i love you all. it sounds fucked up cuzz i never met yall, but yall are down with me!!!!!!!!!!!! court went decent. and i took a drug test im pretty sure i passed. havent smoked in 11 days. and gave them str8 water from my cock!!!! now i will celebrate with one of my michocan sativas i harvested about 3 days ago a slab of hash and a nice glob of oil. thank all you soo much for the love and support. to my chicagoins and beyond.
mucxh much love. and howak you are very welcome. i knew you were the right man for the job. and poplars to.
Suhhhhweeet! Dude, that fuckin rocks man. I bet that's a weight lifted.
I actually came to check this thread first this morning, and will probably now spend more time on RIU....EVEN THOUGH I should be typing a six page paper on a 600 page book I haven't read yet, which is due tomorrow.
I never procrastinate...hahaha!
Anyways, good to see you did ok in court man.
And Howak, your shit is looking sicker by the day man. You should do a slideshow animation showing the growth and flowering, that would look awesome!
Ok, I seriously got to go type the shit out of this paper.