American Pride...


Well-Known Member
I remember those times in school when they first taught us the history of our country.
I remember the pride I had as a child.
I was proud to be a citizen of this great country.
A country that was built by such brilliant, logical, and fair human beings.
Now, as a young adult and having seen the reality we live in,
I can't believe a country with such pure intentions could become this.
I can't believe how far we have come from our roots-
how many freedoms we have given up to the people who claim to protect us.
As a young mother, I fear the world my daughter will have to face.
I fear the reality she would have to raise her children in.
Ron Paul will bring us back to the country we were.
With Ron Paul as president
I would be much more proud to raise my daughter in this country and raise her in a truly free society.


Just some idiot
I feel the same, school is part of the propaganda machine unfortunately. I like Ron Paul but I hate to say it, he will have no power if he is president, he's gonna have a tough road with all the other "corporate" Congress and a the Senate. I hate to say this but I think it is to late for the US to return to it's roots, it's too much of a corporation all ready. Rights, we lose more and more it's gone.

I love america and the ideas it "stands" for, before I get someone telling me to leave. I love that, say something bad and they tell you to leave. I thought this country was about us and not "them".


Well-Known Member
If any of you are readers out there, James Loewen wrote a book titled Lies My Teacher Told Me. It has just been revised with new information and issued in paperback so it doesn't cost an arm and a leg. It is a very good read on the propaganda that goes into our World and American history books. Much of what you believe about how great our nation was has been taught to you through skewed ideas and texts.

Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high
Take a look, it's in a book - Reading Rainbow.

I can go anywhere!
Friends to know and ways to grow - Reading Rainbow.

I can be anything!
Take a look, it's in a book - Reading Rainbow.

Reading Rainbow, Reading Rainbow, Reading Rainbow, Reading Rainbow!

Awake and Baked

Active Member
I like Ron Paul but I hate to say it, he will have no power if he is president, he's gonna have a tough road with all the other "corporate" politicains....
the saddest part of politics in america is exactly that. ron paul has some good ideas and of course he is pro marijuana. ralph nader, in my opinion would be the greatest president if he was elected, and could get a congress to work with him. you all should read "The Good Fight".

the fact is, we need to rally together to take america back from the corporations and the cronyism. we have the power, but as long as we continue to allow the govt. to step on us and tear apart the Constitution while we stand idly by the country will continue to erode and our world status will continue to be besmirked. :peace: :peace:


Well-Known Member
I agree whole heartily. Every one has given up, I don't think I know anyone who isn't family that votes any more... we have to remember.



Well-Known Member
i dont know guys ron paul said he wanted to eliminate the fbi & cia and also said we should leave the middle east just like osama said when he bitch slapped us and blowed up our wives and children on 9/11. Mr. Paul wants to turn tail and run!

I know it sounds nice to be able to pull away from the world, but then whos gonna keep all the despots, tyrants, rapists of nations, and starvers of children at bay. oh ya and dont forget about the ones who wanna nuke the whole western world.

the minet we pull away from world and ignore it is the minuet a bunch of
tyranous goverments seize smaller counties monopolizing the oil, freedom, food and everything else and use it to oppress and consolidate power.

we could retreat if we werent the strongest nation and not the only one standing and walking the walk for long term peace, freedom for all, and no ethnic mass killings and mass starvations.

the polititions are the cause of the problem cuz they pit us against each other, thats how they stay in power. thats why hilary and dems always try to increase the size of the government so there are more people that rely on the government, hence they get elected more often, eventually after years and years, they will even control your bread and you will have to wiat in line all day for your loaf, just like they did in russia many years ago.

we gonna have to fix the world or atleast make it habitable for everyone or the power hungry will destroy it just like the power hungry here are destroying america.

the reason we have to do this now is because the day our fathers have been dreding is here

atom bombs for everyone in the world. we all new this day would come

this is the reason we cannot retire. other than that we could have left all those fucks to kill and rape without worrying about nukes in your cities that have no return address. but kill all our loved


Well-Known Member
May I interject, The US is the largest polluter in the world. We are the worlds largest arms dealer. We are the only country in the world that has used a nuclear weapon against people.

