THC Bomb: One Plant Outside


Well-Known Member
Sun Sept 20......few pics; weather kicking ass and should be able to finish the week out this week.........


I will attempt to get some much better close-ups before I chop, in a week or so. Sorry, these are all zoomed and really takes away the beauty of this girl.......

Have a great week:peace:


Well-Known Member
shes a beauty very nice color the rain is killing me in 9 days its rained 7 we have had flash floods and all kinds of shit were im at. and living on the lake dont help. she got nice and fat and a good color purple. im hoping my weather holds out ill prob chop the into the wild this week. ive been having so many problems with my indoor i cant do shit but try and fix it. ill try and update soon.


Well-Known Member
hi mate, very nice plant, done thc bomb indoors, makes lots of resin and loves lst, crossed it with a bubblegum and called it a bubblebomb,hope the rain stops soon for you.


Well-Known Member
shes a beauty very nice color the rain is killing me in 9 days its rained 7 we have had flash floods and all kinds of shit were im at. and living on the lake dont help. she got nice and fat and a good color purple. im hoping my weather holds out ill prob chop the into the wild this week. ive been having so many problems with my indoor i cant do shit but try and fix it. ill try and update soon.
Sorry to hear that, grodrowithme! And your inside too, eh..? I need to get over to your journel and see what's been happening......things will turn around!! And on your outside girls, I hope you avoid any molds and sh*t!!
I've been pretty burried myself----dealing with smell issues so bad I was going to go back to that SS and MoonFlower I used to grow.....this WW is just killing everything I can throw at it. Finally got it 100% I believe...... I run it all into a dump room and running the ozone generator 24/7 in this room, then it all gets filtered with a new can50......then out, and still almost a faint smell when it's hot-------guessing too many stinky budzzzzzz, haha!----> cant even get an odor of ozone when lights are on. It's the uvo3nair 1000, if your familier with them. Tested it in the house and it kicks ass.......go figure, huh......


Well-Known Member
hi mate, very nice plant, done thc bomb indoors, makes lots of resin and loves lst, crossed it with a bubblegum and called it a bubblebomb,hope the rain stops soon for you.
Thanks for the kind words and info, del66666! onenumcat, who used to frequent this site, grew quite a bit of it indoors and lst'd it and was very happy with it and the smoke. I even thought his buds looked a bit skinny, not nearly as fat as these have gotten. I never really gave it much chance because it didn't blend with my set-up, stretched too much too fast and all. Outside it is fine.....I just cant justify the time or space for it in my indoor atm.....though I am sure the sativa really must come out in the smoking. I grow mostly in an a GH AreoFlo and diy aero and this stuff just goes too fast and too tight of space to lst---I barely get up a pvc frame as it is, then the hedge trimmers come out, jk, haha>!
Happy Growing to you!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
oh yeah..........haha, too purple??

......just clouding looks good for 10+days.....



Well-Known Member
.......well, looks like rain from here out---hasn't started yet but I am going to go chop her down. She has webs all over......Fearing mites....though no signs of damage but cant chance getting them on anything and bringing them must 'suit-up' and find a place to hang her from......

This was yesterday, or three days ago......:eyesmoke:

A little side bud........purple, purple.......mmmmmmm

I will attempt to get some better pics finally and get them up this week sometime----have other shyte going on atm......



Well-Known Member
done very well and amazing colors. ive been bout busy as you can be ima try and update tomorrow sometime? nice though.


Well-Known Member
done very well and amazing colors. ive been bout busy as you can be ima try and update tomorrow sometime? nice though.
Thanks bro! Yeah, and I hope you get your update in-----was wondering wtf, and your luck hasn't been the best'll all pay off though!!:mrgreen:

I should have a yield by this weekend, Wemp. I am changing my original guesstimate to right at 2 zips....... I will do my best to get some good pics.....she really is cool, one of the cooler plants I've had the pleasure to grow----and I didn't do anything but put out the last clone of a strain I had tried to grow.......

Anyway, she's been down for 48hrs now, hanging in a costco canopy bldg. I need to get her trimmed up and in here to dry hopefully tonight..... I need to get my indoor stuff taken care of first, then I can concentrate on the THCB girl, and any critters that may be on her-------I am so fricken paranoid of the borg.....



Well-Known Member
dude my luck is changing though yay me :bigjoint: an knock on wood lol. i got a lot of new stuff pretty much a complete room without the room. lots of very nice t5s an aero 20 Co2 all kinds of goodies my light mover (DAGAMBLER). i will be installing it all sunday/monday when i do bucket change. i will have both threads updated soon the outdoor is kinda heart breaking i'll tell you about that later.:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
dude my luck is changing though yay me :bigjoint: an knock on wood lol. i got a lot of new stuff pretty much a complete room without the room. lots of very nice t5s an aero 20 Co2 all kinds of goodies my light mover (DAGAMBLER). i will be installing it all sunday/monday when i do bucket change. i will have both threads updated soon the outdoor is kinda heart breaking i'll tell you about that later.:eyesmoke:


What happened to the outdoor?!

And good to hear about all the new stuff.



Well-Known Member
What happened to the outdoor?!

And good to hear about all the new stuff.

shhhhh.......I think were trying to forget about it, well, keeping it in mind at least for the learning's sake. JK!! I believe it was weather mainly, and like massive amounts of rain and he had some huge plants too ......grodro, if I am not mistaken, has abandoned the journel he had running on his outdoor(or at least I did, haha-it hasn't been bumped since I posted a couple of weeks ago).
Now you may want to check his current journel in his sig, I believe....but @ He has some really neat new stuff to play with and is off to a great start(restart? :mrgreen:) and I think is really gonna have some killer grows upcoming, some excellent strains too!
Now I better run off to another site before he catches me:peace:


Well-Known Member
the outdoor is still going ill get some pics up soon. its either reterted strain or a 12 to 14 week finisher. they look 100% sativa there just now starting to form trichs on them. and my indoor got about a week ahead of me im playing catch up trying to change buckets get all the lights up and all. ill be starting a journal soon as i started flowering yesterday so im moving out of the design thread. illpost a link.


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:........yeah, yeah........haha, still dont have the THCB curing..... I checked it awhile ago and it is dry nicely. I ended up putting a trouble light int the tote with it to help with the RH and warm it up a bit. No mold!! Looks real sweet and smells that way too. And I will get it in the house tomorrow sometime and get a few pics of the buds before I start curing it.:mrgreen:

Thanks for checking out my plant and having patience on these last few posts of mine.....
I 've been having major issues with odor control on a room of WW and I finally got it under control after trying everything........The key word here is BigBlue !! Yeah, almost $450, but worth her weight in gold......kicks ass where nothing else would. If the filters or smaller generators dont do the trick for you-----this will; it's all you need.......but always think of back up too.....



Well-Known Member
what is the big blue ?
Big Blue

(From manufacturer)
The BIG BLUE 8 inch is our most popular model. This polished stainless steel ozonator has 3 UV-C germicidal lamps. Each with its own high powered ballast. Adjustable ozone output; each bulb is individually controlled. This redundant fail-safe feature means you are never without odor control. Great for larger spaces and faster results in smaller spaces. This unit measures 20” X 8” in diameter. Recommended fan size of up to 800 cfm. The BIG BLUE 8 produces up to 2250 mg/hr. MSRP $450.00

It works VERY well. I go in my dump room and nothing......I mean nothing---even got the ozone toned down to about the right level where I dont even smell it.......
