1st grow, indoor AK-48 (fem)/ Kiwiskunk closet (pics)


Well-Known Member
i recomend plucking the dead leafss
In my opinion your soil is almost definatley too "hot" for small plants and seedlings. You mentioned that it was a timed release fertiliser soil with enough for 3 months worth of growth WITHOUT nutrient so the last thing you should be doing is adding more!!
There is not much you can do now apart from hope they are strong enough to pull through(which I think they are with you obvious care and attention) as every time you water you are activating more nutrient release and effectively burning your plants, i'm suprised no one on here has picked up on that.
I think you'll be fine, continue to water but DO NOT add any more nutrients, best of luck:peace:


Active Member
Day 26

The ladies are recovering, and new growth is really starting to take shape. I will probably start the flowering cycle after this week. The rate at which the plants are recovering is pretty amazing. I just hope this trend continues. I probably will not be adding more nutes the next time I water. The last thing I need is for them to get nute burn. Here are the pics!





Active Member
Day 27

My ladies are on the rebound, more growth and its looking healthy! I could not be more happy with the turn around that they are doing. I went ahead and watered both plants for the first time in 3 days. I am trying to adhere to the completely dry and then water method. So far its working out of me. I just have to resist the temptation to water my plants when i see dry top soil.

So here are the pics. Let me know what you think



Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
In my opinion your soil is almost definatley too "hot" for small plants and seedlings. You mentioned that it was a timed release fertiliser soil with enough for 3 months worth of growth WITHOUT nutrient so the last thing you should be doing is adding more!!
There is not much you can do now apart from hope they are strong enough to pull through(which I think they are with you obvious care and attention) as every time you water you are activating more nutrient release and effectively burning your plants, i'm suprised no one on here has picked up on that.
I think you'll be fine, continue to water but DO NOT add any more nutrients, best of luck:peace:
I thought his medium was soiless... Yeah if you have timee release soil or fertilized soil you should prob not water


Active Member
Day 30

Sorry about the lack of updates, I was pretty damn busy over the weekend and although I really wanted to update I was unable. My ladies have exploded with growth in 3 days. I think its time to start flowering. I am going to do one more day of veg then will start on a 12/12 light cycle. My CFLs can't support much larger plants, and they will grow during flowering as well. 1 plant stands at 7 inches tall and the other is 6 inches tall. Both of them are on there 7th alternating node. By all accounts I should have started flowering a week ago but I wanted to make sure they got through the shock of transplanting and the overwatering I did around day 17. Both of them have recovered and are on the fast track. So that's what lead me to make the decision to go ahead and start the flowering cycle. Here are the new pics of my ladies!