I agree we have a mission to help make the world a safer place, but we aren't and haven't been setting a very good example.


Well-Known Member
May I interject, The US is the largest polluter in the world. We are the worlds largest arms dealer. We are the only country in the world that has used a nuclear weapon against people.

I agree we have a mission to help make the world a safer place, but we aren't and haven't been setting a very good example.

yea i see your point but we have set one of the best if not the best examples of any other nation on earth, but your right we are not perfect.

But when we nuked all those japs it was to save our people. sons that had been asked to do enough. basically your suggesting we should have thrown them into a meat grinder in an invasion of the Japanese mainland, while all the time we had the power to end it all and let them return to thier loved ones.

i mean its a god send in itself that we got the nukes before Hitler did. i wonder how the world would have felt if Hitler had the nukes instead of us.

luckly we the good democratic americans got it, not a dictitorial tyrant. now we want to stop anyone else from getting it. there are enough nations that have them.


Well-Known Member
We have people starving in our streets, we have people homeless and unemployed- yet we spend billions and billions of dollars to make other people's lives better? Explain to me why we are more concerned with the whole world's welfare when we can't take care of our own?

"luckly we the good democratic americans got it, not a dictitorial tyrant. now we want to stop anyone else from getting it. there are enough nations that have them."

We have a dictatorial tyrant right now! 73% of the American people DO NOT THINK WE SHOULD HAVE THE TROOPS OVER IN THE MIDDLE EAST!

"the polititions are the cause of the problem cuz they pit us against each other, thats how they stay in power. thats why hilary and dems always try to increase the size of the government so there are more people that rely on the government, hence they get elected more often, eventually after years and years, they will even control your bread and you will have to wiat in line all day for your loaf, just like they did in russia many years ago."

Which is why we need to make a change now!

"the minet we pull away from world and ignore it is the minuet a bunch of
tyranous goverments seize smaller counties monopolizing the oil, freedom, food and everything else and use it to oppress and consolidate power."

You know we wouldn't be dependent on foreign oil if hemp/marijuana was legalized (something Ron Paul plans to do). As far as the using freedom, food, and "everything else used to oppress and consolidate power" -basically you're saying "hurry and control everything before everyone else does". The founding fathers suggested we stay our of foreign affair, trade with all, align with none. Since when did that good advice falter? We need to get this stupid idea of trying to police the world out of our head- it's not our responsibility and you don't see any of these nations helping us out with our shortages here do you? We give when we have none....and we are bankrupting ourselves because of it.


Well-Known Member
But when we nuked all those japs it was to save our people. sons that had been asked to do enough. basically your suggesting we should have thrown them into a meat grinder in an invasion of the Japanese mainland, while all the time we had the power to end it all and let them return to thier loved ones.
This is not exactly accurate. We could have ended the war with japan without the nukes and without an invasion. The japanese had been trying to surrender with conditions for some time before the big bombs. The US wanted unconditional surrender so we nuked them, after the nukes Japan agreed to unconditional surrender. The surrender was accepted and japan was given the provisions of it's original surrender attempt. Hmmmm.....


Well-Known Member
This is not exactly accurate. We could have ended the war with japan without the nukes and without an invasion. The japanese had been trying to surrender with conditions for some time before the big bombs. The US wanted unconditional surrender so we nuked them, after the nukes Japan agreed to unconditional surrender. The surrender was accepted and japan was given the provisions of it's original surrender attempt. Hmmmm.....

japan was given the provisions of it's original surrender attempt

you got a link?


Just some idiot
I'm not saying your wrong either but I was always under the impression that Japan didn't even try to surrender after the first bomb, after the second they suddenly changed their tune.


Well-Known Member
ok then heres a question for you guys

If a nucleur bomb went off in washington dc during the state of the union adress the size of hiroshima



a nuke went off in New york City the size of nagasaki. (now remeber this is not from a balistic missle).

ok so say YOU are the President or the next one whos in charge if the pres didnt make the strike.

Can you tell me who you would nuke back in retaliation? please im all ears


Just some idiot
That's why I'm not Man that's a good question.

I see what you're saying but a nuclear device going off over here would be prevented more by having security at home rather than fighting in the Middle East...they are gonna have to sneak the nuke in they sure as hell can't shoot it over here. All we are doing is bugging the shit out of people, we need to fight terrorism not insurgents, best done with our superior technology...i.e. creating more covert forces to thwart terrorism, cutting off money, etc. Not sending a ton of troops to Iraq to fight an oil man's war.


Well-Known Member
japan was given the provisions of it's original surrender attempt

you got a link?
They got to keep their emperor, that was one of the reasons they did not accept the original surrender proposal. The US did not want them to have the Emperor but after the big ones we let them keep him.

Here's a pretty good read:
Why Did Japan Delay Surrender to the Allies? - Associated Content

In all honesty I believe that the nuking of japan was a direct result of the pearl harbor attack. Had the japanese not attacked us the nuking weather it was defensive or punitive would not have happened.


Well-Known Member
In thinking of this a bit more now I'm thinking that the decision to drop the bombs on japan was an opportunity for us to flex our muscles and show the soviets that we are some tough mother bitches. Purely theory and conjecture on my part though.


Well-Known Member
Hindsight is always 20/20, and the grass is always get my point.

"In all honesty I believe that the nuking of japan was a direct result of the pearl harbor attack. Had the japanese not attacked us the nuking weather it was defensive or punitive would not have happened."

Well this statment goes without saying. No Pearl Harbor no war on Japan.......maybe. Its difficult to say whether or not Japan attacking Pearl Harbor would or would not have drawn us into a war with Japan. You can speculate all day on this.

To get back to the topic of the OP, I remember going to school, facing the flag, putting my hand over my heart and saying the pledge of allegiance every morning.....under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. No backlash from religious groups about saying God in a classroom, not a single child protesting about saying the pledge because they don't like what the president is doing...again you get my point.

You ask what have we become? Indeed, what have we become. We have become a nation of whiners, who piss and moan about things not going our or your way. Then you use the government as a scapegoat as to why your life sucks. Well if things are so bad, do something about it. More do, less talk. That is the downfall of this country, you mention intelligent and great founders of this country. They were rich slave owning(rich mind you for all you I hate the rich people out there) aristocrats that got off their fat asses because they were tired of paying taxes to another rich fat ass. They were doers though, something that is in short supply in this country.

Ever been to Africa? Any country in Africa, take a dart and throw it at Africa and see what country you land on. Then ask yourself, would I be better off rasing my child there. I have another one, take a map of asia use another dart, look where it lands, then ask yourself again would I be better off raising my child there? Like I said before the grass isnt always greener.


Well-Known Member
We have 5% of the worlds population. We consume 75% of the worlds goods. uhh... seems a little unbalanced. Its funny, we think we have a right to tell these 'backwards' countries what they should do and how they should go about it. Every time I here about protecting 'our American way of life' I wanna puke. Travel through Germany. You will see folks there have pretty much everything we have. Their country, because of Hitler, was bombed to shit, split by the Soviet Union. Go to Spain, Italy, etc. Same thing. Why? Because they are not out spending the little guys money to make the big guys richer by feeling they have a right, no make that a duty, to 'protect our American way of life'. Their American Way of Life and mine ain't exactly the same.
Can you believe it, we have been told to spend our money when times are hard to keep the economy moving. Here, you don't have any, I'll lend you some of mine, go buy the things you can't afford, so I can afford all the things I want. I'll just a little more money back from you in interest, and raise taxes just a little. You don't support our troops, you are UNAMERICAN. If you want to do what is right for the troops get them the %%456879 out of harms way. 70% of the Iraqi people voted in their election. If we just get out of the way, no let me rephrase that, WHEN we get out of the way, they will have to deal with each other. I watched the ONDCP guy talk about what the International Community, all CIVILIZED nations thing about drugs. Well BULLSHIT.
Check out what LEAP has to say about the war on terror and the war on drugs. Lets say you are a small farmer in Afganistan. And the friut trees you have cared for, been in your family for generations were suddenly wiped out by a bomb. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?? Sit back and say thanks to Alla for protecting the American Way of Life. 5% of the American people 'enjoy' the American way of life. The other 95% pay for it, along with the rest of the WORLDS population and "THEY" have us so indoctrinated we accept all this as being patriotic??
Why should I worry if the stockmarket falls 20 points and the housing market is down? How does that affect me personally?
You talk about freedom, yet you live in the country that has the largest percentage of its population incarcerated. The little people are getting hosed.
Well.. the ice was ready to check so I did. Rant least for now. VV


