Nute burn or nute deficiency (pics)...

what is wrong with this plant? Leaves are drooping and starting to yellow.
Temps have not changed and ph varies from 5.7-6.0.
Running AN Micro/Grow/Bloom at 1/4 strength. I was hoping to switch to flowering in the next week or two but now the plant is not looking so healthy.



Well-Known Member
nute burn is possible, my girl has some leaves that look like that too, best bet is to flush and lower the dosage of the nutes given, thats what i would do to be safe
nute burn is possible, my girl has some leaves that look like that too, best bet is to flush and lower the dosage of the nutes given, thats what i would do to be safe

Here is an update. It seems like it is showing burn characteristics and nute deficiency characteristics.

Please. someone give a noob advice. Take a look at the updated pics.



i would say that it is nutrient burn because the problem looks like it started on the tips of the leaves, then worked its way in from there, usually starting at the tips is nutrient burn, but i'm not very experienced, so good luck :)


Hey bud,
What you have is a calcium and magnesium def. very common espicially in fox farm soil. It starts yellowing and brown spots at the bottom of the plants and works its way up. You can also tell by the yellow leaves curling up at the tips. They will get crispy and just crumble apart. The solution is to flush all plants and use bonticare cal/mag at 2 tblspn per gallong for the first week then 1 tblsp p/g for the remainder of grow. You can avoid this problem from occuring by using dolemite lime at 1tbspn p/g in your soil mix. cal/mag def occurs when PH is to high andc dolemite lime stabalizes
ph to a steady 7.0. So flush all sick plants, transplant into new grow bags w/ added dolemite lime in soil mix , and also use cal/mag at 1 tb sp p/g when watering and you should be all set..if niot treated your plants will die, cal/mag def also causes serious stunting in growth. Keep it growing!!


Active Member
Hey bud,
What you have is a calcium and magnesium def. very common espicially in fox farm soil. It starts yellowing and brown spots at the bottom of the plants and works its way up. You can also tell by the yellow leaves curling up at the tips. They will get crispy and just crumble apart. The solution is to flush all plants and use bonticare cal/mag at 2 tblspn per gallong for the first week then 1 tblsp p/g for the remainder of grow. You can avoid this problem from occuring by using dolemite lime at 1tbspn p/g in your soil mix. cal/mag def occurs when PH is to high andc dolemite lime stabalizes
ph to a steady 7.0. So flush all sick plants, transplant into new grow bags w/ added dolemite lime in soil mix , and also use cal/mag at 1 tb sp p/g when watering and you should be all set..if niot treated your plants will die, cal/mag def also causes serious stunting in growth. Keep it growing!!
quit says there plants will die!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
stop using all 3 nute lines, empty ur res and add ur micro and grow, when u go into flower and you see pistils appear start using micro and bloom,

id say combo of nute def(N and maybe Mg) and also nute burn(P&K)

just my opinion about the def and burn, but definatly stop using ur bloom nutes in veg


They are in a dwc bucket so a lot of your advice doesn't apply. Would the diagnoses be the same?
Yes it is the same diagnosis. It is without a doubt a calcium and mag def. I don't have any experience growing hydroponicaly though. If i were you I would flush and clean out my res, cut my nute regimine in half and add cal/mag in my res. at 2 tbslpns per gallon.hope this helps bud.


Well-Known Member
Couple of questions for you.....

how big is your air pump and air stone? It looks like your roots aren't getting enough oxygen, but I want to rule that OUT before doing anything else.

You do look like you have a bit of nute burn. Do you know PPM your solution is at?

Are you using RO water, tap water, etc?

If it's RO water it's the cause of your Cal/Mag def. and you do need to pick up some cal/mag.

You also need to use your nutrients properly. I have never used the 3 part myself, I always been a Sensi 2 part kinda guy. I DO Believe though with the 3 part you do use all 3 all of the time unlike the GH 3 part. I know it's odd and I've never believed in it so I don't use it. I'm about 90% sure that you don't use them in equal parts though.

During veg the amount of Bloom is much lower than Grow and as you get closer to flowering you start to up the Bloom more and more and lower the Grow. So if you have them in there equal then you like DO have a deficiency of nitrogen while at the same time some toxicity and burning. In order to get enough N to make your plants happy you'd have to up the strength too high and consequently burn the plants.

