indoor afghan

dude my nose is stuffed right now and i can still smell her sweet stank if i get close enough. i've got window sill basil and rosemary so you can't smell a thing unless your in there with them.
Thanks bro, I still got plenty of that shit...It's great, but I'm all about some new smoke now that I got 3 diff plants goin..
right on, its always nice to have something new. the mother i got these from was with her first clipping of clones and i'm not sure if any other survived, so i'm psyched to get something completely new to me. i attached a few pics of the kush i'm smoking on right now.



Active Member
Whatup NLBOMBER, Your grow is fukin fabulous! I'm definitely taking any tips from you. I've just ordered Seedsman Orig Afghani #1 on Monday. I just love they way the Afhgani leaves has that dark green, greasy, shiny, plastic look ya know? I can't wait to grow me some dank greasy buds! I'm actually going to be doing a small cubby grow that involves a 250w (trading my 400w due to security reasons). Will be my 1st doing a small grow & with the Afghani strain! Keep us posted NLBOMBER!

had a mold scare, but i used ground cinnamon, i read up on it online and it worked awesome. next day the little white fuzz in my soil went away. i caught it soon there was only a couple spots in the soil when i poked around out of curiosity but now they are gone, thankfully!
from the previous pic posts should i be trimming off any of the bigger plant? i'm not quite sure. any advice would be awesome.


Lookin good bro, I would leave em alone. They are super healthy!
sweet just checking, they're super frosty man i'm getting psyched about these. they're on about week 3 now maybe 3 1/2. i'm thinking of letting them go about 8-9 weeks total. i'm not sure but it sounds about average to me.


Well-Known Member
thats what i figured. had to ask someone with more experience though to settle the thought. how big would you expect them to grow with the set up i have?
Look like afghani for sure dude! Im also growing afghani #1, and wasnt sure how much they were going to grow during flowering.
Whats the smell like from them? Even in veg. they were smelling lovley! It was reg. seeds i got so not sure yet on the sex of them. but hoping to get 2 females out the 3, and also got 3 fem. CH9 Citral Skunk, which is a Hindu Kush x CH9 Flower x p13. (G-13 cross). Hopefully no hermies there! The last couple mates i know that got fem seeds of net, got more hermies than anything! One guy got a 10 pk of Cali Orange and got 10 hermies!:cuss: