what leaves tiny holes in the leaves?


Well-Known Member
i keep finding leaves that have small holes........anyone? :?
I thought it was a joke at first! (as in we were going to get an amusing answer when we check the thread).

In all honesty there are lots of things that like weed just as much as we do but if there are spider webs around, mites are very likely. I hear that you can make a nicotine insectisde which doesnt use nasty chemicals (something many people don't want near their weed during the later stages of flowering).

Dunk 2 cigs in a litre and a half of water and bring to the boil. Allow it to cool and sit over night and lightly spray on the plants. The nicotine acts as a toxin and kills the little fuckers. Hope this is some (if any) help! good luck :-D


Well-Known Member
i am making sure that you have given a serious reply :D

i might just sit with my plants and smoke my head off, will that work? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
they are catapillars, they form from the white bag thing, later hatch to a green inch worm/catapillar and eat the shit out of your plant. alreadyhad them last soil grow. check under all your leaves,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
If you have cobwebs and light colored spots you have spider mites and they are bad. Spray with some neem oil for a couple days. I don't know how far along you are in growing, but if they still don't leave after the neem oil then throw a bug bomb in there. As long as you have more than 2 weeks left of growing you will be good. Put an oscillating fan on them and that will help as well.


Well-Known Member
i am ready to harvest and the damage is done. i have been removing the rot for a couple of weeks and my plants have suffered. i will finish harvesting tomorrow. i had a good amount from my others so i am still smiling. never did find any insects on the plants and i have been very intimate with them lol. it has to be from the very bad weather, its been so wet for so long. i dont understand how its still occurring under cover with a heater and dehumidifier. its got me very confused. its spreads at a very fast rate. if i left it the plant would have been eaten by rot a week ago :?

i have plenty for myself so its cool :blsmoke:

i come away from this a wiser and happier person :peace:


Well-Known Member
prolly ph.... i had the same problem and did not figured out the problem until i was manicuring the buds from my soil grow. I found those catapillar looking bugs nested up with like a spun web thing under a leaf. they hatch and eat your plants...i still think thats what you had... i only ending up finding one of these little green inch worms alive and one still in the womb waiting to come out and eat up my stuff!! With the one i did find man he did some damage to about 10 tens plants!!!! FAST!!!


Well-Known Member
RH? i dont have a clue as they are outdoors in a greenhouse. i am collecting a cup of water a day. the rot starts from the little green pods. you see the pods discolor and it spreads then rots. i have still not found any type of insects and i have my fingers in there every day getting out. its not so much now but too much to ignore.
they are readyish but this week is sunny and warmer so i will let them get some rays before i finish trimming. i have left the untouched colas................heres hoping :blsmoke:

i know you are all just waiting for me to find bugs lol :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i am sort of on top of the mold now. i have harvested the most damaged and letting the untouched colas have a few days of sun while we have it. my greenhouse now has a fan, heater and dehumidifer lol :D


Active Member
yeah man, my purple haze plant was totally devoured, I completely re-did my grow room.. new paint, complete disinfecting, everything. Cleanliness is completely necessary in order to prevent bugs.


Well-Known Member
no bugs still but the bud rot is from the rain. the colas got wet without drying out for a bit then wet wet wet :p