Best of luck to you, might consider just switching to the Sensi 2 part as it's their bread and butter and it works well.

Here is a link to Advanced Nutrients Calculator to help you out. I can't find one that includes veg for some reason, but I only looked for a minute and it's just a link directly to their calculator.

Without knowing your PPM or EC it's very difficult to be succesful growing in hydro, so please advise what your currrent PPM or EC levels are


Active Member
your getting to "nute happy" lay off the nutes and run phd water for a couple days. had the same problem on mine it took forever to get them acclimated to the nutes and i had to start at 1/8 strenght and increase it over four weeks till i switched to 12/12 . if you have to go to the nutrient companies websiteand they should tell you the bloom and veg and dont use the bloom until u flower


Well-Known Member
your getting to "nute happy" lay off the nutes and run phd water for a couple days. had the same problem on mine it took forever to get them acclimated to the nutes and i had to start at 1/8 strenght and increase it over four weeks till i switched to 12/12 . if you have to go to the nutrient companies websiteand they should tell you the bloom and veg and dont use the bloom until u flower

No they won't. If you go their website it tells you to mix them all together evenly throughout your entire grow. I would suggest kicking back your nutes also and maybe taking it easier. I generally start at about 100ppm and raise it daily or every other day by 50ppm until I reach my destination. Generally I stop at 200 for a week, stop at 300 for a week, stop at 500 for a week and then leave them at 600 for veg until ready to flower. During flower I do the same except I'm bumping from 600 up to about 1000 (with these white widows anyway). And that's mostly in addditives like Big Bud and Overdrive. I have skipped out on Bud Blood nowadays.
Couple of questions for you.....

how big is your air pump and air stone? It looks like your roots aren't getting enough oxygen, but I want to rule that OUT before doing anything else.

You do look like you have a bit of nute burn. Do you know PPM your solution is at?

Are you using RO water, tap water, etc?

If it's RO water it's the cause of your Cal/Mag def. and you do need to pick up some cal/mag.

You also need to use your nutrients properly. I have never used the 3 part myself, I always been a Sensi 2 part kinda guy. I DO Believe though with the 3 part you do use all 3 all of the time unlike the GH 3 part. I know it's odd and I've never believed in it so I don't use it. I'm about 90% sure that you don't use them in equal parts though.

During veg the amount of Bloom is much lower than Grow and as you get closer to flowering you start to up the Bloom more and more and lower the Grow. So if you have them in there equal then you like DO have a deficiency of nitrogen while at the same time some toxicity and burning. In order to get enough N to make your plants happy you'd have to up the strength too high and consequently burn the plants.

Best of luck to you, might consider just switching to the Sensi 2 part as it's their bread and butter and it works well.

Here is a link to Advanced Nutrients Calculator to help you out. I can't find one that includes veg for some reason, but I only looked for a minute and it's just a link directly to their calculator.

Without knowing your PPM or EC it's very difficult to be succesful growing in hydro, so please advise what your currrent PPM or EC levels are
My air stone and air pump are plenty big enough. The pump is for a 30 gallon tank and the stone is 6 inches long. Tons of bubbles.

I don't know what the ppm is. I just based my dosing off of the companies website. started at 1/8 then bumped to 1/4 two reservoir changes ago. The first one had no problems. Used the same dose the next go around. A week later, problems start.

I am using store bought distilled water.

I just have a ph meter. I have no idea what my ppm or ec is.


Well-Known Member
in my advce start using tap water for a start, plants do like a little chlorine even, not to mention the cal mag levels in it.

start with fresh water for a few days, then add veg micro and a small amount of bloom


Well-Known Member
and if ur running hydro, go get a ec meter(ppm is to inacurate because there are 3 converters for ec to ppm, eg is australia our meters are times by 700(truncheon?) where as in america the ppm is multiplie by 500(hanna?)


Well-Known Member
all ec meters are practically the same,

cheap ones need recalibration sooner and are usually not water proof

expenno ones are water proof and if you get top of line you dont even need to recalibrate(talking horticultral not scientific)

i bought a $60(au) on an ec meter, works fine, need to recalibrate every 3-4 weeks(less if i wash off in distilled water extremely well)

dont get it wet(above the dip mark(even wet hands can cause trouble)) and make sure you keep some distilled water on standby and some calibration solution handy

but dont use it for it for plants, tap water is actually the next best thing besides rain water