smallest stealth grow possible help!


Active Member
hey i am new to these forums and basically new to growing...only done it two summers in a row with friends outside...but now i want to set up a box in my room but was wondering how small i could actually grow/keep a plant and still get atleast like an 1/8th of bud..i was going to cut a hole in my boxspring under my matress and have a few CFL's over two plants and figure out a ventilation method, smell isn't a problem for me, just being seen is...and i was wondering if the scrog method would be best idea for most yield and any other tips are good, i am not looking for something amazing, but just to start to grow and learn. the basics...

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
CFL grows are nice and simple with good yields...

BUT in your BOX SPRING.... I have never heard of such a thing... what other location options do you have?



Active Member
well it may sound bad, but my bed is already lifted off the ground from the frame, and then if i go up into the box spring for the lights i can get an extra couple of inches of only other option would be my attic, but i live in the northeast of the US, so its already really cold up there, and theres im sticking with small personal plants for under my bed, i'll put up pictures as soon as it gets set up if that helps you to understand


Well-Known Member
Go to Target and get some bed riser blocks, cheap and easy. But seriously dude... with nutes and supplies you will spend more than a $50 bag, you should really gun for more than an 8'r.


Active Member
well how big of a plant do you think it will be, and would be using the scrog method be better than just growing it small and sorry if i ask new to growing


Well-Known Member
the size of the plant is at your control if you know what to do. if you have height restrictions look into scrog or lst to keep it under control.


Active Member
is it possible to limit my plants size, by the size of the container/pot its planted in...meaning if i keep it in a small pot the roots can only get so big so same with the plant? yes or no

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
is it possible to limit my plants size, by the size of the container/pot its planted in...meaning if i keep it in a small pot the roots can only get so big so same with the plant? yes or no
yes and no.... the plant will still grow big in a small container.. but it will happen at a slower rate...



Well-Known Member
you'll want to put the plant into flower near immediately. to do that just put then on a 12 on 12 off light schedule. useing 2700-3000k bulbs for flowering. maybe after the 3rd node top it? from ther as it gets bigger maybe tie the plant down as it tries to grow. be careful though you dont want to stress the plant any. just be gentle and patient when tying down.


Well-Known Member
Do you have big speakers? That is a better idea and we want have to read in the news where a guy killed himself by burning is bed with him in it. Be safe man, look around the board as there are lots of stealth grow ideas here.



Active Member
hey i am new to these forums and basically new to growing...only done it two summers in a row with friends outside...but now i want to set up a box in my room but was wondering how small i could actually grow/keep a plant and still get atleast like an 1/8th of bud..i was going to cut a hole in my boxspring under my matress and have a few CFL's over two plants and figure out a ventilation method, smell isn't a problem for me, just being seen is...and i was wondering if the scrog method would be best idea for most yield and any other tips are good, i am not looking for something amazing, but just to start to grow and learn. the basics...
this one might give you some ideas and help you on your quest:

he mentions the whole setup cost him around 250 dollars and he said he guessed that he yielded 2-2.5oz dry pretty good investment if you ask me
