Anyone eat Peyote?


Well-Known Member
Doctor, I just wanted to say your words don't fall on deaf ears. What I wouldn't give to take part in a shamanistic experience with a guide and a hallucinogenic! I haven't tripped in a long time because I know I haven't been in the right state of mind, but also because I've never met another real "psychonaut" or anyone who really embraces hallucinogenics or even weed the way I do. Keep on passing the knowledge. +rep
Aww if you embraced hallucinogens that much you would do it alone. =D

The Good Doctor

Active Member
All tribes and nationalities used to have this experience. Its the loss of this that breaks us as people. We do not have rights of passage, beyond buying an SUV and Masterbation.

Wether through substance, pain, ritual etc. they all had this type of ritual. Now. . . . meh, I guess the man is winning.

The Good Doctor

Active Member
To RC Mechanic

Im not sure what you are trying to say, but I just busted your bs wide open in our personal conversations. You said that pshycedelics could not be synthesized and that I was an idiot because I believed that they could be.

Anyone with 45 seconds of time, would look this up on the internet and know this is not the case. Read Eisner, either of the Mckennas, Shulgin or for that matter Leary before you are going to lecture me on any of this from now on. You know nothing, or at least little. You are good being mad, and easily upset. That isn't my fault, im just typing, not flicking your ear, or leaving shit on your door step.

Ok since you need the education, how about this, Ill give you a short list off the top of my head,

Synthetic mescaline, LSD(25 & 31), 5meo-amt, amt, Dmt, det, 2ct(2,7 or 21), DOET, 2cb, 2ci(1 & 4), 2cd, 2cc(1 & 2), Fucking DIPT, Tma 2, and like 130 others! ! !

Look it up, I experienced life, that is where my information comes from. If you don't believe it, waste 5 minutes before arguing for once and LOOK IT UP! ! ! Not just on a hippy forum, but in a real encyclopedia!

From your last message "Your the motherfucking moron who thinks the Dutch synthesized 2C-I to emulate the effects of average psychedelics. One, the Dutch didn't invent 2C-I and two, how do you make a chemical emulate the effects of a psychedelic. You must be the most retarded shaman I've ever met."

Well you got me on the Dutch thing, they just sold the shit out of it, and the Doctor who invented it was Shulgin himself(sounds really dutch). But you are as dumb as tits on a rock if you think there are not synthesized psychedelics. According to Doctor Timothy Leary there are over 130 synthesized mind altering pshychedelics. So.. .. give it up for once. You were ahead several posts ago, you should have left it alone.

RC Maniac

New Member
I am completely thru with the poster above. He is the most uneducated person I've have met on RIU, but seems to think he knows more than myself. He is very sadly mistaken. What you do with a person such as "Good Doctor" when they cross the line from being unfortunately ignorant to acting like a jackass is sever communicaton completely. After my final reply to the Private Message conversation I've just deleted his messages so his words have been in vain. Goodbye Good Doctor. It has been awful knowing you and I wish it could have been better but you attitude is too much.


Active Member
Great historical post on peyote THE GOOD DOCTOR!

I have read several articles saying that peyote is becoming desolate due to killing the crops. I remember my great psychonaut buddy had about 30 buttons 5 yrs ago...but I never knew about peyote then because I was a virgin to the psychedelic world. I really do regret not taking him up on that offer...although he was charging mad money for the cacti. I agree that their is a lot of hype of peeps saying they've tried peyote?

Painwrek...what part of Mexico did you get the buttons? Not region..the specific location?
Baja California Sur. In between Cabo San Lucas, and La Paz. In the holy land. After i posted this thread I ate about a 10 drops of liquid and chewed on the fuckin bottle like an animal. I still have about 3/4 of a sheet of some fluff, so i think i might pyramid them over about a week, and then eat a couple buttons after that. I really want to eat these little guys ( i have about 30), but the only thing I'm concerned about is turning into a wild beast and running around my property butt-ass naked, catching strange looks from my not so close neighbors.

