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nice quadruple post...:roll:

My theory is based on logic and probability.... urs is BLIND faith in something so convoluted and utterly lacking in logic, it pales by comparison.

But you keep swinging away.... it's amusing.
You have an issue with religion, not God. The two are not one in the same, as you are assuming.

Of course I don't. God is imaginary.
Now, if God was actually real, and was as described in the bible, I'd have a problem with God too.

Because the Abrahamic god is a vile piece of shit.
nice quadruple post...:roll:

My theory is based on logic and probability.... urs is BLIND faith in something so convoluted and utterly lacking in logic, it pales by comparison.

But you keep swinging away.... it's amusing.
Yes, very amusing. Stuck on the man. :roll:
And the logic just keeps pouring in abundance.
Of course I don't. God is imaginary.
Now, if God was actually real, and was as described in the bible, I'd have a problem with God too.

Because the Abrahamic god is a vile piece of shit.

Do you have any insight into why these people can't understand that?

We keep saying it over and over, we don't believe in God, we can't hate somethng we don't believe in, it's illogical to say we "hate" God...

What, they don't believe us? They think we're lying to them about our belief? We actually do believe in him but we just don't like all his rules and we'd like to live our life as we see fit?

The fundie train of logic is such a wild ride!
Do you have any insight into why these people can't understand that?

We keep saying it over and over, we don't believe in God, we can't hate somethng we don't believe in, it's illogical to say we "hate" God...

What, they don't believe us? They think we're lying to them about our belief? We actually do believe in him but we just don't like all his rules and we'd like to live our life as we see fit?

The fundie train of logic is such a wild ride!
So, you don't believe in God, and we don't hate you for not believing.
No one gets to live their lives with no rules. I don't care who you are or what your beliefs.
If we all live our life individually as we see fit and expect no rules to be enforced, what a WONDERFUL and peaceful world we would live in......according to your logic.
So, you don't believe in God, and we don't hate you for not believing.
No one gets to live their lives with no rules. I don't care who you are or what your beliefs.
If we all live our life individually as we see fit and expect no rules to be enforced, what a WONDERFUL and peaceful world we would live in......according to your logic.

hmmm interesting point even though you are being sarcastic maybe we should try it cause after all can the world be less peaceful that way than it is now? Can you even defend that people in the middle east fighting over what god is right and who should have got to stay in the tent is good? All for religion all for naught people die every day atheism however is as harmless as weed no one has ever died in it's name. Only people killing and arresting atheist for their beliefs. If you choose to believe in god that's great good for you. Don't come here and tell us our way of life is wrong or hurts anyone else if you were a true follower you would know to let your god do the judging. That was a nice cartoon too but has an atheist ever come to your door? ever passed you a stupid pass along card? Ever even wanted to discuss your mind numbingly stupid beliefs with you? I got out of my way to avoid talking about religion to people like you because, I get better responses from my kitchen table.
So bury your head call us all communist because another atheist was a communist before i was born like greencross does show us your awesome rationality.
So, you don't believe in God, and we don't hate you for not believing.
No one gets to live their lives with no rules. I don't care who you are or what your beliefs.
If we all live our life individually as we see fit and expect no rules to be enforced, what a WONDERFUL and peaceful world we would live in......according to your logic.

"No one gets to live their lives with no rules." - Wow! That really does sound like something you'd hear a tyranical dictator say. Point where I said "NO RULES". I said "MY RULES".

The thing is, Babs, what you see as a "rule" I see as simply common sense. I don't need a "rule" or a "law" in society to tell me what to do and what not to do. If we had no murder law, do you think I'd be out there every day, just murdering people because there's nothing in society that tells me not to?

Wtf? Hopefully now you can see why people like me think people like you are such terrible people. Let me lay it all out for you...

-you claim your own belief system is superior to all others, without even following it yourself

-you show your true colors every time you make such stupid comments, you need someone to tell you what is right and wrong, you are incapable of figuring such things out for yourself. There is a day when we all need to grow up little girl, and make our own decisions and be held accountable for our OWN actions.

