads with all the same nonsense. Start typing actual words and sentences, this isnt a text message, and as it has been told to you countless times on multiple threads no one can give or take any advice from an imaginary grow, up some pics.