Anyway, I've got some pretty funny trip art from last night, i'll post in a little bit.

The Good Doctor

Active Member
You can get most of the information online for simple extraction.

Anyone who doesn't think you could synthesize pschedelics, knows nothing or little about them.

Good Day.

RC Maniac

New Member
It's not poisonous.

Doesn't require a great deal of preperation or really any to eat and come out of the trip perfectly fine.

It can be bought online.

But I do definitelly agree with the statement dealing with the dwindling population.


Active Member
yea i don't know what the big fkn deal is. it's not like i bought these buttons from some jerk off on martin luther king boulevard. i met an indian medicine man, and after spending all day speaking terrible spanish with him he came to the conclusion that i was ready for MESCALITO and gave me his blessing. These are his personal teachers, the sorcerer wore a huge necklace of buttons, to which he simply removed and generously passed them on to me.(not all of them people, this was like a 100 button necklace). point being that i don't need to sit in a sweat lodge and have a babysitter to visit the spirit world. this man peered into my soul and saw that i was ready. i've spent my whole adulthood in search of this teacher, and when i stopped searching, it found ME. damn.....i'm ripped.


Well-Known Member
yea i don't know what the big fkn deal is. it's not like i bought these buttons from some jerk off on martin luther king boulevard. i met an indian medicine man, and after spending all day speaking terrible spanish with him he came to the conclusion that i was ready for MESCALITO and gave me his blessing. These are his personal teachers, the sorcerer wore a huge necklace of buttons, to which he simply removed and generously passed them on to me.(not all of them people, this was like a 100 button necklace). point being that i don't need to sit in a sweat lodge and have a babysitter to visit the spirit world. this man peered into my soul and saw that i was ready. i've spent my whole adulthood in search of this teacher, and when i stopped searching, it found ME. damn.....i'm ripped.
Ahhh the majestic powers of being stoned... true realizations can occur...

Andy Warhol can tesify to that ;)

You story seems very plausible! I would love to go on a road trip of sorts and find "her!" She is dwindling fast and my chance to copulate with her is drawing nears end!


Active Member
Ahhh the majestic powers of being stoned... true realizations can occur...

Andy Warhol can tesify to that ;)

You story seems very plausible! I would love to go on a road trip of sorts and find "her!" She is dwindling fast and my chance to copulate with her is drawing nears end!
give me a holler if you ever come to cabo. i'm sure we can get you taken care of.


Well-Known Member
I took peyote with a friend in 1991, the buttons were brought back from Mexico by an associate who was studying towards his anthropology phd on Yaqui Indians.

The 'trip' was very deep and intense and far less toxic than your normal acid trip. Time is irrelevant, meaningless and two dimensional-meaning past and future events seemed to occur simultaneously. Motor functions were highly impaired, so most of the time we sat by a fire on the beach in Cornwall. Thoughts became visions and vice versa. Come down was ok but long with stomach issues, not like strictnine mushroom trips though. Afterwards you felt older and wiser, or at least I did!


Active Member
I took peyote with a friend in 1991, the buttons were brought back from Mexico by an associate who was studying towards his anthropology phd on Yaqui Indians.

The 'trip' was very deep and intense and far less toxic than your normal acid trip. Time is irrelevant, meaningless and two dimensional-meaning past and future events seemed to occur simultaneously. Motor functions were highly impaired, so most of the time we sat by a fire on the beach in Cornwall. Thoughts became visions and vice versa. Come down was ok but long with stomach issues, not like strictnine mushroom trips though. Afterwards you felt older and wiser, or at least I did!
how many buttons did you eat?


Well-Known Member
Strictnine mushroom trips? am I unaware or do mushrooms present this toxin? Please educate me if i am wrong... but this sounds like voodoo to me!

The Doors movie is coming to play when their in the desert and Mr. Morrison is led to a cave where is jerked around by a native!