-you admit that if there were no laws, you would not be a moral person, which is why you can't imagine a peaceful world without them

-to top it all off, every single post you make is either taking something completely out of context, like you did with my last post, where I wasn't advocating any such thing as a lawless society, just that people should live by their own "rules", while still abiding by the "laws" of established society (most of them anyway), lying about established facts, projecting and making claims without ever producing anything to back it up, claiming moral superiority when you lack the knowledge needed to understand what the very word "moral" even means, or just virtual circle jerking yourself with your own little comments you think pass off for irony or witt... two more things you don't understand...
hmmm interesting point even though you are being sarcastic maybe we should try it cause after all can the world be less peaceful that way than it is now? Can you even defend that people in the middle east fighting over what god is right and who should have got to stay in the tent is good? All for religion all for naught people die every day atheism however is as harmless as weed no one has ever died in it's name. Only people killing and arresting atheist for their beliefs. If you choose to believe in god that's great good for you. Don't come here and tell us our way of life is wrong or hurts anyone else if you were a true follower you would know to let your god do the judging. That was a nice cartoon too but has an atheist ever come to your door? ever passed you a stupid pass along card? Ever even wanted to discuss your mind numbingly stupid beliefs with you? I got out of my way to avoid talking about religion to people like you because, I get better responses from my kitchen table.
So bury your head call us all communist because another atheist was a communist before i was born like greencross does show us your awesome rationality.
I was going to respond to this before seeing that you accuse me of calling you a communist. There's obviously no need for further discussion.
Jumping straight to lies as a stance to take against me for logic never goes anywhere.

Ever even wanted to discuss your mind numbingly stupid beliefs with you?
You are kidding, right? HAHAHAHAHA
I won't be breaking any more of this apart today, LOL. It's a BOOK!!!
"No one gets to live their lives with no rules." - Wow! That really does sound like something you'd hear a tyranical dictator say. Point where I said "NO RULES". I said "MY RULES".

The thing is, Babs, what you see as a "rule" I see as simply common sense. I don't need a "rule" or a "law" in society to tell me what to do and what not to do. If we had no murder law, do you think I'd be out there every day, just murdering people because there's nothing in society that tells me not to?

Wtf? Hopefully now you can see why people like me think people like you are such terrible people. Let me lay it all out for you...

-you claim your own belief system is superior to all others, without even following it yourself

-you show your true colors every time you make such stupid comments, you need someone to tell you what is right and wrong, you are incapable of figuring such things out for yourself. There is a day when we all need to grow up little girl, and make our own decisions and be held accountable for our OWN actions.

-you admit that if there were no laws, you would not be a moral person, which is why you can't imagine a peaceful world without them

-to top it all off, every single post you make is either taking something completely out of context, like you did with my last post, where I wasn't advocating any such thing as a lawless society, just that people should live by their own "rules", while still abiding by the "laws" of established society (most of them anyway), lying about established facts, projecting and making claims without ever producing anything to back it up, claiming moral superiority when you lack the knowledge needed to understand what the very word "moral" even means, or just virtual circle jerking yourself with your own little comments you think pass off for irony or witt... two more things you don't understand...
Didn't need to read the rest of yours either.
Why is something so simple always made to be so complex with you?
Rules, LOL.
Rules of the ten commandments are just unreasonable to the point of making it your life to mock the Bible.
So, when I feel there is moral merrit to kill my neighbor because they are annoying the shit out of me or otherwise making my life hell, it should be permitted.
Breaking down the obvious gets old. :blsmoke:
I can see how you would deem that cowardly because in religion that's all that exists is blanket statements like all atheists are stupid assholes.

And atheism is a religion, too. You are agreeing with me about that?

Get it straight.

I said atheist are narcissistic cowards. Say it with me..... narcissistic cowards. That's just an observation and I've tried to explain my thoughts. If I said you were a bunch of shit packing fools, that may also be an observation, but mostly it would be just my sentiment.

It is a religion established to destroy everyone's belief in spiritual matters. That's it. Add all the endless words and arguments you want. If the entire world suddenly stopped believing in the spiritual, you all would be happy as clams.

I don't argue for the cause of religion. I don't care about religion. I think that any religion which holds they are the superior mind, and all humanity from all history is wrong except themselves deserves to be exposed for the narcissistic system of belief it is. You agree. Got to hate them christians, right?

If you can't be sure of anything, you sure sound sure God doesn't exist. There it is again. Act one way, claim the opposite.

You are sure God DOESN'T exist, but you say no one can be sure either way. I think arguing for you atheist is like jacking off on a public forum. Feeeeeeels so good! But your seed is just spilled in the sink.

If you and God were a young couple arguing as much as you argue with him, I'd say just get married already. Get a room!
And atheism is a religion, too. You are agreeing with me about that?

Get it straight.

I said atheist are narcissistic cowards. Say it with me..... narcissistic cowards. That's just an observation and I've tried to explain my thoughts. If I said you were a bunch of shit packing fools, that may also be an observation, but mostly it would be just my sentiment.

