Pot makes you smarter if you cbf..I think that pot doesn't make you stupid, in fact one of my friends summed it up pretty well one night when we were stoned. She said that she thinks that pot actually increases your mental capabilities (proven, at low doses anyway) but you are less able to exploit it because you are too sleepy or you just couldn't give a shit! Also, when I started smoking weed in my second year of university, my marks increased and I ended up getting a first class degree at the end of it. I attribute it all to pot!
Sow wat aer yue tring too sae! Thatz jus lyke yuor opinyon man.All you have to do is read any post in these forums. They are chock full of poor spelling, poor grammar, etc. If you didn't know they were stoners, you'd think they were second graders. "To" instead of "too" when they mean "also." "Dose" instead of "does." The list goes on and on.
Even the seed seller websites are for shit. If they can't put together a website without tons of mistakes, how do I know they won't screw up and mail the seeds to my neighbor?
So, fuck yes, it makes you stupid. So does alcohol, coke, and any other drug. That's why, if you don't do it in moderation, you'll wind up maimed, dead or in jail.
this forum makes me stupid. I keep coming back for more. thank god for weed
lol,,,Politics makes people stupid not pot, It made you stupid too you gave me neg Rep man, same with religion, in reality I'm not alowed to talk politics or religion, cause I alway's get in fights, but this is different it cyberspacewell then how do you explain ALL THIS? >>> https://www.rollitup.org/politics/
i think i'm stuck on it.past tense? is it chronic now?