Just some idiot
We have 5% of the worlds population. We consume 75% of the worlds goods. uhh... seems a little unbalanced. Its funny, we think we have a right to tell these 'backwards' countries what they should do and how they should go about it. Every time I here about protecting 'our American way of life' I wanna puke. Travel through Germany. You will see folks there have pretty much everything we have. Their country, because of Hitler, was bombed to shit, split by the Soviet Union. Go to Spain, Italy, etc. Same thing. Why? Because they are not out spending the little guys money to make the big guys richer by feeling they have a right, no make that a duty, to 'protect our American way of life'. Their American Way of Life and mine ain't exactly the same.
Can you believe it, we have been told to spend our money when times are hard to keep the economy moving. Here, you don't have any, I'll lend you some of mine, go buy the things you can't afford, so I can afford all the things I want. I'll just a little more money back from you in interest, and raise taxes just a little. You don't support our troops, you are UNAMERICAN. If you want to do what is right for the troops get them the %%456879 out of harms way. 70% of the Iraqi people voted in their election. If we just get out of the way, no let me rephrase that, WHEN we get out of the way, they will have to deal with each other. I watched the ONDCP guy talk about what the International Community, all CIVILIZED nations thing about drugs. Well BULLSHIT.
Check out what LEAP has to say about the war on terror and the war on drugs. Lets say you are a small farmer in Afganistan. And the friut trees you have cared for, been in your family for generations were suddenly wiped out by a bomb. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?? Sit back and say thanks to Alla for protecting the American Way of Life. 5% of the American people 'enjoy' the American way of life. The other 95% pay for it, along with the rest of the WORLDS population and "THEY" have us so indoctrinated we accept all this as being patriotic??
Why should I worry if the stockmarket falls 20 points and the housing market is down? How does that affect me personally?
You talk about freedom, yet you live in the country that has the largest percentage of its population incarcerated. The little people are getting hosed.
Well.. the ice was ready to check so I did. Rant least for now. VV
Well said.

As for earlier poster calling us whiners, I have voted in every election I was able to...meaning since I turned 18, I would consider that doing something. Also I was aiming my comments more at our gov't and our system not the country. Get the troops home, protect here first, hell half of California is on fire and we're worried about some crazies in the Middle East. I feel like the US is so imperialistic at this part. Also you made a comment about Africa, which made me think of this. How much money does the gov't give to these poor nations, what kind of help do we give them. Half the countries are run by warlords who practice genocide daily. We do nothing to help them...why? No oil would be my guess. It's not whining it's my american right to say I am ashamed at how we carry ourselves and how the fools run this country....this whole country is like a big giant Wal Mart, aka a shady major corporation.

Lastly I do agree this is the greatest country on earth to raise a family, opportunity is everywhere. But the jack asses in power make us look like money grubbing assholes who do what we want. Do you think most of the Middle East knows that most of us are aginst the whole Iraq thing, no way they hate us cause they think we and our gov't are one....we are George Bush and Dickhead Cheney to them. And the senate and congress is a bunch of sheep just trying to get re-elected no matter what. I just feel it's time for a change, some new ideas, some fresh ideas, it's broke so let's at least try to fix it.