It is a religion established to destroy everyone's belief in spiritual matters. That's it. Add all the endless words and arguments you want. If the entire world suddenly stopped believing in the spiritual, you all would be happy as clams.

I don't argue for the cause of religion. I don't care about religion. I think that any religion which holds they are the superior mind, and all humanity from all history is wrong except themselves deserves to be exposed for the narcissistic system of belief it is. You agree. Got to hate them christians, right?

If you can't be sure of anything, you sure sound sure God doesn't exist. There it is again. Act one way, claim the opposite.

You are sure God DOESN'T exist, but you say no one can be sure either way. I think arguing for you atheist is like jacking off on a public forum. Feeeeeeels so good! But your seed is just spilled in the sink.

If you and God were a young couple arguing as much as you argue with him, I'd say just get married already. Get a room!

I do not know if God exists.

I've never, not once, not ever said "God does not exist".

-seriously, what do you not understand about that?

It's a seven word sentence... nothing could be more simple. (except maybe Babs)
"God" and "god" are two different things.

"God" the pronoun is the Christian god. Most just don't call it by it's own name, probably because of the belief from the outset that their god is the only one worth believing in.

"god" is any deity.

We can be as sure one can possibly sure of anything that "God" does not exist, as there is no evidence for it. The irony is that in dismissing all other gods the Abrahamic religions devalue their own god. For if the gods with just as much proof of existence are false, what makes the Abrahamic god true?

I want a refund on all the property taxes I have paid which have subsidized houses of organized religion; which do not pay property taxes.

Further, I wish an income tax refund on all taxes paid, in turn, which subsidized houses of worship; which are classified as non-profits.

The world does not revolve around you. I could just picture you on the ground throwing a tantrum as you said this.

"I wan't! I wan't! I wan't! What about me! I'm such a victim! They have to change thier beliefs first before I can't enjoy my life!" (That's really the point, isn't it)

Are you still in the dark as to why I obsess? It's because blind, dogmatic, bible-thumpers such as yourself have had a free reign in this culture of ours for far too long.

No one's ever called me a bible thumper before. You make me smile. :mrgreen:

You're losing your stranglehold on society and all you can do is rant.

Oh, no! You found me out!

I'm not ranting. I just have no intention of letting a bunch of evolved monkeys tell me how to think and believe. Keep your religion and your beliefs to your self.

Carry on... for we will carry the day.

"We are the champions, my friend! And we'll keep on fighting, till the end!" Come on, join me in singing.

That was a powerful rally cry. When the smoke clears at the end of the day, atheists will stand proud and declare to the world "I told you so." Real honorable.

One more thing, kindly remove your fucking Ten Commandments monument from the grounds of my state capitol because it ain't Constitutional.

Agreed. But, it's not my ten commandments. It's God's. What have I said that would make you believe it was mine?
The world does not revolve around you. I could just picture you on the ground throwing a tantrum as you said this.

"I wan't! I wan't! I wan't! What about me! I'm such a victim! They have to change thier beliefs first before I can't enjoy my life!" (That's really the point, isn't it)
I never said any of that. Your assumption. Nothing more.

It does not change the fact that in the U.S., religion is subsidized by non-believers who have no choice but to comply. I find that offensive.
No one's ever called me a bible thumper before. You make me smile. :mrgreen:
The alternatives were much worse, but I edited myself.

Oh, no! You found me out!

I'm not ranting. I just have no intention of letting a bunch of evolved monkeys tell me how to think and believe.
A rose by any other name....

Now who is throwing the tantrum?

Exactly who is trying to tell you how to think and what to believe? Specific examples please.
Keep your religion and your beliefs to your self.
My religion. LOL!

Now you are making me smile.
"We are the champions, my friend! And we'll keep on fighting, till the end!" Come on, join me in singing.

That was a powerful rally cry. When the smoke clears at the end of the day, atheists will stand proud and declare to the world "I told you so."
What a lovely singing voice you have.

You said it, not me. :mrgreen:

I would not prefer that and it would never happen anyway. I would much prefer a world where we all co-exist in harmony.
Real honorable.
Damn straight. The 1st Amendment guarantees not just the freedom of religion, but the freedom from religion.
Agreed. But, it's not my ten commandments. It's God's. What have I said that would make you believe it was mine?
Merely a deduction. If I was incorrect, mea culpa.
And atheism is a religion, too. You are agreeing with me about that?

Get it straight.

I said atheist are narcissistic cowards. Say it with me..... narcissistic cowards. That's just an observation and I've tried to explain my thoughts. If I said you were a bunch of shit packing fools, that may also be an observation, but mostly it would be just my sentiment.

It is a religion established to destroy everyone's belief in spiritual matters. That's it. Add all the endless words and arguments you want. If the entire world suddenly stopped believing in the spiritual, you all would be happy as clams.

I don't argue for the cause of religion. I don't care about religion. I think that any religion which holds they are the superior mind, and all humanity from all history is wrong except themselves deserves to be exposed for the narcissistic system of belief it is. You agree. Got to hate them christians, right?

If you can't be sure of anything, you sure sound sure God doesn't exist. There it is again. Act one way, claim the opposite.

You are sure God DOESN'T exist, but you say no one can be sure either way. I think arguing for you atheist is like jacking off on a public forum. Feeeeeeels so good! But your seed is just spilled in the sink.

If you and God were a young couple arguing as much as you argue with him, I'd say just get married already. Get a room!

ok buddy here it is:
re⋅li⋅gion  [ri-lij-uhn] Show IPA
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
6. something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.
7. religions, Archaic. religious rites.
8. Archaic. strict faithfulness; devotion: a religion to one's vow.
9. get religion, Informal.
a. to acquire a deep conviction of the validity of religious beliefs and practices.
b. to resolve to mend one's errant ways: The company got religion and stopped making dangerous products.

there you go if you think any of that has to do with my beliefs than you are as dense of a person than I have ever met. Also if I say I don't think there is a god, but I don't know for sure because no one can right now how is that contradictory? that would be the same as you saying I believe but wish I could prove it. For the last damned time Atheism is not a religion you moron, you see the definition of it up there? none of it applies. What are you going to say the people at have a conspiracy against religion too? We don't recruit We don't really gather at least I don't I just believe differently than most end of story I don't worship the god of there being no god, I don't pay tithe. or build temples to my non existant god. I don't worship anything get that dude? NOTHING! I believe I need to live my life the best I can because I want to not because someone else tells me I should it is common sense. So that's right i don't believe and until I am given a solid shred of proof to the contrary it isn't even open for discussion. So you believe what you want to believe and I will just live my life, but don't come around telling me the way I think is a religion just because you can't wrap your small mind around life without a religion.
I do not know if God exists.

I've never, not once, not ever said "God does not exist".

-seriously, what do you not understand about that?

It's a seven word sentence... nothing could be more simple. (except maybe Babs)
LOL, post your link. We'll let others decide who is simple in mind and intellect.
May all your fellow atheists join the force, hahahaha.
Don't forget to look out for those SCARY belivers in the word of Christ!!!!
"No one gets to live their lives with no rules." - Wow! That really does sound like something you'd hear a tyranical dictator say. Point where I said "NO RULES". I said "MY RULES".

The thing is, Babs, what you see as a "rule" I see as simply common sense. I don't need a "rule" or a "law" in society to tell me what to do and what not to do. If we had no murder law, do you think I'd be out there every day, just murdering people because there's nothing in society that tells me not to?

Wtf? Hopefully now you can see why people like me think people like you are such terrible people. Let me lay it all out for you...

-you claim your own belief system is superior to all others, without even following it yourself

-you show your true colors every time you make such stupid comments, you need someone to tell you what is right and wrong, you are incapable of figuring such things out for yourself. There is a day when we all need to grow up little girl, and make our own decisions and be held accountable for our OWN actions.

-you admit that if there were no laws, you would not be a moral person, which is why you can't imagine a peaceful world without them

-to top it all off, every single post you make is either taking something completely out of context, like you did with my last post, where I wasn't advocating any such thing as a lawless society, just that people should live by their own "rules", while still abiding by the "laws" of established society (most of them anyway), lying about established facts, projecting and making claims without ever producing anything to back it up, claiming moral superiority when you lack the knowledge needed to understand what the very word "moral" even means, or just virtual circle jerking yourself with your own little comments you think pass off for irony or witt... two more things you don't understand...
-you show your true colors every time you make such stupid comments, you need someone to tell you what is right and wrong, you are incapable of figuring such things out for yourself. There is a day when we all need to grow up little girl, and make our own decisions and be held accountable for our OWN actions.

How does everyone get to make their own rules and still no one is accountable genius?
I really don't need someone to tell me the difference between right and wrong.
You on the otherhand are a completely different case to be considered.
You're the kind of person who lets go with a NOT guilty verdict because a shrunken glove doesn't fit.:sleep::sleep::sleep:
...and cry RACIST as an added defense.